DaXcess-LethalCompanyVR icon


Collecting Scrap in VR

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 616709
Total rating 92 
Categories Mods Misc BepInEx Client-side
Dependency string DaXcess-LethalCompanyVR-1.2.5
Dependants 377 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Lethal Company VR Mod

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This is the first mod that I have ever built, and also the first time using Unity so this mod might not be perfect.


Ready to immersive yourself into the horrors of Lethal Company with Virtual Reality? Well wait no longer!

LCVR is a mod that adds full 6DOF VR support into Lethal Company, including hand movement and motion-based controls.

The mod is powered by Unity's OpenXR plugin and is thereby compatible with a wide range of headsets, controllers and runtimes, like Oculus, Virtual Desktop, SteamVR and many more!

LCVR is compatible with multiplayer and works seamlessly with VR players and Non-VR players in the same lobby. Running this mod without having a VR headset will allow you to see the arm and head movements of any VR players in the same lobby, all while still being compatible with vanilla clients (even if the host is using no mods at all).

Open Source

The source code for this mod is available on GitHub! Check it out: DaXcess/LCVR.


This mod is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0). For more info check LICENSE.

Verifying mod signature

If you don't care about this, skip this part.

LCVR comes pre-packaged with a digital signature. You can use tools like GPG to verify the LCVR.dll.sig signature with the LCVR.dll plugin file.

The public key which can be used to verify the file is 9422426F6125277B82CC477DCF78CC72F0FD5EAD (OpenPGP Key Server).

Bypassing integrity checks

To prevent completely destroying the game, this mod scans the game assembly and tries to detect whether it's using a supported version or not. If this check fails, the mod will assume that either the game was updated, or the game files have been corrupted, and will refuse to start the mod. You can disable this behaviour by passing --lcvr-skip-checksum to the game's launch options in Steam.

Discord Server

Facing issues, have some mod (in)compatibility to report or just want to hang out?

You can join the LCVR Discord Server!


Adding VR into a game will drastically change some of the gameplay elements. This is guaranteed to cause some incompatibilities with other Lethal Company mods. You can find a compatibility sheet here where you can find a list of mods that have been tested to see if they work well in conjunction with the VR mod (mostly managed by Moderators).

In some rare cases, a mod will have "first class support", meaning that LCVR, the mod in question, or both mods have added official compatibility for both mods to work together seamlessly.

Known incompatibilities

It is generally assumed that any emote mod not listed as fully compatible inside the compatibility sheet will completely break LCVR, as the changes made to the player model more often than not conflict heavily with LCVR's IK implementation.

This also includes combining multiple emote mods (even when they are both listed as compatible!) as more often than not the compatibility between the two (or more) emote mods don't account for LCVR when combined.

Configuring the mod

You can change the mod configuration from within the game itself. Just launch the game with the VR mod installed, get to the main menu, and press the big VR button on the right side of the screen. This will open a big settings menu where you can configure the VR mod to your liking.

When creating a modpack or profile code, it is recommended to NOT ship your config file, so that other people can configure it on their own using the default settings. To quickly reset the settings, delete the config file named io.daxcess.lcvr.cfg from the BepInEx/config directory.


LCVR attempts to automatically detect which type of controller you are using, and will automatically apply the correct controller profile once they have been detected.

The current list of built-in controller profiles are:

  • Oculus (Rift S, Quest 2, Quest 3) - Default Fallback
  • Valve Index
  • HTC Vive
  • HP Reverb G2
  • Windows Mixed Reality

For a list of all controls for your specific controllers, check out the controls wiki pages.

How to change controls

Check out the LCVR Controller Profiles GitHub page to find a list of available controller bindings.

In the mod's configuration, set the ControllerBindingsOverrideProfile option to the name of the profile binding you would like to use. This does however require an active internet connection, since these profiles are downloaded directly from this GitHub repository and will allow the use of new profiles without having to update the mod.

Setting ControllerBindingsOverrideProfile will override the controller auto-detection

Main Menu

The main menu is controlled by ray interactors. You can use any controller to point towards any UI element and click using the trigger button on the corresponding controller. In the main menu you also have access to a keyboard when you focus any input element, so that you can change your lobby name, tags, or change settings using the VR settings menu.

The Terminal

Since in VR you don't have access to a keyboard (under normal circumstances), the mod displays a virtual keyboard when you enter the terminal. You can use this keyboard to interact with the terminal like you would on PC.

This keyboard currently features two macros: A confirm and deny button. When pressed, these respectively send "CONFIRM" and "DENY" to the terminal. This makes it easier to switch moons and purchase items since you won't have to input this text every time.

You can exit the terminal by pressing the pause button or by clicking on the close button on the terminal keyboard.

