Develop Sections

Updated a year ago

Develop Sections

Sections are the way to split categories into different regions to organize configurations.

They are only used for organization and visualization purposes.

Creating Sections

If you don't care about the section that much you can use the easy access method to create one section.

CSection page = ConfigAPI.CreateSectionAuto("Name", myCategory);

However if this method does not fit your needs, you can use the section builder.

CSection section = new CSectionBuilder() {
    ID = "my-mod-name_section_section-name",
    Name = "My section"
    Category = CCategory.Default,

You can also make use of the disposable object pattern:

public static void CreatePage() {
    using CPageBuilder builder = new CSectionBuilder();
    ID = "my-mod-name_section_section-name",
    Name = "My section"
    Category = CCategory.Default,


These parameters are everything that you can choose to modify for the section.

  • string ID:
    The unique identifier for this section definition, no other existing section should have the same value, I recommend using the ID convention [mod-name]_section_[section-name].

  • string Name:
    The name that will be shown in the in-game menu.

  • string Category / CCategory CCategory:
    The category that this section belongs to (can be set to null to use the default one).

Get Existing Sections

Some times you might just want to get sections provided by other mods. You can check if a section is registered by other mod calling:

if (ConfigAPI.TryGetSection("other-mod_section_some-name", out CSection section)) {
    // The section exists and has been stored into "section"
} else {
    // The section does not exist