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Inoyu-Giant_Extension_Ladders-2.3.2 icon

Giant Extension Ladders

Adds new Extension Ladders of different sizes to the store that are better than the lame normal ones!

Date uploaded a month ago
Version 2.3.2
Download link
Downloads 2832
Dependency string Inoyu-Giant_Extension_Ladders-2.3.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.0 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.0
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
Owen3H-CSync-3.0.1 icon

Configuration file syncing library for BepInEx.

Preferred version: 3.0.1


Giant Extension Ladders

Works with update v50 of the game!

This mod adds a few new Extension Ladders of different sizes to the store that are better than the lame normal ones! Ever got stuck on your way to the fire exit because your ladder was just not high enough? Well, with up to SEVEN times the normal ladder size this won't happen again!

Don't like climbing? But I bet you like murder!
No one expects a deadly ladder from above that was placed far away!


You can use an additional mod for faster climbing (I made this one (Fast Climbing), but there are plenty of other mods that'll work too).

  • NEW: The Tiny ladder is now usable if the player is tiny too!
    For this you'll need mods that can shrink players to 0.25 and lower of their size (tested on LittleCompany).
  • Big ladder for climbing higher than usual
  • Huge ladder for climbing even higher
  • Ultimate ladder for climbing EVEN higher
  • Tiny ladder to play with ...could be deadly!

How do they look in game?

ladder on facility huge ladder ladders on rock tiny ladder tiny ladder with player

ladder comparison

🟨  Normal Extension Ladder
🟦  Big Extension Ladder
🟧  Huge Extension Ladder
🟥  Ultimate Extension Ladder

Configs (synced with lobby-host's configs!)

The config file is located in "BepInEx\config\GiantExtensionLadders.cfg"

  • set ladder prices
  • set the time the ladder remains extended (values above 660 last longer than a whole day!)
  • enable/disable specific ladders

Future Updates?

Feel free add any ideas/suggestions that you might have to the GitHub issue-page or write me a message on Discord (inoyuuuuu)!

  • more ladders! (maybe)

Known Issues

If you have questions or encounter any bugs, feel free to report them on the GitHub issue-page or write me directly via Discord (inoyuuuuu)!

  • There is space between the objects and the ladder
  • While the ladder stops at the roof, the ladder's collision continues above it (will fix)
  • Climbing on the tiny ladder exits early when climbing a more horizontal ladder
  • Some of the problems/bugs that the normal ladder has too, that includes:
    • Ground collision is too sensitive on uneven ground, so the ladder will stop at an angle above the ground (more visible the longer the ladder is)
    • New in v50: you sometimes can't climb down ladders completely, you'll have to let go of the ladder manually (pressing E)


I highly recommend using ebkr's modmanager r2modman for easy mod installation and ensuring that everyone has the same mods and configs!

This mod requires three other mods!
If you still want to do it manually:

  1. Download this mod, BepInEx, Evaisa's "LethalLib" and Evasia's "HookGenPatcher"
  2. Install BepInEx and follow the special instructions on how to install HookGenPatcher
  3. Download and install CSync
  4. Put the content of and in the BepInEx\plugins folder


Thanks to Owen3H the Creator of CSync for his plugin and helping me with syncing the configs!
Thanks to Evasia for the LethalLib plugin and the awesome Unity Project.
Thanks to Xilophor for the clean VisualStudio Mod Template.

🌸Have fun!🌸 ~Inoyu



  • New Item: Ladder Collector
    • the ladder collector teleports all ladders on the map to the collector (won't tp: extended ladders, ladders in the ship, ladders in facility)
      If you just bought a new ladder, you need to pick it up at least once before it can be collected by the ladder collector!
  • added new config: auto collect all ladders on the map when the ship leaves the planet (is turned off by default)
  • fixed a bug that caused ladders not being named correctly in the shop


  • Ladder Stacking!

