Amorously-WaveRoarFix icon


Enables the unused Snatcher, Immortal, Nightmare Striker, and Nightmare Shooter distant wave roars

Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 676
Total rating 1 
Categories Rundown Mods
Dependency string Amorously-WaveRoarFix-1.0.2
Dependants 3 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-3.2.1 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 3.2.1



  • Replaces the distant roar sounds for Snatchers, Pablo/Immortal, Nightmare Strikers, and Nightmare Shooters
  • Also fixes the wave roars for Megamom (uses Birther), Nightmare Giant and Nightmare Baby (uses N_Striker), and Nightmare Scouts (uses N_Shooter)
  • Note that WaveRoarFix is also incorporated into EEC and will disable itself if EEC is installed in the same profile
  • Both host and clients need to have this plugin installed, otherwise incorrect wave roar sounds may play



  • WaveRoarFix will now use the enemy name instead of enemy ID to ensure better compatiblility with modded rundowns


  • Added Nightmare Scouts to use Nightmare Shooter's wave roar