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AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.4.5 icon


Provides an in-game config menu for players to edit their configs, and an API for other mods to use and customize their entries.

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 1.4.5
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Downloads 31642
Dependency string AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.4.5

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


LethalConfig Icon


LethalConfig is a mod configuration menu that allows players to edit their configs from within the game. It also provides a simple API for developers to customize their mod and config entries.

Inspired by Rune580's RiskOfOptions


Supported Types

Currently, LethalConfig allows developers to add the following types of interfaces for ConfigEntry's:

Component Value Type ConfigItem Type
Integer Slider int IntSliderConfigItem
Integer Input Field int IntInputFieldConfigItem
Float Slider float FloatSliderConfigItem
Float Step Slider float FloatStepSliderConfigItem
Float Input Field float FloatInputFieldConfigItem
Text Input Field string TextInputFieldConfigItem
Hex Color Input Field string HexColorInputFieldConfigItem
Enum Dropdown Enum EnumDropDownConfigItem<>
Boolean Checkbox Enum BoolCheckBoxConfigItem
Generic Button - GenericButtonConfigItem

LethalConfig Menu Example
An example of the LethalConfig menu and its element types


Automatic generation

As of 1.1.0, LethalConfig automatically generates mod entries and detect all ConfigEntry's declared by said mods, and tries its best to generate the correct UI components.

It'll assign a default mod icon and will have a disclaimer in the mod's and config's descriptions about them being automatically generated and that they may require a restart, as there's no way for LethalConfig to tell if a setting will take effect immediately or not.

Unless you're a mod developer that wants to customize their mod icon and description, manually setup the UI components (e.g. use a slider instead of a number text field), or mark settings as non-restart required, you don't need to do anything else other than installing the mod.

Some types may not have a UI component developed for it yet. In these cases, LethalConfig will ignore the ConfigEntry. More types will be covered over time.

Setting up

To start using LethalConfig on your mod, add a reference on your project to the LethalConfig's dll file. You can get the dll by downloading the LethalConfig mod on Thunderstore.

To access the API, simply use the LethalConfig namespace or import it on your source file:

using LethalConfig;

It is also recommended to add a BepInDependency attribute to your plugin to hint BepInEx that your mod has a dependency to it:

[BepInPlugin(PluginInfo.Guid, PluginInfo.Name, PluginInfo.Version)]
public class MyVeryCoolPlugin: BaseUnityPlugin {

Adding a ConfigItem

With everything setup, you should now have access to the main LethalConfigManager and are able to add any of the available components you want.

First, you create your ConfigEntry from BepInEx like you would normally:

var configEntry = Config.Bind("General", "Example", 0, "This is an example component!");

With your ConfigEntry in hand, you can now create and register a new item to the menu by using the following method:

var exampleSlider = new IntSliderConfigItem(configEntry, new IntSliderOptions 
    Min = 0,
    Max = 100

And that's it, you now have created your first component! Slider example

LethalConfig automatically picks up some of your mod info, and it automatically creates sections based on the section of the provided ConfigEntry, so you do not have to worry about any extra setup in terms of layout.

ConfigItem restart requirement

By default, all items will be set to require a restart if changed. This will give a warning to the player once they apply the settings.

If you want your items to not be flagged as restart required, simply flag the constructor of the config items, either through the bool constructor overload or passing it inside the item's specific options:

// Using the slider options object
var exampleSlider = new IntSliderConfigItem(configEntry, new IntSliderOptions 
    RequiresRestart = false,
    Min = 0,
    Max = 100

// Using the bool constructor overload
var exampleSlider = new IntSliderConfigItem(configEntry, requiresRestart: false);

ConfigItem CanModifyCallback

By default all items can be modified at runtime without restriction. This may not be desirable for some mods as they might need to conditionally disallow modifications.

Mods can use the CanModifyCallback of the constructor of the config items.

var exampleCheckbox = new BoolCheckBoxConfigItem(configEntry, new BaseOptions
    CanModifyCallback = CheckboxCanModifyCallback

// This gets called everytime the config entry gets displayed in the UI.
private static CanModifyResult CheckboxCanModifyCallback()
    // Return true if the entry can be modified.
    // Return false if it should be modified.
    // When returning false You should also include a message for the reason
    // that the config entry cannot be modified.
    return (false, "Example reason");
    // you can also return only a bool, or CanModifyResult.True()/CanModifyResult.False(reason)

Disabling/Skipping Automatic Generation

You can skip automatic generation per ConfigEntry, Config section, or for your entire mod.

var configEntry = Config.Bind("General", "Example", 0, "This is an example component!");
var skippedConfigEntry = Config.Bind("Skip This Section", "Example 2", 0, "This is an example component!");

// skips automatic generation for the ConfigEntry.

