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Magic_Wesley-WesleysInteriors-1.5.3 icon


A few new interiors.

Date uploaded 5 hours ago
Version 1.5.3
Download link
Downloads 977
Dependency string Magic_Wesley-WesleysInteriors-1.5.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.2.2 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.2.2
JacobG5-JLL-1.6.0 icon

Jacob's Lethal Libraries - For Jacob's Mods

Preferred version: 1.6.0
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.15.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.15.1
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5


Wesley's Interiors

The Toy Store

Watch where you walk.

Interior Room
Interior Hallway
Interior Entrance

The Grand Armory

Be very alert.

Interior Hallway
Interior Hallway
Interior Hallway

In addition to the halloween mode you can have a spooky nutcracker:


If you want some extra chaos you can use this addon made by Zehs!


Content tags for customising the Grand Armory liquid:

Tag Effect
Volcanic Lava
Canyon Lava
Wasteland Lava
Cheese Cheese
Argon Cosmic
Bloody Blood
Honey Honey
Ocean Water
Pinkwater Pink water
Beans Baked beans
Fun Ball pit balls


My stuff:


Some people suggested I should make a Ko-fi so here it is.



- Hotfix


- Included the actual config.. you can play spooky mode now


Grand Armory
- Completely redid the way Grand Armory generates to (hopefully) prevent it from not generating sometimes
> This also means grand armory will be wildly different path wise compared to before, you might have to cross an acid section to get to another part of the regular armory
> And occasionally not every type of loot room will be present
- Replaced the acid tiles with one more modular acid tile
- Allowed a second elevator to spawn
- Added stairs to acid pool transition tiles
- Added some variation to the acid pool transition jumps
- Added lava pools to "Canyon" and "Wasteland" tags
- Added ball pits to the "Fun" tag
- Added far audios to certain sounds
- An alarm system will now go off on the loot rooms if the power is down, you can disable these
> Could help with finding the loot rooms
- Made fire exits more likely to spawn deeper in the armory
- Added a loot spot in the cold storage server room
- Added some more ambient sounds
- Added a possible apparatus spot in the cold storage area
Toy Store
- Spooky mode (configurable)
- There's nothing below the ballpit
- Made shotgun doors a bit more dangerous
- Some optimisation
- Added the (I think) unused nutcracker crawling through vent sound as ambience in some tiles
- Removed a wall turret
- I was supposed to work on my moon update and I was only going to fix an issue with Grand Armory.. now toy store has a whole Halloween mode T-T


- I am feeling kind today, removed the turret firing squad I placed in the Grand Armory entry tile
- Added some spike trap spots in the entry tile


- Fixed empty room in toy store


- Hotfix 2: electric boogaloo


- Hotfix


Grand Armory
- Changed the water color
- Added baked beans to the acid types


Toy Store
- Shotgun traps will now fling your body
- Shotgun traps can now hurt enemies
- Increased damage for chest traps
- Chest traps now use burnt body type
- Increased blast range for chest traps
- Chest traps can now hurt enemies
- Apparatus pull event now deals a 100 damage instead of 99
- Made the wire on the "welcome home trap" harder to spot
- Min-max of shotgun traps is now 5-8
- Min-max of welcome home traps is now 2-4
- Fixed some inverse softlock areas
Grand Armory
- Ceiling crushers will now burst your head
- The elevator can now crush you
- Hooks now deal 25 damage
- Lurkers now deal recurring damage (10dmg/0.2s)
- Lurkers can now hurt enemies
- Fixed an issue where recharge station particles would always play
- You should no longer be able to teleport onto acid pools and instantly die
- Enemies should no longer be able to teleport onto or underneath the acid pools
- Falling in acid no longer has a body type
- Added some off mesh links to areas enemies couldn't normally reach
- Added different versions for the acid pools based on level tags
- Removed LethalToolbox as a dependency
- Added JLL as a dependency


Toy Store
- Fixed an issue where enemies couldn't enter the entry tile in certain areas


Grand Armory
- Forgot to disable something, should be slightly more optimised now


- I changed nothing


- Fixed the custom apparatusses turning into regular apparatusses after lobby reload


