Tool for creating custom room files, which can be put into the game to generate new rooms.
- Fixed issue causing placeable object property data not being read properly, causing rooms to have objects missing or no objects at all.
- Fixed property tab not being rendered correctly, along with 1-2 property related bugs.
- Changed how panning / zoom in / zoom out works internally to prevent an issue where certain things would stop rendering.
- Added new Godray placeable. (Will only work with Alexandria versions past 0.4.4)
- Hopefully fixed RAT not working for some reason? No idea about this one.
- Small internal changes to the cultist placeables to hopefully match the ones that get placed ingame.
- Moved changelog to its own file.
- Updated github link to the RAT project currently being updated.
- Fixed Rat Maze rooms being generated at the wrong size.
- Note: Unity did a whoopsie and fucked with the project a little so if something looks wrong lemme know, i tried to fix anything i could find.
- Fixed error that caused nodes to potentially not appear when loading a room.
- Fixed error related to certain properties with pathing based objects.
- Hopefully finally fixed issues relating to adding custom assets.
- Reworded overriding custom assets panel.
- Increased the size of the notification pop-up.
- Fixed bug relating to ambient light values not saving properly.
- Added "Pause movement for X seconds here" property to Nodes.
- Added "Pause movement for X seconds after reachning Node" property to several pathing objects.
- Hopefully fixed issue with importing custom assets repeatedly in the same session.
- Made custom assets no longer blurry.
- Fixed custom placeable input box not being the right shape.
- New:
- Added unused Grass Tile.
- Holding Shift while hovering over a Floor Visual Image for visual layouts now creates a larger version of that image for looking at.
- Added nullcheck for custom enemies.
New Copy Tool
New Brush Size option
New Tile Descriptions option
New Placeable tiles
New Traps
New Pathing Traps
Drop Traps
New Decorations
New NPCs
New Special Objects
Custom Lighting
Door Entrances / Exits
Control Visual Subtypes
New Room Pools
New Properties
New QoL features
Many fixes in regards to Nodes.
Some other stamm stuff