Modifying the cat's names

Updated 4 months ago

Starting with 1.1.0, the cat names are no longer stored inside names.txt but are included in the config, this makes it easy to share the names with your friends using Thunderstore codes!

To create the names config, you must first run the game with the mod installed (1.1.0 minimum), it'll then generate a default string in the config file, access this manually by going into "BepInEx/config/Jordo.NeedyCats.cfg" or using "Config" options on the Thunderstore app or r2modman to open "Jordo.NeedyCats.cfg".

The configuration does not support arrays, the names are therefore stored in a single long string of text and every name is delimited by a comma, the names are case-sensitive and capital letters will show in game accordingly. There are no limits to the number of names you can add or remove, the mod comes with a default of 101 names.

Example: Garfield,Princess,Sox

Additionally, it is now possible to assign a cat's name with a certain fur by adding ':color' following a name (not case-sensitive & completely optional), with color being replaced by one of the following in the image below.

Example: Garfield:orange,Princess:stripes,Sox

Possible cat colors

Do note that adding or removing names may change the names of cats already present in existing save files.