Grand Armory
- Removed the testing elevator


Grand Armory
- Fire exit fix


Grand Armory
- Items will now finally stay on the Elevator.. finally
- Made the interior smaller for players with a mild case of skill issue :D
- No rubber rooms update today, 1.3.9 added a couple tiles'n things


- Rat but more
- Fix exit fire yes tired


Grand Armory
- fix


Grand Armory
- Stopped fire exits from being weird (for real this time)
Toy Store
- I changed nothing here lol


Grand Armory
- Replaced a sound
- Added a new texture
- T
- Stopped fire exits from being weird hopefully


Grand Armory
- changed generation, should be easier to get around the place and find loot spots


Toy Store
- Slightly adjusted the new entry room


Grand Armory
- Fixed spike traps not spawning
- The entry stinger now randomly plays when you first enter due to custom interior stingers being broken
^It has a 20% chance to play on first enter
- Added breaker box spawn spots in cold storage
Toy Store
- I forgot something and it broke the entire interior.. oops
- The entry stinger now randomly plays when you first enter due to custom interior stingers being broken
^It also has a 20% chance to play on first enter
- Also fixed the spike traps not spawning
- Added more variation to the entry tile


Grand Armory
- Ported the project to v61
- Elevator is now smoother
- Elevator now has navmesh (enemies can walk on it)
- Elevator is now faster
- Re-added a tile
Toy Store
- Ported the project to v61
- Fixed some things for v61
- Uh yeah probably something else as well


- Fixed the elevator desync
- Forgot to mention I also added stingers to the interiors in the previous changelog.. whoops


Grand Armory
- Couldn't fix the elevator :( have some other things instead:
- Added 2 new ascending tiles
- Added an uncommon caged tile
- Added some alt tiles for a special alt path
- Oh deer
- Added more doors to tiles
- Fixed enemies walking through blocked off doors
- Added a cold storage room
- Fixed fake door backgrounds
- He lurks
- Bunch of generation changes
- Made the toxic waste less vibrant to match the rest of the interior better
- Tagged/retagged a lot of props for proper footstep sounds
- Bunch of optimisations
- Added decorative hooks
- Added not-so decorative hooks
- Added more variation to 'normal' walking tiles
- Some optimisations
Toy Store
- More variation in backrooms/store tile pathing, the backrooms *should* connect to regular store tiles more
- Added a bit more texture variety
- Backrooms hallways now have special blockers
- Made the shotgun trap string slightly thinner
- Removed the eyeballs from the nutcrackers
- Made the nutcrackers a bit cleaner
- I hope you have a good reaction speed (you all are going to hate me for this)
- Made shotgun blasts have a bit more impact visually
- Added a new tile
- Some optimisations


- Spike traps are back
- Landmines also exist now


- One of the tiles in toy store could put a bunch of loot in unreachable locations


- Made the main entrance background lights more yellow
- Made it more likely for chests to have loot
- Loot in chests should no longer be able to spawn underneath the chests


- Enemies can no longer walk through certain walls


- wa


- Explosion sound is no longer global


- Ceiling = pain again
- Toy store interior visual details


- Imagine forgetting to update your changelog.. couldn't be me


- Made the toy store smaller so loot is easier to find


- Temp fix for the acid pools in Grand Armory
- You will no longer vanish when standing on the Elevator


- Artifrice


- Small GA material fix


Toys Store
- Added extra doors inside the store part of the interior
- Added the disconnect sound to the apparatus
- The actual project has been updated from v49 to v56 meaning:
- The apparatus will now wake up old birds
- The explosion effect has improved
Grand Armory
- Made the apparatus pull event slightly more dangerous :)
- Probably some other visual things I forgot about


- There can now only be 2 to 8 shotgun traps in the Toy Store


- Solved some navmesh issues in toy store


Toys Store
- The floors should no longer clip through each other
- Added some new tiles for some variety
- Updated some old tiles for some variety
- Added a small tile to the storage section which should add a lot more connectivity and variety in paths
- Red carpets are no longer shiny
- Improved performance a bit
- Slightly increased the default dungeon size to account for the new small tile
Grand Armory
- Added some extra props
- Added CullFactory support
- Added some extra variation to square catwalk tiles
- Idk just have fun


