CapyCat-Solos_Bodycams icon

Solos Bodycams

Replaces the ships internal camera (right monitor) with bodycams that are linked to the radar.

Last updated 4 months ago
Total downloads 1359089
Total rating 63 
Categories Mods Tools BepInEx Client-side
Dependency string CapyCat-Solos_Bodycams-1.0.5
Dependants 1937 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


-- Information

- This mod creates a camera that follows the player selected by the radar.

-- Configuration

- The config is located at "\BepInEx\config\SoloMods" in your thunderstore profile.
- Switch between helmet and chest camera positions by changing the "[CameraPlacement]" bool. (Helmet camera by default)
- Change the cameras resolution by changing the "[Camera Resolution]" int. (160 by default)
- WARNING: Changing resolution to anything higher than 160 can cause performance issues on lower end PCs.

-- Special thanks

- My fantastic patreon patron, Paiskii.

- The creator of the "Helmet Cameras" mod, RickArg, who is super nice. ( )

- The creator of the new icon, Sad Amazon.

- Aaaaand you, for playing my mod!

-- Changelog

- v1.0.5
	- I added another config! You can now change the cameras resolution.
	- The camera *should* no longerclip into things like MoreCompany cosmetics and chest straps..

- v1.0.4
	- I added a config! You can now switch between headcam, and bodycam.
	- Bodycams clip into the chest, showing the chest straps of the model currently. This will be fixed next update.

- v1.0.3
	- Put the cameras BACK on the players head, to avoid the stupid clipping i havent figured out how to fix.

- v1.0.2
	- Fixed what I broke in v1.0.1
	- Cameras are now placed on the players TORSO, instead of their HEAD. This allows both the mods name to make sense, and you can see the targets emotes (:
	- Returned the EXTERNAL ship camera to working order. Instead, i got rid of the INTERNAL ship camera, and switched the monitors displays.

- v1.0.1
	- Fixed some lag issues, optimized my garbage code.
	- Cameras no longer update when local player isn't on the ship (this makes ZERO gameplay difference, just saves on resources.

- v1.0.0
	- Release