User usage
Updated 10 months agoHow to open | Buttons | Pages | Tooltips | Presets | Configuration panel |
How to open
To open the menu you must go into the HOST
panel. There you will be able to see a button at the top-left of the screen. Clicking it will open the menu.
Using the in-game menu allows you to set a specific setting for your current file, you can have your first save with x10
enemy spawning and your second one with x0
enemy spawning.
As the image shows, configuration are split into pages (Seen at the top left of the image) and then into categories.
- Randomize: Allows you to set random values on the configurations and even use a seed for it.
- Save configurations: Saves the settings you changed.
- Reset to default values: Resets every configuration to the initial value.
- Restore saved values: Reverts back your modifications to the last saved configuration.
- Copy to clipboard: Allows you to share your current configurations by copying them to your clipboard.
- Paste from clipboard: Tries to read your clipboard for configurations and sets them.
You don't need to share configurations with your friends, they are automatically synchronized.
Pages are a form of categorization that split configurations between different panels. These are created by developers to split their configurations but have no functional difference.
The tooltip shows the configuration name, a description on what it does and some tags with extra information. These tags can be:
- Experimental: Configurations that are not fully tested and may produce errors will display this tag.
- Default: Shows the initial value from the configuration.
- Synchronize with client: If that configuration needs to be synchronized with other players to work (This means they need the mod, otherwise they don't).
- Randomizable: If a configuration can be randomized it will display this tags, non-randomizable configurations will not change their value when randomized.
- Green tag: A green text represents what values does the configuration accept.
Presets are the formal way to share configurations with your profile or modpack. You can create as many as you want, load, save or share them with the profile code or file. It contains three buttons:
- Load preset: Overrides all the configurations with values from the selected preset.
- Save preset: Saves all your changes and creates or updates the selected preset with these values.
- Delete preset: Remove a preset file from the disk permanently.
The selected preset appears in orange at the top panel, you can write in it to create a new preset with a name.
When saving a preset, it uses the saved values from all your configurations, that means that you must first save the values you have set before creating the preset.
Configuration panel
The configuration panel is where you can modify settings.
It is divided into categories and section whose only purpose is to let you, the user, access everything without scrolling too much to find your configurations.
The configurations will have their name, an input section to modify the value and some buttons.
The first button will reset the configuration to the default value and the second button will revert the configuration to the previous saved value.