Natural selection
Rewamps the ecosystem to feel more alive and immersive.
Date uploaded | 3 months ago |
Version | 0.2.0 |
Download link | Fandovec03-Natural_selection-0.2.0.zip |
Downloads | 4380 |
Dependency string | Fandovec03-Natural_selection-0.2.0 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

Host fixes for the spider position desync between agent and mesh container and client-side fix for the offset idle animation
Preferred version: 1.2.0
Personal Library with functions for getting, sorting and filtering enemies
Preferred version: 0.6.3
A library/API to allow developers to easily add networking to their mods.
Preferred version: 3.3.2README
MAIN BRANCH: Natural Selection - food chains and ecosystems
Natural selection - food chains and ecosystems
Aimed to make the game's ecosystem feel more alive, immersive and semi-realistic.
Ever felt like every living being is trying to kill you and everything is stacked agaisnt you? or do you just want to observe the world? This mod might be for you!
Currently supported entities:
- Red bees (Circuit bees)
- They defend their hive from anything that gets too close. They're now deadly to every living being!
- Small chance to set giants on fire
- Hygrodere (Blob)
- Damages creatures it has contact with it with an exception of Maneater. Non-organic and immortal entities are not affected.
- Earth Leviathan (Sandworm)
- Targets creatures that come near it. Ignores small creatures.
Modified enemies:
- Forest keeper:
- Stays on fire for a while after death
- Has a chance to extinguish itself
Currently worked on:
- Bunker Spider
- Nutcracker
- Spore Lizard
- Hoarder bug
Pre-release branch: Experimental Enemy Interactions
Report bugs on either github issues or the Lethal company modding discord.
Unofficial LethalCompany Discord:
- Zesa, TKronix, Swaggies: helping me figure out collision detection
- Hamunii: Helped fixing the variables
- EnzoTheProtogen: Reporting a bug.
Natural selection
- Fixed bees throwing error when every enemy in LOS is killed
- Upgraded collision system. Bees and hygrodere now hit multiplle enemies they collide with
- Added config to log the library
- updated README
- Reupload because I forgot to upload a file. Woops
- Updated README
- Updated README
- Updated mod for newest Library version
- - Finally fixed invisible bees!
- - Enemies can now target enemies outside of their usual domain! Inside enemies can target outside enemies when outsise and vise versa
- Fixed bees not returning to beehives after chasing/killing enemy
- Global enemy lists get cleared at the end of rounds or when client disconnects
- Fixed and simplified config enabling enemy changes
- Updated README
- Fixed shit Networking implementation causing massive lag (Credit to Robyn and Xilo on Discord for pointing it out!)
- Updated logs
- edited README
- Fixed giants always set on fire
- Fixed Error spam on clients
- Small changes to networking which fixes lag
- Added networking
- - Fixes desync and network related issues, mainly enemy sounds not playing on non-host clients
- Fixed sandworm eating non-host players inside the ship with the toggle on
- Fixed giants not using the extinguish chance from config
- Added blacklists to config
- Optimization on clients/server
- Fixed collisions returning NullReferenceException errors
- Added config for sandworms to not eat players inside leaving ship
- Updated logs and configs
- Fixed logs spamming you're on experimental version
- Added option to override vanilla sandworm collisions to possibly fix the lag when colliding with multiple enemies at once
- Implemented global enemy list.
- Fixed bees becoming invisible due to black magic (still dont know how).
- The mod no longer sets all colliders on enemies to be triggers.
- Hydrogires now move and consume dead corpses
- Many more config options
- Fixed logs
- Updated for NaturalSelectionLib 0.4.0
- Fixed NullReferenceException some logs
- Updated manifest, README and library integration
- Made less spammy logs
- Inital Upload
Experimental Enemy Interactions
0.4.0 -
- Prerelease of 0.2.4
0.3.0 -
- See 0.2.0
- NaturalSelectionLib 0.6.0 included
0.2.6 -
- Finally discovered a fix for bees
- Hygrodiges move towards and consume corpses
--- Pathfinding broken (WIP)
- Added config options
--- Ignore immortal enemies
--- Set chances for bees to set giants on fire
--- Set chance for giant to extinguish themself
0.2.5 -
- Merged bees fix and global enemy list branches
0.2.4 -
- Added config for the bees fix
0.2.3 -
- Experimental fix for bees
0.2.2 -
- Implemented experimental global enemy list system. Every enemy now shares the same enemy list between eachother. Hopefully this will improve performance
0.2.1 -
- Updated to latest branch
- Implemented experimental global enemyList
0.2.0 -
- Updated to the Stable release!
0.1.28 -
- Finally fixed the root issue. Enemies (Mainly bees) no longer target themselves or their own kind anymore.
