Keehan-SlimePack icon


A Slimy LC Modpack |

Last updated 6 months ago
Total downloads 3283
Total rating 1 
Categories Modpacks
Dependency string Keehan-SlimePack-2.6.2
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Keehan-SlimeCORE-2.6.2 icon

A Slimy CORE | | Mods and Configs for SlimePack but moved since modpack paged looked ugly lmao

Preferred version: 2.6.2



[v2.6.2] Keehan's Slime Pack - A Fun Lethal Company Modpack

Keehan's Discord

Join to yell at me for help, if something broke, or just cause!

How to Properly Update

On new version releases, I recommend reinstalling the modpack. Thunderstore fails to remove files that are no longer in a modpack on a profile, which will cause issues for your game.

Never Update

You can use either method to install the pack, depending on your preferred launcher.

Method 1: Installing from searching the for modpack (recommended):

Fresh installation (Thunderstore/R2ModMan):

  1. Download the Thunderstore Mod Manager OR R2ModManager and run the executable.
  2. Select Lethal Company as your game, and create a new profile (you can name it anything you want that's memorable).
  3. Select the profile, click "Get mods" on the left toolbar. Search for "SlimePack" (by Keehan) and install.
  4. As the mod is preconfigured, press the "Modded" play button in the top right to launch it right away. You must always launch the game this way if you want to play on a modded instance.

Updating (Thunderstore/R2ModMan):

  1. Check for an updated version number on the modpack (either through a download icon being present next to SlimePack in your mods list, or by checking the changelog here).
  2. DO NOT press update. Instead, delete your current profile and create a new one.
  3. Select the profile, click "Get mods" on the left toolbar. Search for "SlimePack" and install. You should now be on the latest version.

Method 2: Installing from a profile code:

Fresh installation from a profile code (Thunderstore/R2ModMan):

  1. Download the Thunderstore Mod Manager OR R2ModManager and run the executable.
  2. Select Lethal Company as your game, and press "Import/Update".
  3. Press "Import new profile", then "From code".
  4. In this field, copy and paste code.
  5. Once imported, press "Create" and the mods will install.

Updating from a profile code (ThunderstoreR2ModMan):

  1. Check for an updated version number on the modpack (either through a download icon being present next to SlimePack in your mods list, or by checking the changelog here).
  2. DO NOT press update. Instead, delete your current profile.
  3. Press "Import new profile", then "From code".
  4. In this field, copy and paste the code.
  5. Once imported, press "Create" and the mods will install.

Its just configured the way I like playing rn and I think is balanced but you can change whatever.

Maxwell is a treasure, sell him and I break your knees

90+ mods | Fully configured | 99% Stable | No Performance Loss

This is SlimePack; my custom configured, modlist for Lethal Company. SlimePack contains predetermined configs fine tuned in hopes of creating the best Lethal Company experience.

Hopefully it makes your experience fun while adding some challenges.

I've selected some of the best Lethal Company mods available and attempted to bind them into a cohesive gameplay experience without changing the spirit of the game.

Your Slimy Company usage manual

Our company's most successful and daring Contractors like to claim that luck correlates with skill; regardless of whether you agree with them or not, it is undeniable that a well-trained and well-disciplined employee has a far higher likelihood of avoiding workplace accidents and reaching greater heights on the company ladder. This short manual will teach you how to use the company-issued gadgets and tools you are provided with to their greatest efficiency.

This is all info on mods that change or add stuff that you may need to know:


The Boomba

- The Boomba is a combination between a roomba and a bomb. Not much else needs to be said on how it operates...
- Is kind of dumb but be careful of collateral damage when other enemies are around.

The Mimic

- The Mimic is [REDACTED], oftentimes when you are [DATA EXPUNGED] it will pop up and [REDACTED]. 
- It can be avoided through the telltale signs of [REDACTED].

The Skinwalker

- They sound like your friends, they look like your friends, they are not your friends.
- "Are you real?"

Teleport Trap

- Teleports player to a random location in the facility

Mask Item

- Worth Much More
- Bodies in close proximity of a haunted mask have a very high chance of being possessed.
- A ghost haunts your masks, the mask will try to get in your active slot and possess you.