- Changed Toy Store apparatus color


- Changed GA apparatus color
- Increased GA apparatus value to 280
- Updated the GA generation to be more diverse at the entrance (hopefully)


- Enemies should no longer walk through containers or walls


- Now GA entrance turrets are gone too :(
- Turrets in TS should no longer spawn in walls or objects


- I love Grand Armory container turrets! but I had to remove them :(


- It was desynced.. Whoopsies.. Hopefully fixed now


- Added a lovely new tile to the Toy Store which I haven't properly tested so do yell at me if it's broken in any way (it's probably fine though)


- Added a few more chests
- You can now hide in chests (enemies will lose you if you close the lid)
- Loot rooms now have more logical loot spawns
- (:<


- Wa


- Added some extra decoration to the GA


- Loot should now properly spawn on cabinets


- Minor fixes


- Added the recharge station tile


- Alright, just throwing this new size at the wall for the GA, please let me know if it's too big


- Grand Armory got slightly bigger again
- Added some variation to loot room server racks
- The apparatus tile and elevator tile are less likely to be at the very start
- Added another loot room
- Loot rooms will no longer always have 4 storage shelves
- Some balancing things


- Now using extendedmod, teh game should no longer get stuck on randomseed
- Grand Armory got slightly bigger
- Old configs are no longer used


- Turrets should no longer fire through objects
- Enemies should no longer walk through objects
- Fire exits will lock down once the apparatus has been taken
- More loot rooms have been added
- Scrap no longer spawns randomly around the place
- More fire exit spots were added
- Elevators now have buttons at the bottom
- Turrets should no longer spawn inside containers


- Nukes should now have normal collision
- That one shipping container now has collision
- Elevator fix?
- Made the interior slightly smaller
- fixed acid trigger going through walls
- Added more possible fire exit locations
- Fixed some other things as well


- Added the Grand Armory Interior
- Toy Store Can now have spike traps
- Toy Store loot spots have been Updated/Changed
- Toy Store is now much smaller by default


- Bullets fired from a turret will now realise that bookshelves are bookshelves and decide not to phase through it (hopefully)


- Lowered the shotgun spawn rate


- Chest fix


- Fixed a few small details


- Chest interact is now on the lid
- Fixed the weird wall chest in the big loot room
- Added another possible chest spot
- More connectivity
- Cull Factory Support
- Fixed items/turrets spawning at a weird spot in the table loot room
- Decreased trap scanning range
- Initial release


- Initial release




- Hotfix 2: electric boogaloo


- Hotfix


- Included the actual config.. you can play spooky mode now


Grand Armory
- Completely redid the way Grand Armory generates to (hopefully) prevent it from not generating sometimes
> This also means grand armory will be wildly different path wise compared to before, you might have to cross an acid section to get to another part of the regular armory
> And occasionally not every type of loot room will be present
- Replaced the acid tiles with one more modular acid tile
- Allowed a second elevator to spawn
- Added stairs to acid pool transition tiles
- Added some variation to the acid pool transition jumps
- Added lava pools to "Canyon" and "Wasteland" tags
- Added ball pits to the "Fun" tag
- Added far audios to certain sounds
- An alarm system will now go off on the loot rooms if the power is down, you can disable these
> Could help with finding the loot rooms
- Made fire exits more likely to spawn deeper in the armory
- Added a loot spot in the cold storage server room
- Added some more ambient sounds
- Added a possible apparatus spot in the cold storage area
Toy Store
- Spooky mode (configurable)
- There's nothing below the ballpit
- Made shotgun doors a bit more dangerous
- Some optimisation
- Added the (I think) unused nutcracker crawling through vent sound as ambience in some tiles
- Removed a wall turret
- I was supposed to work on my moon update and I was only going to fix an issue with Grand Armory.. now toy store has a whole Halloween mode T-T


- I am feeling kind today, removed the turret firing squad I placed in the Grand Armory entry tile
- Added some spike trap spots in the entry tile


