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Lordfirespeed-Augmented_Enhancer-0.3.0 icon

Augmented Enhancer

A mod for Lethal Company that adds additional configuration options to fit the player's preferences.

Date uploaded 7 months ago
Version 0.3.0
Download link
Downloads 4325
Dependency string Lordfirespeed-Augmented_Enhancer-0.3.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
2018-LC_API-3.3.2 icon

Multipurpose modding API for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 3.3.2
NotAtomicBomb-TerminalApi-1.5.0 icon

A Terminal Api

Preferred version: 1.5.0


Augmented Enhancer

Build Release Downloads

A mod for Lethal Company that adds additional configuration options to fit the player's preferences.

Configurable Features

Scrap Protection

The mod allows configuring the following in the event that no players survive a mission:

  • The approximate average proportion of secured scrap items lost
  • The randomness of the proportion of secured scrap items lost

Supply the proportion of items that you would like to (approximately) keep. For example:

  • 0.0 $\rightarrow$ 0% chance each scrap item is kept $\rightarrow$ all scrap lost (Vanilla behaviour)
  • 0.5 $\rightarrow$ 50% chance each scrap item is kept $\rightarrow$ approximately half scrap lost
  • 1.0 $\rightarrow$ 100% chance each scrap item is kept $\rightarrow$ no scrap is lost

Death Penalty Settings

  • The maximum death penalty factor (with any number of players) can be configured (ideal for large groups).
  • The maximum death penalty factor per player can be configured (ideal for small groups).
  • The death penalty discount for recovering bodies can be configured.
  • The death penalty scaling curvature can be configured.
Scaling Curvature

For example, with 4 players:

  • -1.0 $\rightarrow$ The fine scales anti-quadratically: 50%, 70.1%, 86.6%, 100%
  • 0.0 $\rightarrow$ The fine scales linearly: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
  • 1.0 $\rightarrow$ The fine scales quadratically: 6.3%, 25%, 56.3%, 100%

Suit Unlocker

Enabling this option unlocks the Green and Hazard suits from game start. The PJs suit are not unlocked by default and remain available via the Company store.

Always Show Terminal

Enabling this option will prevent the ship terminal from closing on exit. Ideal for watching the output from view monitor.

Minimum Company Buying Factor

The minimum company buying factor can be configured.

Prevents the company from offering buying factors below the configured value. Should be enforced regardless of the randomizer's enabledness.

Company Buying Factor Randomizer

Enabling this option will randomize the company buying factor after each run.

Details By default, the company buying factor is inversely proportional to the remaining days on the quota, so that there is a risk/reward tradeoff for holding on to your items after each run.

This option exists because it can be very discouraging to lose many runs' worth of scrap when playing with longer-than-usual quota assignment durations.

The random price will use in-game information when rolling such as

  • The Company "mood"
  • How many days are left on the quota assignment

Depending on the quota deadline duration, the company buying factor may be negative at the start of each assignment. Use the minimum buying factor feature to mitigate negative buying factors.

Despite the Sigurd log file stating that the company bought at 120%, @Crunchepillar found no evidence that it was possible in the base game so this mod caps the buying factor at 1.0.

Time Speed

How quickly time passes on moons can be configured.

This can make the game drastically easier (or harder) because part of the monster spawning routine depends on how much time has passed.

Ship Hangar Doors Power Duration

The time it takes for the hangar doors to re-open due to lack of power can be configured.

Threat Scanner

The scan command on the terminal can be configured to provide additional information about the environment's danger level due to enemy threats.

Days Per Quota

Assignment Duration (Days Per Quota): The quota assignment duration can be configured.

Starting Credits

Group starting credits can be configured.

Passive Income

'Passive income' (credits handed out at the end of each day) can be configured.

Quota Formula

  • The starting quota can be configured
  • The multiplier for quadratic quota increase can be configured
  • The multiplier for constant quota increase can be configured
  • The randomness of quota increase can be configured


How do I install the mod?

See Installation

Is this mod compatible with X?

This mod is mostly compatible with other BepInEx mods.

See Compatability for details and exceptions.

If you encounter issues, please open an issue on GitHub, making sure to provide information about other mods you have installed

Will this mod work in online lobbies?

Features in the config files have been marked to indicate whether they require the host to have them configured for them to take effect in a multiplayer game.

Configuration values marked with Host Required: No control client-side features, which will take effect regardless of the host's configuration.

For the best experience, all players should use the same mods (down to their versions) with the same configuration.

Please set the bEnabled option to false (and disable other installed mods) when playing multiplayer with players that do not have mods installed.

How do I change settings?

All this mod's configuration is contained within one file, /BepInEx/config/com.github.lordfirespeed.augmented_enhancer.cfg.

If an option's description is too confusing or not well-enough explained, please open an issue on GitHub.


See the Changelog


Releases are published on GitHub and Thunderstore.




Enhanced Icon by Discord User Dat1Mew

Bug Testing Contributions by Discord Users:

  • Pinny
  • Vasanex
  • Toast


Augmented Enhancer Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.