Don't Touch Me

- This mods adds a misterious new entity that will spawn randomly somewhere. Having the appearance of a button... who wouldn't want to press it?
- The entity has a 5% chance to disguise itself as scrap to fool you into pressing it."
- Plays music when near it.
- Pressing button will kill every player inside the facility.
- Very rare chance to spawn inside or outside
- Masked enemies (Skinwalkers) will try to push the button when chasing a player, so don't go near them.


- It won't attack you, but that doesn't make it any less deadly
- The Dark Mist will occasionally close doors between you and the main entrance.
- Make sure you remember the way back.
- Doors won't close if you're not alone.
Enemy Rework


- Will pick you up and move you for 8 Seconds
- Unable to move while picked up

Ghost Girl

- There's a ghost in the terminal and it's sending random broadcast codes!
- Higher chance to happen if someone is being haunted by the actual enemy
- Affects door/turret/mine
- The ghost doesn't really care if it's helping or not it's just sending codes to be noticed
- Haunts your walkie-talkie
- Has the ability to isolate you and to give you hallucinations

Forest Giant

- Forest Giants only act (look at and start chasing) players moved in the last second


- Brief slow with a few seconds cooldown when hit


- Brief slow with a few seconds cooldown when hit


- Will now stay true to his darkness.
- Nearby lights will flicker and turn off
- Flashlights will dim when nearby
- Turned off lights will be turned off after a minute or so
- Trying to forcibly turn back on the lights with the breaker box could cause the Bracken to be angered for a while and shut off all power permanently


- Chance to help out friends by spamming the [E] button


- Player conditions added

The Shotgun

- The shotgun is an extremely powerful and expensive weapon. 
- Extremely large spread.
- You can buy bullets for a heafty price

The Rocket Launcher

- Extremely powerful with great range and AOE damage. 
- The catch is that it becomes worthless after all four shots are expended, and it's relatively costly. 
- Great panic weapon for an eyeless dog or if you just want to make a hoarder bug nest wish they were never born.

Malware Broadcaster

- The cameraman gets to have a bodycount too! An EXTREMELY expensive upgrade that lets you DESTROY turrets and landmines.
- Remote detonate mines and blast those Thumpers to bits
- Installed on drop pod interaction.

The Discombobulator

- An expensive ship upgrade that deploys a temporary stun to enemies around the ship.
- Extremely useful on Eclipsed moons!
- Long Cooldown
- Enter [INITTACK] into the terminal to stun enemies around the ship
- Enter [COOLDOWN] to view cooldown
- Attracts enemies
- Discombobulator does damage final upgrade

Portable Teleporter

- Teleports you back to your ship, keeping all of your items in the process
- 90% chance to break.

Advanced Teleporter

- Teleports you back to your ship, keeping all of your items in the process
- 0.5% chance to break.
- EXTREMELY expensive as it is an extremely powerful tool.


- Temporary Light sources you can throw


- Allows you to collect and sell samples from killed monsters.

Lightning Rod

- Redirects lightning to the ship.
- The closer you (and your metal object) are to the ship, the more likely the ship will attract the lightning.

Fast Encryption

- Upgrades the signal transmitter.
- Must have signal transmitter purchased.
- Instantly sends an unrestricted message to all clients chat when using transmit.


- Replaces your dead friend with a fresh intern (revives your friend).
- Teleports to a random location in the facility.


- Looks at the coil head for you.


- Heals you.
- Max 200 total use

Remote Rader

- Monitor Players while outside the ship.
- Will annoy anyone in the ship monitoring

Utility Belt

- More Storage

Hacking Tool

- Unlock gates, disable turrets and mines, from up close.
- Requires basic math skills.

Flare Gun

- Attracts certain enemies.
- Flares are automatically pinged by nearby players.
- Ammo can be bought from store.

Type LGU in terminal to access upgrades. Type Lategame in terminal to see help Type info [upgrade] for dynamic info.

Better Scanner

- Drastically increases the distance at which you can ping the ship and entrance
- Line of sight is not needed for pings 
- Increases distance of all pings
- Essential for some foggy moons!

Bee Keeper

- Bees do less damage to you.
- Beekeeper final upgrade increases hive price

Diving Kit

- Breathe underwater.
- Heavy, two handed, low visibility.


- Makes noise when picking, makes a lot of noise when failing.
- Just run into a locked door to start the minigame.
- Strike the pins in the order they flash to unlock the door.

Stim Pack

- Increases health by 20 per level.


- Allows you to heal.
- Limited to 3 uses.

Protein Powder

- Increases damage dealth with shovels and signs.

Bigger Lungs

- Significantly increased sprint duration
- (increased stamina regen decreased jump cost)

Back Muscles

- Carryweight is reduced.

Running Shoes

- Significantly increased movement speed
- Light Footed has been merged into running shoes (activates on final upgrade)
  - Reduces the noise radius of your footsteps

Strong legs

- Increased jump height

Night Vision

- Press [ALT] to toggle
- Battery recharges by itself

Walkie Talkies

- Walkies can be quickly used by pressing the [X] key.


- Flashlights can be quickly used by pressing the [F] key, even whilst holding items.

Radar Booster

- 2x range on Map Monitor
- Can be teleported with both regular and inverse teleporter
- Player will be inverse teleported to radar booster if it is selected on monitor
- Remote Controll scrap item can trigger radar booster flash if in range

The Terminal

- Clock in terminal
- More commands by typing help
- Use arrow keys when using terminal monitor to change player
- Walkie active when in terminal
- Type [LGU] to access upgrades
- Type [Lategame] to view lgu help
- LATEGAME upgrades are purchased individually per player
- Teleporter quick access (type tp in the terminal to teleport currently monitored player)


- Right monitor now shows bodycam of currently monitored player
- Topmost monitors now show various useful information


- The swap delay has been removed.
- Dedicated Slots for Walkie and Flashlights. Directly accessed by holding [ALT]


- Inverse teleporter no longer drops items, while the regular teleporter functions as normal.
- Cooldowns Reset when ship leaves moon.


- Now worth Much More
- Apparatus now does damage when removed from facility
- Damage Increases every hour inside of the facility when Apparatus is removed
- Screen blurs more and more every hour in the facility after Apparatus is removed

Sell Monster Corpses

- You can now sell corpses of monsters

Cursed Possessions

- A new rarity of scrap items has appeared! 
- Worth more than their normal counterparts, yet incredibly rare, these items come with some risky side effects...
- Strange objects are worth over 90% more scrap than normal scrap items
- Strange objects can be identified by their red enemy-like color in scans
- There are 3 possible negative effects:
	- Curse of Pain: Damages the player slightly
	- Curse of Sight: Makes the player a lil tipsy
	- Curse of Sound: Makes other players harder to hear
	- Curse of Midas: The item changes value everytime you pick it up.
- Negative effects are removed at the end of a round
- Negative effects can stack if you pick up more than one strange object so be careful!
- Multiple players can get the same negative effect from picking up the same item

Weather Multiplier

- The harsher the weather, the more valuable the scrap becomes


- Bodies in close proximity of a haunted mask have a chance of being possessed.
- A ghost haunts your masks, the mask will try to get in your active slot and possess you.
- Masked look like normal players.


- 5% Chance to spawn enemy
- 1% Chance to explode instantly
- Presents give more valuable loot

Push Players

- Players can be pushed with [E]
- Must be close to the player

Custom Leveling System

- More ranks to achieve
- bxp/level
- bxp/vanilla

Graphics Settings

- Default Lowered settings
- Can be changed with config file

Custom Boombox Audio

- /bhelp
- /bplay [url]

Custom Television Video

- /thelp
- /tplay [url]


- Swap between spectating enemies and players with [E]
- Pressing [RMB] will toggle a flashlight on your spectator camera to see enemies and players better in the dark.
- Toggle First Person by pressing [V]

Starting Credits

- You now gain 15 Credits per player to make bigger lobbies more fun


- Monsters now interact with traps more.
- Monsters can get hurt by turrets etc.