// skips automatic generation for the Config section "Skip This Section".
LethalConfigManager.SkipAutoGenFor("Skip This Section");

// skips automatic generation for the calling mod.

Listening to setting changes

Note that players will most likely expect settings to take effect immediately if not prompted to restart. If you need to listen to changes to values of your configuration, ConfigEntry provides a mechanism for that:

configEntry.SettingChanged += (obj, args) =>
    logSource.LogInfo($"Slider value changed to {configEntry.Value}");

Generic buttons

You can use a GenericButtonConfigItem if you want to create a button item to run code when its clicked. You can use it to open custom menus for your mod or run some logic through a callback.

This item is not tied to any ConfigEntry, so you're expected to pass the section, name, and description of the item.

LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem(new GenericButtonConfigItem("Section", "ItemName", "Description", "ButtonText", () => 
    // Code you want to run when the button is clicked goes here.

Overriding display properties of items

Sometimes you may want to show configs in a different category, with a different name, or different description, without changing the underlying ConfigEntry instance.

LethalConfig allows you to modify these properties visually so that it shows whatever name, section and description you want.

var boolCheckBox = Config.Bind("Example", "Bool Checkbox", false, "This is a bool checkbox.");
var configItem = new BoolCheckBoxConfigItem(boolCheckBox, new BoolCheckBoxOptions
    Section = "General",
    Name = "Enable something",
    Description = "Does something interesting"

In the above example, the item will be displayed under the "General" section, with the "Enable something" name, and mousing over the item will show the new description. These are all visual changes, and the underlying entry is unnafected, making it possible to adjust names without having BepInEx create an entire new config for you.

Customizing mod's icon and description

LethalConfig automatically attempts to load your mod's icon and description from your Thunderstore manifest, but also allows you to override them.

To override your mod's icon in its entry, simply call LethalConfigManager.SetModIcon passing an instance of UnityEngine.Sprite. A sprite can be loaded from an AssetBundle.

var aVeryCoolIconAsset = assetBundle.LoadAsset<Sprite>("path/to/asset.png")

To override your mod's description, simply call LethalConfigManager.SetModDescription passing a string.

LethalConfigManager.SetModDescription("Very cool mod description!");

Building LethalConfig

If you want to contribute and/or need to build LethalConfig yourself, just open the project and import Lethal Company using the included ThunderKit. To do so, follow these steps to setup your project:

  • Clone the repository and open the project with Unity 2022.3.9f1.
    • If Unity asks if you want to open in Safe Mode at any point, click to ignore.
  • On the ThunderKit window that opened, go to ThunderKit Settings, set your game path and executable to your Lethal Company folder and exe file.
    • If the ThunderKit window didn't automatically open, you can find it on Tools > ThunderKit > Settings.
  • ThunderKit will prompt you to restart the project a couple of times. After the restarts, the project should be setup!

With the project setup, simply select the Publish pipeline and the LethalConfigManifest at the top of the project, then click execute. After it's done, it should generate a zip file under the ThunderKit/Staging folder containing the mod.

Pipeline and Manifest

Pipeline and Manifest

Issues and Suggestions

If you have an issue with LethalConfig, or want to suggest a feature, feel free to open an issue at the GitHub repository.

Alternatively, you can also leave your suggestions and issues on the LethalConfig post under the Mod Releases forum in the Unofficial Lethal Company Discord Server.



Version 1.4.5

  • Added new HexColorInputFieldConfigItem for hex color code strings with previews. (#56)
  • Fixed the config search bar showing sections that were hidden using the "show/hide" button when updating the search value. (#56)
  • Fixed the TextInputFieldConfigItem multi-line deleting the last character when clicking on another input field and fixed an error when the input field is empty and clicking on another input field. (#56)

Version 1.4.4

  • Added search bar for mods list and config setting. (#55)
  • Changed PluginInfo class from internal to public.