  • 'Unlock Suits' option replaced with 'Free Unlockables'


  • Configurable list of unlockables to unlock at game start
  • 24 hour clock option
  • Options to choose where the clock is hidden/visible
  • Options to configure the saved item quantity cap
  • lights command group
  • Option to only overwrite challenge moon leaderboard entry when your score is higher than your previous best attempt


[!WARNING] Contains breaking changes!


  • All patches now have their own ManualLogSource
  • UnlockSuits patch refactored to be name-dependent (as opposed to index-dependent)
  • AlwaysShowTerminal patch updated to use a transpiler
    • Scroll will no longer reset when exiting the terminal
  • Some log-messages that were previously on the Info channel have been moved to Debug
  • Ran JetBrains formatter on all project sources
  • AlwaysShowTerminal uses transpilers; prevents automatic 'help' command upon opening terminal + prevents scroll reset
  • All config options have been renamed / given sections
  • Use TerminalApi to register threat scan as its own command
  • Creates a persistent GameObject to apply patches


  • 'Interval' config type + serializer
  • Quota increase exponent option
  • Scrap tweaks
    • Scrap spawns scalar
    • Scrap value scalar
    • Scrap 'playercount scaling' - more players, more scrap (with less value per item)
  • Deadline duration tweaks
    • Essentially integrate DynamicDeadline features


  • Patcher now ensures nested types are also patched


[0.4.1] 2023-12-31


  • Publish workflow was not using tcli from local toolcache, so failed

[0.4.0] 2023-12-31


  • Target framework is netstandard2
  • Build/publish workflows use MinVer to determine target version
  • bDaysPerQuotaEnabled renamed to bDaysPerQuotaAssignmentEnabled
  • iQuotaDays renamed to iQuotaAssignmentDays
  • All config options are now sectioned tidily


  • Dynamic patching - Patches can be enabled/disabled while the game is running (using in-game config editor from another mod)
  • Patch lifecycle methods
  • Scrap value/quantity scalars
  • 'Fairness Scaling' - increases number of scrap items but decreases scrap value w/ more players present


  • 'build' project

[0.3.0] - 2023-12-06


  • Passive income options

[0.2.0] - 2023-12-05


  • Features' patch-classes have been separated
  • Renamed various configuration options
  • Renamed various classes
  • Threat scanner has been refactored and is configured by an Enum, instead of an int
  • Scrap protection is achieved by a transpiler
  • Scrap protection configurable is now a continuous variable, rather than discrete enum


  • Scrap protection 'randomness' configuration
  • More quota configuration options:
    • starting credits
    • starting quota
    • quota increase steepness
    • quota base increase
    • quota increase randomness
  • Feature flags for most options
  • Delegation: features will be automatically delegated to other mods (disabled) depending on what is installed
  • Feature flag for disabling delegation
  • Configurable death penalty options


  • The 'release' workflow was failing when there was no changelog to commit
  • Scrap protection attempting to remove items

[0.1.3] - 2023-12-04


  • Removed categories from thunderstore.toml as tcli has not released the necessary feature

[0.1.2] - 2023-12-04


  • Specified categories in thunderstore.toml on a per-community basis to prevent HTTP 400 on publish

[0.1.1] - 2023-12-04


  • Build task ensures release tags begin with v and uses the remaining substring as the version


  • Publish workflow contained syntax errors

[0.1.0] - 2023-12-04



  • CI/CD build setup
  • Automatic publish to Thunderstore via GitHub actions

[0.0.5] - 2023-11-21


  • Scrap protection no long breaks things when failing a quota (Bug Smashers: Pinny/Toast)
  • Improved compatability with Bigger Lobby 2.2.2+ (Bug Annihilator: Bizzle)

[0.0.4] - 2023-11-18


  • Added Dat1Mew's lovely icon to Thunderstore release


  • Scrap Protection mode COINFLIP bug fixed to actually flip a coin (Bug Bonker: Vasanex)
  • RPC added to properly inform clients of the company price each day

[0.0.3] - 2023-11-17


  • eScrapProtection configured value: has a few simple options for protecting scrap when the party wipes

[0.0.2] - 2023-11-15


  • Company buy prices are derived from level data so they stay they same after save/load
  • Plugin moved to net472 to fix dependency errors
  • Project updated to make compiling smoother


  • bUnlockSuits configured value: Add Green and Hazard suit to ship

[0.0.1] - 2023-11-13


  • bEnabled configured value: global toggle
  • bAlwaysShowTerminal configured value: show terminal without players
  • bUseRandomPrices configured value: randomly modifies company prices
  • fTimeScale configured value: modifies time on moons
  • fMinCompanyBuyPCT configured value: sets a floor for company prices
  • fDoorTimer configured value: modifies how long the hangar doors remain closed
  • iQuotaDays configured value: modifies how many days the players have to meet quota
  • eThreatScannerType configured value: adds a threat scanner to "scan" of specified type