- Putting metalic objects in charger will hurt you
- Power will go out in ship if you shock yourself


- Slight Rework

Dynamic Interactions

- Hoarding bugs can now utilize items at random intervals-
- After returning to their nest, hoarding bugs now disperse
- Flies over corpses and masked player enemies

Damage to crewmates

- Slightly less damage to fellow crewmates


- Total ship value is now calculated when scanning in ship

Clearer Walkies

- Hear players on other peoples walkies easier

Teleporter Cooldown Reset

- Teleporter Cooldown resets when leaving moon

Extension Ladders

- Extension Ladders now do not automatically close


- Slight Timing Rework


- Use ladder when holding 2 handed items

Spray Paint

- Smoother Painting
- Hold [E] to erase while painting
- Switch paint color with [T]

Toggle Mute

- Press [SEMICOLON],[;] to toggle mute


- Explode when being depressed instead of the initial stepping on it


- Easily tame the slime monster with a boombox

Player Names

- No More seeing teammates names

Sound Rework

- Changed Many Sounds


- Replenishes some health and stamina


- They are cats.

Death Note

- Kill any 1 specific enemy or teammate

Uno Reverse

- Swap positions with a random player

Ouija Board

- Rare scrap to make contact with the dead
- Press [O] as a spectator to contact the living

Pinto Boy

- Handheld Retro Gaming device sold by The Company

Maxwell the Cat

- An Absolute Treasure
- Plays a silly little song.
- Does a silly little dance.


- Is Glizzy


- Players can now join while you are in orbit after starting a mission. No need to re-make the lobby.
- Type '/restart' into the chat to quickly restart your playthrough, skipping the ejection sequence.
- Max 50 Players.


- Many accesories to choose from using the green button on the bottom right of screen on main menu.
- Many new suit varieties to choose from
- Scroll through clothing rack using [ARROWKEYS]


- Emote using number keys
- Access emote wheel by pressing [V]


- See currently monitored players pov next to radar.

Aquatis [MOON]

- Reports indicate scattered scraps within the bunker complex on Aquatis, located on a small island.
- Big Birds: Some large birds inhabit the island and may pose a threat if cornered or encountered in large groups. Exercise caution during interactions.
- Stonegiants (Uncertain): Rare and uncertain reports suggest the occasional presence of stonegiants. Although potentially dangerous, encounters with these creatures are exceptionally rare and unconfirmed.

Orion [MOON]

- Reports indicate scattered scraps within Orion's broken structures, with a concentration in the hazardous church.

Wateridge [MOON]

- Forgotten Castle in the middle of water
- Danger levels moderate

Kast [MOON]

- Extremely Dangerous. Proceed with caution
- The scrap is plentiful, but so are the monsters

Peach's Castle [MOON]

- Wahoo! It's-a me-a Mario

Conviction [MOON]

- Extremenly Dangerous.
- High Yields

Abandoned Manor [MOON]

- Spooky

Generic Moons [MOON] [CLUSTER]

- A new cluster of unknown moons

Dafis Moons [MOON] [CLUSTER]

- A new cluster of unknown moons

Medival Dungeon [Dungeon]

- Missing file...
- 0.5% Chance to spawn on Titan


  • Abandoned Manor
  • Generic Moons
  • Dafis Mega Moons
  • Backrooms Backrooms [???]
- Idk where you are or how you got there, only thing I know is that you have to escape.
- Static is good?

CPU TYPE     : GLOOB 720 CPU AT 69000 MHZ
MEMORY TEST  : 11264000K OK



Welcome to Slime Company! We wish you a pleasant stay.

As one of our most promising contractors, you will now be embark on a journey to work for The Company. Be sure to take the overall Hazard level of each moon into great consideration.

And, as always, we wish you good luck and prosperity on your quota!

Potential Issues

  • Players will see a black screen when joining, to fix simply have them relaunch the game
  • Castle Grounds Moon causes you to drown so DO NOT use for now

Additional help & links


Just how mods are ordered:

  • API
  • Necessary
  • Gameplay
  • Monsters
  • Items
  • Mechanics
  • Moons
  • Dungeon
  • QOL
  • Tweaks
  • Fixes
  • Visual
  • Customization
  • Audio
  • Suits
  • Cosmetics

secret tool

This is just a personal note for myself

If you have any inquiries, contact me at my Discord here. I'd be grateful for any bug reports, playtesting reports or suggestions you may have for the modlist. Some of the configurations could use more testing.

I will try to keep this modpack updated and bug free as much as possible. I will also remove and add stuff as needed so keep the pack updated for the best experience. If you encounter any issues join my discord and yell at me.

Best of luck to you out there on the moons!
