Settings Overview

Updated a year ago

Settings Overview

An overview of each of the Map Generators settings, its worth taking note that each category of objects are selecting each object randomly from their respective pools, only Themes can weight the chances of certain objects spawning in those pools


Simple setting to adjust the volume of the themes background sound, this does not adjust any other volume


Setting Description Notes
Seed Set to a random number to randomize current settings R button randomizes the seed
Map Size The size in meters squared (Unity Units) of the map to be generated Larger the map the more spread out spawned objects will be
Terrain Pieces Amount of Terrain pieces that will appear across the terrain (Currently not in Snow Fields Theme) Terrain pieces are placed before any other objects in this list and can have objects placed on top of them
Environmental Amount of Trees, Rocks, bushes or anything naturally occurring in an environment Environmental objects will only spawn on the Terrain and Terrain Pieces
Structures Amount of structures, buildings or other large objects in the theme Structures contain a component that has spawning infomation for Gamemodes such as Supply Raid so Sosigs and objects can properly spawn in them
One Of a Kind A single structure or object unique to the theme, usually something large or thematic It will only spawn 1 from the One of a Kind pool of objects, no matter how many themes are enabled
Interior Props Percentage of props to appear in each Structure Each structure has places props can spawn and the percentage is per structure
Exterior Props Amount of outside objects such as tents, chairs, boxes or small props that will spawn on the terrain Exterior Props will only spawn on the Terrain and Terrain Pieces
Central Hub A hub structure that spawns in the center of the map acts as a spawn point with SR Static Point
Capture Points Used for Supply Raid/Gamemodes, divides map evenly for each capture zone locations to spawn in Most Sections are setup in a 3x3 grid, capture zone placement is random within those sections and can be nearby other capture zones
City Grid Forces structures to spawn on a grid and rotate randomly on 90 degree intervals Structures can sometimes spawn inside each other
City Spacing The distance in meters(Unity Units) that each building will be placed from each other Structures can clip each other is spacing is too small
Edge Extraction If standing on the edge of the map a countdown appears that after completing will teleport the player back to the spawn room Feature for safehouse extractions, changing the time of day or saving tested generation profiles
SR Static Point Forces the first Supply Point to be the permanent player Supply Point Use in conjunction with Central Hub for a center base
Red Down Arrow Button For Modders: Used to test navigation of generation, can be toggled on and off safely at any point A sosig sized navigation agent that follows the player to make sure navigation is possible for imported assets


Profiles are an important part of the map generator system allowing for ease of use. You can load and save profiles of current settings (Except time of day). Loading doesn't occur until the load button has been pressed

Saved profiles can be found in your profile/BepInEx/Plugins/Packer-Packers_MapGenerator/ folder as .mappro files. These files can exist in any folder in the plugins folder and will be found by the map generator, so they are easily packaged in mods or shared with other people

Warning - You will lose your profiles when the map generator is updated, its worth backing up these files regularly. (This will be possibly fixed in the future)


Landscapes are how the terrain is formed, they can be chosen independently from Themes. They can vary from flat landscapes to very hilly. If no landscape is selected, a default terrain is chosen instead.


Themes are what make up the objects spawned throughout the map. Themes can be both full themes with all categories filled with objects or sometimes an addon theme adding more of a certain object to a pool. They are versatile so read the descriptions when you select them. It is possible to select no theme if you only want the landscapes.

The "Main" theme is the first theme chosen, this theme will be used for the skybox model, background sounds and the terrain textures among other small details

Time Manager

Setting Description Notes
Time Progresses If enabled, time will start progressing, best left off until you are ready Can be toggled on and off at any time
Night Light Level How bright the night time is, set to 0 for pitch black night, set to 0.4(Default) for a half moon and 1.0 for a full moon Adjustable for everyone's needs
Day Length Time in minutes how long a full day rotation takes
##:## Current time of the day Also known as a clock
Hour Set the current hour of the day
Minutes Set the current minutes of the day