DiggC-CruiserImproved icon


Reliability improvements for the Company Cruiser.

Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 207716
Total rating 22 
Categories Mods BepInEx Client-side Bug Fixes Tweaks & Quality Of Life
Dependency string DiggC-CruiserImproved-1.4.1
Dependants 196 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



GitHub Version GitHub Build

A clientside mod to improve the behaviour of Lethal Company's 'Company Cruiser' and fix some issues with its usage such as low visibility, high damage received from small impacts, and fix bugs.


All features can be configured or disabled in the generated .cfg file in BepInEx/config. Clients will copy the host's settings if both sides have the mod installed.

  • Ability to lean to look back around the side of the truck and through the small window by turning the camera around.
  • Increased seat height for better visibility over the Cruiser's hood.
  • Slight invulnerability for the Cruiser after taking damage to reduce the damage taken by rolling or multi-impacts at low speed.
  • Short invulnerability for the Cruiser when critically damaged (engine on fire) allowing players to react and escape before the Cruiser explodes.
  • Prevent knockback from Old Bird missiles knocking players out of the seat.
  • Ability to push destroyed Cruisers.
  • Prevent the Cruiser from sliding sideways down slopes (ie, when dropped off the magnet on Artifice).
  • Prevent the Cruiser damage sound being detected by dogs if the engine is off, preventing them from repeatedly attacking Cruisers due to the sound they cause.
  • Option to disable the Cruiser's radio interference static. Disabled by default.
  • Ability to open the Cruiser's doors while holding a 2-handed item.
  • Ability remove the key from the ignition while not seated.
  • Added a scan node to the Cruiser to help locate it from far away. Can be configured to show turbos and health.
  • Cruiser exhaust is tinted blue when it has stored turbo charges.
  • [Host] Prevent anyone in the lobby other than the driver pressing the eject button on Cruisers. Disabled by default.
  • [Host] Entities pathfind around stationary Cruisers with no one seated, instead of walking straight through and causing damage.
  • [Host] Equipment and weapons moved into the ship from the Cruiser on save reload is sorted into a separate pile from the rest of the scrap.
  • [Host] Magnet position, turbo boosts, and ignition state are saved and restored when loading a save, preventing lost turbos and removing the need to restart the ignition.


  • [Host&Client] Fix steering wheel position not synchronizing between players.
  • [Host&Client] Fix radio desync between players.
  • [Host] Prevent the gas pedal or brake pedal from being stuck down if the player leaves the Cruiser while holding them.
  • [Host] Fix items left floating where the Cruiser was when reloading a save. All items will now be moved into the ship instead of just some.
  • [Client] Fix small entities (anything except Eyeless Dog, Kidnapper Fox, Forest Giant, Old Bird) being impossible to run over.
  • [Client] Fix steering wheel visually desyncing from the actual steering angle.
  • [Client] Fixed Baboon Hawks requiring very high speed to run over.
  • [Client] Fixed controls continuing to work in the Cruiser while typing in chat or the pause menu is open.
  • [Client] Fixed slow collisions dealing 2 damage to entities clientside (thanks to Buttery Stancakes)
  • [Client] Fixed Cruiser colliding with players standing on it, or colliding with entities standing in the back.
  • [Client] Fixed passengers being able to exit the Cruiser into walls, which would often launch both the player and the Cruiser.
  • [Client] Improved driver and passenger exit space check. Player will be placed into the seat instead of outside if there is little or no room, such as when magneted to the ship.
  • [Client] Fix clients seeing a saved Cruiser in the wrong spot when connecting.
  • [Client] Fix sliding off the Cruiser while the ship is taking off or landing.
  • [Client] Fix being abandoned when standing on or sitting in a magneted Cruiser while the ship is taking off.
  • [Client] Fix ship magnet attaching the Cruiser in the wrong position or rotation (will not stick frontfirst into the ship)
  • [Client] Fix weedkiller being able to shrink the Cruiser's bounding box.
  • [Client] Fix items dropping through the Cruiser when standing in the back.
  • [Client] Fix some parts of the Cruiser like the driver seat and exhaust smoke remaining after destruction.
  • [Client] Fix items being unscannable when placed in the Cruiser.
  • [Client] Fix wheel skidding sound effect and visuals playing while the Cruiser is airborne or magneted.
  • [Client] Fix Cruiser accelerating while attached to the magnet if not in park.


Feel free to post suggestions or issues to:


Compatible with Lethal Company v64.

CruiserImproved should be compatible with most mods, but it works well with: