Jordo-NeedyCats icon


[v61] You like cats? The company likes cats too! Find them roaming the various abandoned facilities and bring them home!



  • Fixed an issue that conflicted with Terminal Formatter


  • Fixed cats not applying the grabbed animation when grabbed in v60+


  • Fixed cats not respecting the "Chance of cats fleeing dogs" setting, it should now work properly.


  • Added cat food! It can be purchased for 5 credits at the terminal and, if open and on the ground, will feed any number of cats within a few meters for 12 hours! It has two possible effects, selectable in the mod's config:
    • Delay the cats meows by a substantial amount, default, recommended for multiplayer as you'll still need someone to pet them regularly
    • Silence the cats meows for the entire 12 hours duration, recommended for solo play
  • Added a chance for the cats to flee if being attacked by dogs, the percentage of chance is by default 10% every 2.5 seconds, you can configure the chance percentage in the mod's config.
  • Slightly buffed the decorations meow timer bonus
  • Cats no longer flee from boomboxes or the dropship
  • Cats will now meow faster if they were just fleeing
  • Fixed a bug where cats wouldn't refresh the AI nodes on level load (caused issues with the fleeing behaviour)
  • Fixed cats not appearing on LLL custom moons
  • Fixed cats SFX not having correct audio mixer


  • Fixed incomplete & confusing description of the names config option


  • Cat names have been moved to the mod's config, albeit less readable, it allows for easier sharing with profile codes
  • Cats have been tweaked to be a bit less needy:
    • By default
    • After being pet
    • In the ship next to an employee
    • If certain decorations are present on the ship
  • Cats will now be much more quiet in walkie-talkies
  • Cats will now meow slightly more quietly (according to the dogs) if they are in the ship
  • Fixed a bug where cats would not sit in the ship for some players
  • Fixed a bug where cats would not appear on custom moons created using LethalExpansion (thanks broiiler for reporting the issue)
Spoilers changelog:
  • Added some extra time to the base meow timer (very small)
  • Added some extra time to the meow timer (small) after petting
  • Added some extra time to the meow timer (small) if there is at least one person in the ship
  • Added some extra time to the meow timer (small to large) if you own certain decorations
Possible decorations spoiler:
  • Welcome mat (small extra time)
  • Cozy lights (medium extra time)
  • Goldfish (large extra time)


  • Accidentally uploaded 1.0.1 as debug (removes all scraps but the cats)


  • Fixed a bug that added the cat to the scrap pool every time a new game would be started
  • Fixed a bug where picking up the cat would have it stuck in the idle/movement animation for a few frames
  • Fixed a bug where teleporting while holding the cat would drop the cat in "Held" pose
  • Added a hint about the usefulness of petting cats the first time you grab one
  • Cats are a bit quieter, but keep them happy or the dogs will get you!
Spoilers changelog:
  • Added some extra time to the meow timer (small) after petting


  • Initial release