- Fixed empty room in toy store


- Hotfix 2: electric boogaloo


- Hotfix


Grand Armory
- Changed the water color
- Added baked beans to the acid types


Toy Store
- Shotgun traps will now fling your body
- Shotgun traps can now hurt enemies
- Increased damage for chest traps
- Chest traps now use burnt body type
- Increased blast range for chest traps
- Chest traps can now hurt enemies
- Apparatus pull event now deals a 100 damage instead of 99
- Made the wire on the "welcome home trap" harder to spot
- Min-max of shotgun traps is now 5-8
- Min-max of welcome home traps is now 2-4
- Fixed some inverse softlock areas
Grand Armory
- Ceiling crushers will now burst your head
- The elevator can now crush you
- Hooks now deal 25 damage
- Lurkers now deal recurring damage (10dmg/0.2s)
- Lurkers can now hurt enemies
- Fixed an issue where recharge station particles would always play
- You should no longer be able to teleport onto acid pools and instantly die
- Enemies should no longer be able to teleport onto or underneath the acid pools
- Falling in acid no longer has a body type
- Added some off mesh links to areas enemies couldn't normally reach
- Added different versions for the acid pools based on level tags
- Removed LethalToolbox as a dependency
- Added JLL as a dependency


Toy Store
- Fixed an issue where enemies couldn't enter the entry tile in certain areas


Grand Armory
- Forgot to disable something, should be slightly more optimised now


- I changed nothing


- Fixed the custom apparatusses turning into regular apparatusses after lobby reload


Grand Armory
- Removed the testing elevator


Grand Armory
- Fire exit fix


Grand Armory
- Items will now finally stay on the Elevator.. finally
- Made the interior smaller for players with a mild case of skill issue :D
- No rubber rooms update today, 1.3.9 added a couple tiles'n things


- Rat but more
- Fix exit fire yes tired


Grand Armory
- fix


Grand Armory
- Stopped fire exits from being weird (for real this time)
Toy Store
- I changed nothing here lol


Grand Armory
- Replaced a sound
- Added a new texture
- T
- Stopped fire exits from being weird hopefully


Grand Armory
- changed generation, should be easier to get around the place and find loot spots


Toy Store
- Slightly adjusted the new entry room


Grand Armory
- Fixed spike traps not spawning
- The entry stinger now randomly plays when you first enter due to custom interior stingers being broken
^It has a 20% chance to play on first enter
- Added breaker box spawn spots in cold storage
Toy Store
- I forgot something and it broke the entire interior.. oops
- The entry stinger now randomly plays when you first enter due to custom interior stingers being broken
^It also has a 20% chance to play on first enter
- Also fixed the spike traps not spawning
- Added more variation to the entry tile


Grand Armory
- Ported the project to v61
- Elevator is now smoother
- Elevator now has navmesh (enemies can walk on it)
- Elevator is now faster
- Re-added a tile
Toy Store
- Ported the project to v61
- Fixed some things for v61
- Uh yeah probably something else as well


- Fixed the elevator desync
- Forgot to mention I also added stingers to the interiors in the previous changelog.. whoops


Grand Armory
- Couldn't fix the elevator :( have some other things instead:
- Added 2 new ascending tiles
- Added an uncommon caged tile
- Added some alt tiles for a special alt path
- Oh deer
- Added more doors to tiles
- Fixed enemies walking through blocked off doors
- Added a cold storage room
- Fixed fake door backgrounds
- He lurks
- Bunch of generation changes
- Made the toxic waste less vibrant to match the rest of the interior better
- Tagged/retagged a lot of props for proper footstep sounds
- Bunch of optimisations
- Added decorative hooks
- Added not-so decorative hooks
- Added more variation to 'normal' walking tiles
- Some optimisations
Toy Store
- More variation in backrooms/store tile pathing, the backrooms *should* connect to regular store tiles more
- Added a bit more texture variety
- Backrooms hallways now have special blockers
- Made the shotgun trap string slightly thinner
- Removed the eyeballs from the nutcrackers
- Made the nutcrackers a bit cleaner
- I hope you have a good reaction speed (you all are going to hate me for this)
- Made shotgun blasts have a bit more impact visually
- Added a new tile
- Some optimisations