VR Interactions

LCVR features a bunch of new interactions that VR players can use to interact with the world around them, without having to use a boring invisible laser and a simple controller binding.

All of the following interactions can be disabled individually inside the config

  • Ship Lever

    You now must physically pull/push the ship lever to land the ship or take off from a planet. The lever, when held, will follow the position of your hand, and this even works for other players who have the mod!

  • Monitor Buttons

    You may notice that the monitor buttons have been moved next to the lever. This is because you can now physically press the buttons to turn on/off the monitor, or switch to another player on the radar!

  • Charging Station

    Hate being forced to stand in front of the charging station every time you charge an item? Well now you can just hold any item that has a battery, and just hold it up to the charging station. Voila, your item has now been charged. If you pull the item out too quickly though, the charger will not charge your item! This interaction only works on the right hand. Putting your left hand inside the charger will make you just look like an idiot.

  • Ship Door

    Have an angry dog chasing you around? Just smash the ship door buttons to close or open the ship door.

  • Teleporter

    Want to inverse into the facility with style? Just flick open the glass cover, and SMASH the teleporter button with your fist!

  • Company Bell

    Delicately place your finger on top of the bell to make it ring... Or just smash it, you do you.

  • Ship Horn

    Pull the ship horn cord using your hand. Yup.

  • Breaker Box

    Y'all ever had issues with trying to flip the switches on the breaker box in VR? It's so stupid because their hitboxes are gigantic! Anyways, just flick open the door with your hand, and use your finger to toggle the switches. This interaction only works when you are using your pointer finger, a fist or flat hand will not work

  • Doors Always had the issue where like a billion people tried to open the same door and it just keeps opening and closing and you can't get through? Well now you actually have to interact with the door handle to open and close the door. Is a door locked? Find out by trying to open the door and listen for the sound cue (or just notice that it doesn't open, whatever). To use a key on a door, interact with the door handle using your right hand while holding a key. Same thing for the lockpicker, however picking up the lockpicker when it is placed on a door also requires you to physically grab it. When the lockpicker is an item on the floor, it will behave normally, and can be picked up from a distance.

  • Face

    Just want to really scream right into that walkie, begging to be teleported because a Jester is right around the corner? Well, you can now do so without pressing any button! Just hold up any compatible item to your face to use them, but watch out what you all put near your face! This interaction only works on the right hand, for obvious reasons


Hate it when you die to a dog because your frantic screaming caused you to lure the canines towards your location? Just hold your hand in front of your mouth, and none of the enemies will be able to hear you anymore! As a bonus, anyone with the VR mod will now hear your voice muffled, as if you got snatched by a snare flea. However be warned, the longer you hold your hand in front of your mouth, the less you will be able to see (only until a hard limit, you will not be completely blinded).

VR additions

This mod, in addition to adding VR and motion controls, also adds a few special interactions that you can perform in VR. At the time of writing, these currently are:

  • Spray Paint Shaking
    • When holding the spray paint item, you can physically shake it to shake the can in the game. You can also still use the secondary interact button to shake the can.
  • Shovel/Sign Swinging
    • If you are holding a shovel or a sign, you'll notice that you are holding it in two hands. If you hold your controllers over your shoulder and bring them down with enough force, the mod will swing the shovel for you, dealing damage to players/entities in front of you.

Free Roam Spectating

Free Roam Spectator provided by The Company™ Device©. "Experience death like nobody has ever before! It's amazing!"

Hate having to just watch a flat screen where your fellow employees die to the horrors of the facilities? Well fear no more! With the new Company™ Device© you retain the rights to wander the desolate planets even when your physical body is no longer showing signs compatible with life!

Since the company was a big fan of using Linux for the Device©, the colors look more gray when dead since they cheaped out on the HDR support.

You can teleport to other employees, like you would using the old spectator view, by using the Interact (Default: Right Controller Trigger) button. This will cycle through each employee in the lobby that has not yet met their maker. Use this to quickly see how a fellow employee is going about their day, or to get unstuck if you have fallen into a pit.

Since the Device© is making use of simulated consciousness, physical barriers like doors act like air, so you can walk right through them no problem!

Afraid of the dark? Use the Drop Item (Default: B) button to toggle night vision! When enabled, this light will illuminate the world and facilities around you, so that you can see what your still breathing fellow employees can't!

Another issue of the simulated consciousness is that you can no longer interact with the world around you. You are only able to use ladders and entrance doors, like fire exits and the main entrance. The Company™ has explained in a statement that they are not planning on fixing this issue.

Want to hide that pesky "you are dead lol" interface? Just press the Secondary Use (Default: Left Controller Grip) button to toggle the interface.