Mattyan-WW2EnemyFactionSR icon


Enemy faction for SupplyRaid, based on Grumbly GI Grayson.

By Mattyan
Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 1034
Total rating 1 
Categories Characters
Dependency string Mattyan-WW2EnemyFactionSR-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Packer-SupplyRaid-1.0.3 icon

Supply Raid Gamemode, with native H3MP support

Preferred version: 1.0.3



The supply raid faction based on Grumbly GI Grayson from Take&Hold.

Enemy troops use WW2 sosiguns.

They don't wear body armor, so a little easier to play with revolvers, pistols, SMGs, and so on. However, the number of enemies is large, just like Popsicles, and close combat may be a little difficult. If necessary, please adjust the multiplier on the settings screen before sortie.

Intended to be played about 5 round.

Feedback: X(Twitter): @mattyanorg