    • ladders can finally be placed on already extended ladders
    • increased ladder collider width, so you have more space on the ladder for placing things
    • added some physics
      • ladders leaning against other ladders will tip over if the one underneath it is removed
      • ladder will fall to the ground if it was placed on one that is removed
  • New Configs

    • always extended: ladders can now remain extended indefinitely
    • sales fix config (set the method used for a bugfix regarding a small bug with sales)
  • Misc

  • adjusted the ladder's collision detection

  • adjusted ladder IDs and names for better compatibility (they'll now get picked up by Lethal Quantities)


  • fixed a bug that caused some configs to not load, when exiting a lobby and rejoining one
  • changed ladder description in shop to show their height


  • changed CSync from Soft to HardDependency
  • increased max. ladder price from 999 to 99999
  • edited a mistake in changelog and readme files (player scale needs to be 0.25 or below that [not 0.2] for the tiny ladder)

v2.3.0 tiny ladder update!

  • tiny ladder can now be used by tiny players (this is a bit experimental and requires mods like LittleCompany to scale players to 0.25 or below)
  • tiny ladder is grabbable and climbable in ship (and while in orbit)
  • fixed player position offset to the sides when snapping to ladder
  • fixed players getting thrown off a ladder when starting to climb
  • fixed ladder roof collision in ship and facility (outside I'll leave it as it is now, bc it allows for ladders being used more freely)
  • removed a lot of unnecessary info and debug logs
  • changed guid (this means you'll have to use the new config file, which will be generated after launching the game once)

v2.2.0 bugfixes

  • updated CSync and LethalLib to latest versions
  • improved climbing experience
    • removed "angle climbing" correction and "snapping to ladder (when not on ground)" correction on map-ladders, so no more weird climbing behaviour on non-mod ladders
    • adjusted the way a player gets tp-ed on a mod-ladder (should)

v2.1.1 very smol update

  • updated CSync to latest version
  • some code cleanup
    • improved some logging stuff (e.g. added success/fail message for synced settings)
    • if prices aren't synced initially, it will try a second time now

v2.1.0 bug fixes and new csync

  • adjusted snapping to ladder with big ladder
  • adjusted teleporting to top of the when start climbong from top (still a thing but the ladder-section where this happens is smaller)
  • switched to the original CSync plugin by Owen

v2.0.0 ULTIMATE LADDER and bug fix!

  • added a brand new ladder thats twice as high as the huge one (previous highest ladder)
  • fixed a huge bug that snapped players in the air above the ladder instead of on the ladder (caused by how ladders work in the game), NO MORE CLIMBING IN THE AIR :D
  • ladder size is now visible in the ladder icon
  • and i decided to keep CSync for now

v1.3.1 temporarily switched to CSync fork

  • switched to a fork of CSync since the owner of CSync has decided to no longer affiliate with thunderstore
  • working on a fix that requires no CSync at all, so I'm not dependent on the forked version


  • added config syncing with CSync, so all configs are now synced with the host
  • with this version comes a new dependency, be sure to install CSync version 2.1.0
  • this took me way too long because me has the stoopid

v1.2.2 Bugfix

  • fixed the kill-trigger hitbox of the huge ladder being waaaaay to big
  • adjusted tiny ladder collider to fit the model better

v1.2.1 Added configs

  • added configs for disabling/enabling ladders in the shop
  • adjusted price of tiny ladder to 15 (players may have to change this manually in configs, if they update the mod to this version .-.)

v1.2.0 Added Tiny Ladder!

  • added a tiny ladder :D
  • fixed a bug where you could only use the huge ladder once

v1.1.3 Hotfix LadderBox Collision

  • fixed a bug where the interact trigger of the huge ladder would disappear when climbing
  • lowered the ladderbox collision of the huge ladder

v1.1.2 Hotfix LadderBox Collision

  • re-added the box collision for the huge ladder - working on a fix

v1.1.1 Hotfix LadderBox Collision - This Version is broken!

  • lowered the ladderbox collision, so players can now walk over the box
  • more code cleanup

v1.1.0 Adjustable Extension Time

  • added new configs: the time the ladder remains extended is now adjustable (values above 660 keep the ladder extended a whole day)
  • added checks before the configs are accepted (to cover some edge cases)
  • cleaned up the code a bit

v1.0.0 Release

  • Release