Version 1.4.3

  • Added config item to add a "show/hide" button to section headers. (#53)
  • Adjusted header appearance slightly (smaller & will now add ellipses to sections that have too long of a name) (#53)
  • Made it so string configs with "acceptable values" now correctly create dropdown config buttons automatically (#53)
  • Added some methods for adding config files that were generated later than awake (such as LLL & LethalConstellations) (#53)
  • Added config item to automatically hide config items at start when show/hide buttons are enabled. (#53)
  • Changed most info logs to debug.

Version 1.4.2

  • Reverted changes to most config item's constructors from #42, as it was an unintentional breaking change. (#47)

Version 1.4.1

  • Exposing BaseConfigItem#ApplyChanges, BaseConfigItem#CancelChanges, and BaseConfigItem#ChangeToDefault
  • Added optional Assembly argument for LethalConfigManager#AddConfigItem
  • Marking dynamically loaded mod icons as non-readable to improve memory usage.

Version 1.4.0

  • Updating config appearances whenever a ConfigEntry is modified directly.
  • Added QueueCustomConfigFileForAutoGeneration method, allowing the auto generation of configs for manually created config files.
  • Added new options to TextInputFieldOptions:
    • NumberOfLines Sets how many lines a text field can have. Setting it to 0 means no limit.
    • TrimText When true, automatically removes empty space from the start and end of the text.
  • Added new component TextDropDownConfigItem, which allows you to make a dropdown selector for strings (including configs with AcceptableValueList) (thank you @Kittenji)
  • Adjusted colors of the menu to be darker.
  • Added "Hide Lethal Config" config to disable LethalConfig in-game. This setting is only visible on the r2modman's config editor and is false by default.
  • Fixed issue where a mod couldn't have more than one generic button (comparison would always think they're the same).
  • Attempt to fix issue where configs would not be generated if a plugin's instance was null at the time of the generation.

Version 1.3.4

  • Fixed issue where some assemblies' depedencies could cause the UI to not load properly.
  • Fixed issue with sliders/numeric inputs not using the AcceptableValueRange, this time for real.

Version 1.3.3

  • Fixed uncommon issue where closing LethalConfig would make the main menu/quick menu unusable due to not being deactivated and blocking the UI raycasts.
  • Forcing LethalConfig to be set as the last sibling when it's opened. This ensures the menu will be shown above UI that may be added by other mods.

Version 1.3.2

  • Reverted type for slider and numeric input options from nullable.

Version 1.3.1

  • Fixed issue where duplicated fields were autogenerated when the section or name of the item was overriden
  • Fixed issue where providing an options objects to sliders without setting their min/max values would not fallback into the AcceptableValueRange of the entry if one was present.

Version 1.3.0

  • Added new GenericButtonConfigItem, which allows you to create a button that provides you with a callback to run your own code when it's clicked.
  • Added item's Section, Name, and Description overrides, which allows you to change what LethalConfig will show without changing the section, keys, or descriptions in your ConfigEntry directly.
  • Fixed issue when trying to automatically read the mod's icon and description from mods installed manually with their dll at the root of the BepInEx's plugins folder. (@Rune580)
  • Fixed exception caused in the quick menu when running LethalConfig with AdvancedCompany.

Version 1.2.0

  • LethalConfig now reads both the mod's icons and descriptions directly from its thunderstore manifest if one can be found. (@Rune580)
  • Added methods to make LethalConfig skip the autogeneration for your entire mod, a config section, or individual configs. (@Rune580)
  • Added callbacks to the ConfigItem's options to tell whether a field is modifiable or not. (@Rune580)
  • Added LethalConfig to the in-game quick menu.
  • Did a change to how the mod adds the menu button in the main menu, so it conflicts a bit less with other mods like LethalExpansion or IntroTweaks.

Version 1.1.0

  • Automatically generating mod entries and config items for all loaded mods that creates their own ConfigEntry. With this, mods technically don't have the need to necessarily have LethalConfig as a dependency unless they want to use specific components, mark certain settings as non-restart required, or want to set their mod icon and description.
  • Adjusted some layout stuff.
  • Fixed a bug with the initialization of sliders.
  • Added customizable mod icons and mod descriptions.

Version 1.0.1

  • Added two new config types:
    • IntInputConfigItem (an integer text field)
    • FloatInputConfigItem (a float text field)
  • Fixed missing default value in the enum dropdown's description.

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release, which includes the following types:
    • IntSliderConfigItem
    • FloatSliderConfigItem
    • FloatStepSliderConfigItem
    • EnumDropDownConfigItem
    • BoolCheckBoxConfigItem
    • TextInputFieldConfigItem