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Forrestgamer3970-1000THR_CENTAUR_ULTRAKILL-2.0.0 icon


Fourth level of the Violence Layer from Ultrakill but as a moon! It's as chaotic as Ultrakill too :) It's also always eclipsed lmao. (All Ultrakill assets from Ultrakill itself. Please go buy the game its really good)

Date uploaded 3 weeks ago
Version 2.0.0
Download link
Downloads 2183
Dependency string Forrestgamer3970-1000THR_CENTAUR_ULTRAKILL-2.0.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.1.6 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of custom levels and dungeons in Lethal Company.

Preferred version: 1.1.6
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.14.2 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.14.2
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
MaxWasUnavailable-LethalModDataLib-1.2.2 icon

A library for Lethal Company, providing a standardised way to save and load modded data.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
Evaisa-FixPluginTypesSerialization-1.1.1 icon

Fix custom Serializable structs and such not properly getting deserialized by Unity.

Preferred version: 1.1.1


7-4 from Ultrakill but as a moon! It's as chaotic as Ultrakill too :) It's also always eclipsed lmao.

(All Ultrakill assets from Ultrakill itself. Please go buy the game its really good)


DATA: Earthmovers were the pinnacle of the arms race. Often called the horsemen of the apocalypse, it took only one to level an entire city and leave nothing but fire in its wake. The last era of the Final War had begun.

The first machines large enough to house a shield generator, these walking fortresses could only be made vulnerable from within, making them the frontline for smaller, more mobile machines. Due to their colossal size, they required both blood and solar power to function.

When the final era escalated, cleansing the world with fire, the surviving civilians were forced to evacuate and build new homes on the backs of these machines, as the surface became an inhospitable wasteland where no flora or fauna could flourish.

Eventually the soot, smoke and decay from unending global war would blot out the sun, casting the world into the Long Night, and Earthmovers, unable to feed on sunlight, shut down and died out one by one.

War had become entirely dependent on them, large scale conflict was no longer feasible. Finally, mankind started to work together to reverse the effects of the Long Night climate catastrophe, and so began the New Peace. 200 years of war for its own sake ended not with a bang, but utter silence.

At the brink of despair, the planet would slowly learn to breathe once more, and the corpses of these titans would serve as a stark reminder of just how close mankind was to an apocalypse by their own hand.



Added a terminal at the start that very kindly tells you where to go

Changed the terminal near the entrance to show the terminal data for the Earthmover

Changed moon model when orbiting moon to be flesh and have a little Earthmover on top (you'll only really be able to see it if you have ship windows mod)

Changed button on lift to display "LIFT INOPERABLE"

Lowered spawn rate of old birds (not by a lot though)

Severely lowered spawn rate of eyeless dogs and forest giants

Added two extra fire exits

Increased value of scrap

Made it so there's blood spilling out from the side of the Earthmover

Made the Earthmover's head a scannable object

Changed the command to orbit the moon from "THR CENTAUR" to "CENTAUR"

Fixed exterior not showing on the computer screen

May or may not have added a teeny tiny chance of a shotgun and shotgun shells spawning in the facility without a nutcracker