Fandovec03-ExperimentalEnemyInteractions icon


Rewamps the ecosystem to feel more alive and immersive.


Experimental Enemy Interactions

0.5.0 -
- Updated blacklists to delete empty entries - Added blacklist for spider webs - Added web speed modifier config. Config generates automatically - Spider webs can now be enabled with own toggle 0.4.0 -
- Prerelease of 0.2.4 0.3.0 -
- See 0.2.0
- NaturalSelectionLib 0.6.0 included
0.2.6 -
- Finally discovered a fix for bees
- Hygrodiges move towards and consume corpses
--- Pathfinding broken (WIP)
- Added config options
--- Ignore immortal enemies
--- Set chances for bees to set giants on fire
--- Set chance for giant to extinguish themself
0.2.5 -
- Merged bees fix and global enemy list branches
0.2.4 -
- Added config for the bees fix
0.2.3 -
- Experimental fix for bees
0.2.2 -
- Implemented experimental global enemy list system. Every enemy now shares the same enemy list between eachother. Hopefully this will improve performance
0.2.1 -
- Updated to latest branch
- Implemented experimental global enemyList
0.2.0 -
- Updated to the Stable release!
0.1.28 -
- Finally fixed the root issue. Enemies (Mainly bees) no longer target themselves or their own kind anymore.
0.1.27 -
- This time for real fixed bees targeting themself.
0.1.26 -
- Fixed audio issues with sandworm
- Sandworms revised. They're now using a proper behavior state (Due to technical difficulties they use custom state instead of vanilla when targetting enemies)
- Reenabled Sandworm patches (Make sure you have Load leviathan patches in Initialization settings checked)
- Fixed bees and other entities targetting themselves (unconfirmed. Credit to EnzoTheProtogen for reporting the issue)
- Bee now ignore Locusts and Sandworms (untested)
- Log improvements
- Added new config settings
0.1.25 -
- Added more config options
- Rewamped sandworm to use proper behavior states
- Sandworm temporarily disabled due to audio issues (can be manually enabled)
0.1.24 -
- Added log option to include/exclude spammy logs
- Sandworms updated:
- Addressed a bug with Worms trying to move with disabled agent
- Added more arguments preventing skipping of vanilla code while emerging/emerged
- Worms no longer target dead enemies that were previously targetted before death
- Observed some weird behavior but works for now. Will fix later.
- Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException where enemyList tried to check LOS to previously removed enemy.
0.1.23 -
- Giants have a chance to extinguish themselves, though they will be severely weakened by the fire
- Few improvements to bees
- Bees no longer target dead enemies
- DoAIInterval is not skipped on behavior state 0
- fixed an exception regarding dictionary count
- Changed some logs
0.1.22 -
- Fixed bees pathfinding being broken in state 2
- The fire on forest giant no longer extinguishes itself the moment giant dies
- Added special interaction between Red bees and Forest giant
0.1.21 -
- Fixed bees throwing LOS exceptions when no enemy is in LOS
- Fixed typo disabling vanilla code to be disabled and bees (the particles) not change the state
- Temporarily disabled custom state 2 on bees due to bees breaking. Bees will revert to vanilla state 2
0.1.20 -
- Fixed typo causing Sandworms to throw keynotfoundExceptions
- Fixed changelog format
0.1.19 -
- Forgot to upload updated DLL. All changes bellow apply with this version
0.1.18 -
- Fixed an issue where the mob tries to add itself again into dictionary causing error (This fixes the error when paired with lethalmon)
- Fixed the script trying to apply patch via original Spider class instead of the patched one
0.1.17 -
- Fixed safe mode accidentally preventing load of The bee patch
0.1.16 -
- Potencially fixed same exception on blobAI 0.1.15 -
- Emergency fix: Fixed Key not foudn exception causing bees to not work
0.1.14 -
- Added many more config options - Safe mode: On by default. Prevents unfinished and experimental scripts from loading.
- Bees added! Bees now target every enemy in their LOS.
- Several bugs and oversights fixed
0.1.13 -
- Removed code breaking spider with the position fix 0.1.12 -
- Fixed sandworms affecting eachother for good! [Credit to Hamunii] - Some QOL changes for development 0.1.11 -
- Hygrodere now does not anger Hoarding Bugs - Hygrodere should anger Bracken less - Added a dependency to fix spider getting stuck and other position issues - Converted most debug logs to DebugLog - Fixed Hygrodere hitting enemies with custom hit trigger stupidly fast
0.1.10 -
- Rewritten Earth leviathan patch code. Now sandworms behave as intended.
- known bugs: Audio not playing when chasing targets. Audio cutting off when chasign player.
0.1.9 -
- Fixed critical error causing hard crash on load caused by leftover Lobby Compatibility code
0.1.8 -
- Regenerated DLL - forgot to regenerate after changing versions
0.1.7 -
- Moved functions and methods of enemyList to EnemyAI. This makes development much faster and gives a potencial for a memory as a side effect, though that has to be implemented first in each enemyAI type.
- Resolved NullException error messages in the Collision patch
- Earth leviathan is now implemented. Leviathan now targets and consumes other surface creatures.
0.1.6 -
- fixed typos and formatting in CHANGELOG and README
0.1.5 -
- Fixed collisions not working
- Much less logs spam
- Hygrodere now eats almost everything alive!
- Spider deals 1 damage when Enemy has 2 or less health
- Added config file
- Spider is now hunting Hoarding bugs Disabled due to sync issues. Available as a toggle in config
0.1.4 -
- Fixed NullReferences, Functioning LOS check, added enemy list and base of assigning target (WIP)
0.1.3 -
- Attempt at custom behavior, fixed README/CHANGELOG, renamed namespaces ect.
0.1.2 -
- Reupload cause I forgot to edit CHANGELOG
0.1.1 -
- Updated description and added credits.
0.0.1 -
- Test upload.