0.1.27 -
- This time for real fixed bees targeting themself.
0.1.26 -
- Fixed audio issues with sandworm
- Sandworms revised. They're now using a proper behavior state (Due to technical difficulties they use custom state instead of vanilla when targetting enemies)
- Reenabled Sandworm patches (Make sure you have Load leviathan patches in Initialization settings checked)
- Fixed bees and other entities targetting themselves (unconfirmed. Credit to EnzoTheProtogen for reporting the issue)
- Bee now ignore Locusts and Sandworms (untested)
- Log improvements
- Added new config settings
0.1.25 -
- Added more config options
- Rewamped sandworm to use proper behavior states
- Sandworm temporarily disabled due to audio issues (can be manually enabled)
0.1.24 -
- Added log option to include/exclude spammy logs
- Sandworms updated:
- Addressed a bug with Worms trying to move with disabled agent
- Added more arguments preventing skipping of vanilla code while emerging/emerged
- Worms no longer target dead enemies that were previously targetted before death
- Observed some weird behavior but works for now. Will fix later.
- Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException where enemyList tried to check LOS to previously removed enemy.
0.1.23 -
- Giants have a chance to extinguish themselves, though they will be severely weakened by the fire
- Few improvements to bees
- Bees no longer target dead enemies
- DoAIInterval is not skipped on behavior state 0
- fixed an exception regarding dictionary count
- Changed some logs
0.1.22 -
- Fixed bees pathfinding being broken in state 2
- The fire on forest giant no longer extinguishes itself the moment giant dies
- Added special interaction between Red bees and Forest giant
0.1.21 -
- Fixed bees throwing LOS exceptions when no enemy is in LOS
- Fixed typo disabling vanilla code to be disabled and bees (the particles) not change the state
- Temporarily disabled custom state 2 on bees due to bees breaking. Bees will revert to vanilla state 2
0.1.20 -
- Fixed typo causing Sandworms to throw keynotfoundExceptions
- Fixed changelog format
0.1.19 -
- Forgot to upload updated DLL. All changes bellow apply with this version
0.1.18 -
- Fixed an issue where the mob tries to add itself again into dictionary causing error (This fixes the error when paired with lethalmon)
- Fixed the script trying to apply patch via original Spider class instead of the patched one
0.1.17 -
- Fixed safe mode accidentally preventing load of The bee patch
0.1.16 -
- Potencially fixed same exception on blobAI
0.1.15 -
- Emergency fix: Fixed Key not foudn exception causing bees to not work
0.1.14 -
- Added many more config options
- Safe mode: On by default. Prevents unfinished and experimental scripts from loading.
- Bees added! Bees now target every enemy in their LOS.
- Several bugs and oversights fixed
0.1.13 -
- Removed code breaking spider with the position fix
0.1.12 -
- Fixed sandworms affecting eachother for good! [Credit to Hamunii]
- Some QOL changes for development
0.1.11 -
- Hygrodere now does not anger Hoarding Bugs
- Hygrodere should anger Bracken less
- Added a dependency to fix spider getting stuck and other position issues
- Converted most debug logs to DebugLog
- Fixed Hygrodere hitting enemies with custom hit trigger stupidly fast
0.1.10 -
- Rewritten Earth leviathan patch code. Now sandworms behave as intended.
- known bugs: Audio not playing when chasing targets. Audio cutting off when chasign player.
0.1.9 -
- Fixed critical error causing hard crash on load caused by leftover Lobby Compatibility code
0.1.8 -
- Regenerated DLL - forgot to regenerate after changing versions
0.1.7 -
- Moved functions and methods of enemyList to EnemyAI. This makes development much faster and gives a potencial for a memory as a side effect, though that has to be implemented first in each enemyAI type.
- Resolved NullException error messages in the Collision patch
- Earth leviathan is now implemented. Leviathan now targets and consumes other surface creatures.
0.1.6 -
- fixed typos and formatting in CHANGELOG and README
0.1.5 -
- Fixed collisions not working
- Much less logs spam
- Hygrodere now eats almost everything alive!
- Spider deals 1 damage when Enemy has 2 or less health
- Added config file
- Spider is now hunting Hoarding bugs Disabled due to sync issues. Available as a toggle in config
0.1.4 -
- Fixed NullReferences, Functioning LOS check, added enemy list and base of assigning target (WIP)
0.1.3 -
- Attempt at custom behavior, fixed README/CHANGELOG, renamed namespaces ect.
0.1.2 -
- Reupload cause I forgot to edit CHANGELOG
0.1.1 -
- Updated description and added credits.
0.0.1 -
- Test upload.