- v61 update
- The Turrets now spawn bullets instead of just creating an impact location. (note: they are primarily visual and have a set stop location)
- Explosions now have a bit of a delay from firing due to the bullet travel time.
- The turrets can now miss the player even when fully aligned with the player.
- Explosions can now push players.
- Updated LLL implementation and added Extended mod to the moon (was still using the legacy system).
- Re-Introduced the Space tag to the moon (with the content tag system)
- Minor performance improvement for lighting.
- Extra: Trenches now works when debugging with Imperium.
- fixed the dropship location being bugged when landing.
- added some extra detail for the second trench
- made it easier to place a ladder in the second trench
- added a blue guiding line to the walls that guides to the main entrance.
- v56 fixes
- truck can now spawn
- turned off kidnapper foxes (you have enough to deal with on this map)
- Footstep audio change from tile to metal.
- Terrain textures and object textures have been added. (hope you like the new look)
- Fixed a bug that resulted in players that are entering the facility not getting removed from the turrets target list. This resulted in getting targeted even outside the lightbeam.
- Outside monsters start spawning earlier.
- Turred sound bug fixed.
- The day time is back to normal (To fix an LLL bug that results in skipping a day if the day time is longer then default)
- The First turret can no longer see you in the ship.
- The Second turret moves slower to make it easier to avoid.
- fixed some audio issues
- Reduced the turrets damage from 25 to 15.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in turrets not being able to see players at some angles. (This was due to the ship view adding a component on the players head)
- Players will nonloger be targeted in the ship
- slightly increased the number of monster spawned outside.
- (untested) Attempted to fix a bug where the turret can get stuck when switching targets.
- Initial pause time for the first turrest set for 1 minute 30 seconds so players can get to the entrance faster
- Increased the time in the day by 20%.
- Reduced the chance of Old-Birds dropping on you while you are hidding.
- Reduced the time a turret will stop for at the end of its rotation to 1 second (previously 2)
- added two paths that allow you to bring back small items a bit faster (very useful for gold bars).
- increase max loot spawn to 20
- reduced the facility size slightly
- Added to game
- networked turrets added