Creating your first configuration
Updated 11 months agoCreating your first configuration
This tutorial will guide you on how to create your first configuration using the mod.
Project setup
For this tutorial we are going to use NuGet to download Configurable Company.
Always make sure to download the latest version, it might not match the one shown in the image.
On our visual studio project we are going to add the package using the Manage NuGet packages button.
If the API does not appear, make sure you have set your package origins to ALL or
Once we have downloaded the latest version we now need to mark it as a BepInEx dependency.
We should go to our PluginClass
and add a new BepInDependency
for Configurable company.
It should look something like this:
[BepInPlugin("MY_PLUGIN_GUID", "my_plugin", "1.0")]
public class MyPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin {
public void Awake() {
// Your plugin should do whatever you want
Creating the configuration
If we correctly setup the project, we can now use and create configurations.
In this example, we are going to create a class called PluginConfigs
(you can name it however you want) that will hold our configurations.
You don't even need this class, you can create your configurations wherever you want as long as you reference it.
public class PluginConfigs {
Now we are going to add a new configuration that will allow the user to input any number.
public class PluginConfigs {
public CConfig NumberConfig = new CConfigBuilder() {
ID = "my-mod_config_any-number",
Value = 10, // Some configurations as this one will automatically detect their type
Type = CTypes.DecimalNumber(), // Most of the times you wont need to specify the type unless you want something special
Name = "Any number config",
Tooltip = "Set any number, no limits",
Synchronized = true // If you want this value to be synchronized between clients
That's all we need to start, now lest create this object in our plugin.
[BepInPlugin("MY_PLUGIN_GUID", "my_plugin", "1.0")]
public class MyPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin {
public static PluginConfigs Configs = new PluginConfigs();
public void Awake() {
Accesing the configuration
Once we have our configurations ready, we might as well use them for something. In this example we are going to display a message in the console with the value everytime the ship lands on a planet.
This tutorial will not be covering the basics of method patching, pleasle refer to Harmony patching to understand it's basics.
private static void OnShipLandedMiscEvents_Postfix(StartOfRound __instance)
Console.WriteLine($"Value from my configuration: {MyPlugin.Configs.NumberConfig.Get<int>()}");
As easy as that, you can now start creating your own configurations.
Advanced topics
Remember this is just a basic tutorial, ConfigurableCompany provides with a ton of options. If you need an in-depth tutorial I suggest reading the wiki pages individually depending on what would you want to do.
Feel free to ask the_ansuz on discord or open an issue at the github page.