p1xel8ted-Namify icon


Greatly expand the selection of names to choose from when naming followers! Requires an internet connection due to API usage.


0.1.3 - 25/01/2024

  • Fixed names being generated as first and last name.

0.1.2 - 21/01/2024

  • Added ability to add your own names. User-generated/added names are stored in their own list.
  • Added ability to manually generate a new list of names.
  • Added ability to reload the list of names from file.
  • Added button to open a specific name file. It will use whatever you have used in the past to open a json file. Notepad etc is fine.
  • Name lists are now saved unencrypted. This is to allow users to edit the files themselves.

0.1.1 - 20/01/2024

  • Maintenance update for Sins of the Flesh

0.1.0 - 19/10/2022

  • Initial release