[v69] You have been specially assigned to sample the wonderful worlds around the Thistle Nebula!
1.2.0: Restructuring and Debugging
- Migrated dungeon injections from Central Config to Lethal Level Loader
- This might fix several desync issues I have seen and have had reports of. Let me know if they still occur.
- Added more RND assets:
- Ambient music for Snow moons. If you are gonna stay outside, it better feel cold audibly.
- Voice lines for 0 days left to quota, and FIRED
- Made solo play overall harder:
- Dungeons now have a minimum scaling of 0.8 times the original size for 1 player (was like 0.6 originally).
- This will spread out scrap and enemies. And make the apparatus more difficult to track down.
- Changed solace's difficulty rating from B-? to just B-. It just looked like an outlier, and the lore implications have already been removed.
- Adjusted moon descriptions for rosie's moons. Awesome lore, but it isn't consistent with the other moons. Left some of the important notes though.
- Changed Terra rebalance config to remove conflict potential with buttery rebalance.
- Changed buttery rebalance config to remove conflicts with Central Config.
- Fixed oversight with CabIn being common. It was added with moon tags accidently.
- (hopefully) Fixed oversight with cloudy weather not even being configured.
- Disabled BepInEx logger. I like the logger, just in case the game locks up. But it can be distracting. Enable it in the BepInEx.cfg file to check for errors.
- Removed rainy weather from aquatis. It just doesn't look right.
- Disabled and removed Liminal Pools. blah... Just heard the stinger and I was already on the fence.
- Added Castle Interior to aquatis. Let me know if there is a better interior for aquatis (besides Atlantian Citadel).
- Adjusted an enemy on rend...
- Adjusted some interior-themed enemy spawn weights and types.
- Probably messed with some other configs that I forgot about.
- Updated mods
- Updated Changelog
- Updated Readme
1.1.0: Rebalancing and Dissolving
- Phased out General improvements by adding:
- Buttery fixes
- OpenMonitors
- BetterShipScreens
- NoSellLimit
- SnapRotateFurniture
- Matty_Fixes
- LightningItemSlot
- Added CabIn, forgot this on initial upload somehow.
- Added more RND Assets, and lowered the volume of the voicelines.
- Added Buttery rebalance. Looks interesting.
- Removed SCP966, was kind of difficult to deal with in general, especially in the liminal pools interior.
- Partially reworked weather rarity: WeatherTweaks' crazy weather is half as common. Looking into other changes for the future.
- Nerfed the rolling giant, much slower, but a little less predicatable as all of its AI types have been enabled.
- Nerfed the spider: back to vanilla speed.
- Cleaned up cental config: some of the moon time scaling was weird.
- Adjusted enemy spawns on most moons: there was a jester outside on solace? nahh.
- Adjusted Late Game Upgrades: Each apparatus you pull should be one big upgrade rather than 2.
- Updated mods.
- Updated Readme to reflect changes.
- Probably something else I forgot about.
- Bumped mod updates. Revive company compat for Lethal Phones, awesome!
1.0.0: Releasing and Distributing
Initial release