Added mods:
- MemeSoundboard because why not
Removed mods:
- Scoopys Variety Mod because Greg (the one the pack is named after) doesn't like it
This update makes WithGreg more dangerous than ever! Monsters can now hunt you down outside, doors can kill you, and the Apparatus is much less forgiving!
Added mods:
- CollectYourDead
- CupboardFix
- DiscountAlert
- EverythingCanDie
- FacilityMeltdown
- GhostGirlFearReset
- HandheldMap
- ImmersiveScraps
- LandminesForAll
- Lethal Doors
- LethalEscape
- LethalLoudnessMeter
- LetMeLookDown
- MaskTheDead
- MoonPriceDisplay
- NameplateTweaks
- OrbitRecharge
- Possessed Masks
- Quick Drop
- QuickRestart
- QuotaRollover
- Scoopys Variety Mod
- Sell Dead Enemies
- TouchScreen
Updated mods:
- AdvancedCompany (fixes compatibility with
) - LethalCompany_InputUtils
- Tesla MPSB WithGreg
Added mods:
- AtAGlance
- AutoScan
- BetterShipDoors
- CompanyBuildingEnhancements
- DimmingFlashlights
- DonaldTrumpShipIntro
- DoorBreach
- HoldScanButton
- OuterDoorButtons
- ScannableCodes
- SellTracker
- Unlimited Sell Mod
Removed mods:
- FlashlightFix (redundant with AdvancedCompany)
- QuotaRollover (incompatible with AdvancedCompany; may come back)
Added mods:
- QuotaRollover
- FlashlightFix
- LC_API (optional dependency of MoreDeathNotes)
- IntroTweaks*
- LethalRegeneration
- Corporate Restructure
- HealthMetrics
- ScrollInverter
- HideModList
- Integrated GlowStickSuits into the support bundle. Original mod removed due to redundancy.
v1.0.0 - Initial Release
Added mods:
- Tesla MPSB With Greg
- LethalCompany_InputUtils
- More Suits
- DefaultConfigs
- CustomSounds
- LCSoundTool
- AdvancedCompany
- Mimics
- Strange Objects
- EmployeeAssignments
- LethalClunk
- GlowStickSuits
- LCBetterClock
- NoDeathDespawn
- Helmet Cameras
- ShipLoot
- HDLethalCompany
- AlwaysHearActiveWalkies
- MoreDeathNotes
- DissonanceLagFix
- WalkieUse