Lega-TrickOrTreat icon


New entity with the ability to curse anyone who crosses its path...



Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed an error displayed by PathfindingLagFix

Version 1.0.3

  • Game version update
  • Cursed Scraps version update
  • Adjusted some default values
  • Modified Halloween Candy: it will now be picked up without being stored in the player's inventory, freeing up an inventory slot
  • Removed the code that made the item stackable, players can now collect as many as they want during a game but candies will not carry over to the next game
  • Added the ability to display an image indicating that the player has a candy, the image's position can be adjusted via the config file
  • Updated Little Girl: added an interaction trigger to give her a candy

Version 1.0.2

  • Modified HalloweenCandy to have a default value
  • Fixed an NRE that occurred when the little girl was removed from possible spawns for a moon

Version 1.0.1

  • Added a new setting to increase the Little Girl's spawn rate according to the number of Halloween Candies spawned
  • Modification of some default values
  • Modification of animation triggers to make Little Girl more fluid

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release