- Spike traps are back
- Landmines also exist now


- One of the tiles in toy store could put a bunch of loot in unreachable locations


- Made the main entrance background lights more yellow
- Made it more likely for chests to have loot
- Loot in chests should no longer be able to spawn underneath the chests


- Enemies can no longer walk through certain walls


- wa


- Explosion sound is no longer global


- Ceiling = pain again
- Toy store interior visual details


- Imagine forgetting to update your changelog.. couldn't be me


- Made the toy store smaller so loot is easier to find


- Temp fix for the acid pools in Grand Armory
- You will no longer vanish when standing on the Elevator


- Artifrice


- Small GA material fix


Toys Store
- Added extra doors inside the store part of the interior
- Added the disconnect sound to the apparatus
- The actual project has been updated from v49 to v56 meaning:
- The apparatus will now wake up old birds
- The explosion effect has improved
Grand Armory
- Made the apparatus pull event slightly more dangerous :)
- Probably some other visual things I forgot about


- There can now only be 2 to 8 shotgun traps in the Toy Store


- Solved some navmesh issues in toy store


Toys Store
- The floors should no longer clip through each other
- Added some new tiles for some variety
- Updated some old tiles for some variety
- Added a small tile to the storage section which should add a lot more connectivity and variety in paths
- Red carpets are no longer shiny
- Improved performance a bit
- Slightly increased the default dungeon size to account for the new small tile
Grand Armory
- Added some extra props
- Added CullFactory support
- Added some extra variation to square catwalk tiles
- Idk just have fun


- Changed Toy Store apparatus color


- Changed GA apparatus color
- Increased GA apparatus value to 280
- Updated the GA generation to be more diverse at the entrance (hopefully)


- Enemies should no longer walk through containers or walls


- Now GA entrance turrets are gone too :(
- Turrets in TS should no longer spawn in walls or objects


- I love Grand Armory container turrets! but I had to remove them :(


- It was desynced.. Whoopsies.. Hopefully fixed now


- Added a lovely new tile to the Toy Store which I haven't properly tested so do yell at me if it's broken in any way (it's probably fine though)


- Added a few more chests
- You can now hide in chests (enemies will lose you if you close the lid)
- Loot rooms now have more logical loot spawns
- (:<


- Wa


- Added some extra decoration to the GA


- Loot should now properly spawn on cabinets


- Minor fixes


- Added the recharge station tile


- Alright, just throwing this new size at the wall for the GA, please let me know if it's too big


- Grand Armory got slightly bigger again
- Added some variation to loot room server racks
- The apparatus tile and elevator tile are less likely to be at the very start
- Added another loot room
- Loot rooms will no longer always have 4 storage shelves
- Some balancing things


- Now using extendedmod, teh game should no longer get stuck on randomseed
- Grand Armory got slightly bigger
- Old configs are no longer used


- Turrets should no longer fire through objects
- Enemies should no longer walk through objects
- Fire exits will lock down once the apparatus has been taken
- More loot rooms have been added
- Scrap no longer spawns randomly around the place
- More fire exit spots were added
- Elevators now have buttons at the bottom
- Turrets should no longer spawn inside containers


- Nukes should now have normal collision
- That one shipping container now has collision
- Elevator fix?
- Made the interior slightly smaller
- fixed acid trigger going through walls
- Added more possible fire exit locations
- Fixed some other things as well


- Added the Grand Armory Interior
- Toy Store Can now have spike traps
- Toy Store loot spots have been Updated/Changed
- Toy Store is now much smaller by default


- Bullets fired from a turret will now realise that bookshelves are bookshelves and decide not to phase through it (hopefully)


- Lowered the shotgun spawn rate


- Chest fix


- Fixed a few small details


- Chest interact is now on the lid
- Fixed the weird wall chest in the big loot room
- Added another possible chest spot
- More connectivity
- Cull Factory Support
- Fixed items/turrets spawning at a weird spot in the table loot room
- Decreased trap scanning range
- Initial release


- Initial release