Controls - HTC Vive

Updated 2 months ago

HTC Vive Controller Profile

Lethal Company Controls

Action PC VR Notes
Look Mouse Movement HMD Will use right joystick X for snap-turning
Move WASD, Arrow Keys Left Joystick
Jump Space Left Trigger
Sprint Shift (Disabled) Taken over by the mod, check VR Inputs below
OpenMenu Escape, Tab L Menu Button
Interact E (Disabled) Taken over by the mod, check VR Inputs below
Crouch Ctrl R Joystick Button
Use LMB R trigger
ActivateItem LMB R trigger
Discard G R Menu Button
SwitchItem ScrollY R joystick Y
ItemSecondaryUse Q L Grip Button
ItemTertiaryUse E R Grip Button
PingScan RMB L Grip Button
BuildMode B (Disabled)
Delete X (Disabled)
QEItemInteract Q, E (Disabled) Depricated since V45, Use secondary and tertiary use instead
EnableChat Slash (Disabled) Chat is just not something we want to do in VR
SubmitChat Enter (Disabled) Chat is just not something we want to do in VR
ReloadBatteries R (Disabled) Building mode prop rotating. In VR this uses Pivot in VR Inputs
InspectItem Z (Disabled) Only for clipboard, disabled because there's more important stuff
VoiceButton T (Disabled) IDK arbitary push to talk is not very favorable in VR
Emote1 1 (Disabled) Will not bother adding this into VR
Emote2 2 (Disabled) Will not bother adding this into VR
ConfirmBuildMode V (Disabled) Unused in the base game
SetFreeCamera C (Disabled) Most likely a developer only cheat
SpeedCheat H (Disabled) Most likely a developer only cheat

VR Controls

Action Bind Notes
Reset Height L Menu Button Recalculates the offset between your headset and the floor
Interact R Grip Button The grab and interact button for world interactables
Interact Left L Grip Button The grab and interact button for world interactables (left hand)
Turn R Joystick X Axis If you have snap/smooth turning enabled, this will determine the direction to rotate in
Pivot R Joystick Spectator camera pivoting and build mode prop rotating
Sprint L Joystick Button Must either be held down or toggled based on the configuration that is used

How to change controls

You can change controller bindings just like you would normally in Lethal Company.

Go to the settings, then press "Change keybinds", and scroll all the way down to the VR controls section.

You must be in VR to change VR controller bindings. Resetting the bindings will only reset the VR bindings, and will not touch keyboard/gamepad bindings.