NomnomAB-RollingGiant icon


Adds the Rolling Giant as a new enemy type. Sounds are included.

Last updated 11 months ago
Total downloads 2697311
Total rating 87 
Categories Mods Client-side Server-side Monsters
Dependency string NomnomAB-RollingGiant-2.6.0
Dependants 2462 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Rolling Giant

Made by Andrew Burke

Adds the Rolling Giant as a new enemy type into Lethal Company. Sounds are included.


  • Adds the Rolling Giant as a new enemy
  • Adds a custom scrap poster for the Rolling Giant
  • Rolling Giants can be scanned to read their own unique bestiary entry
  • Multiple AI behaviours to choose from
  • Can change the scale of the Rolling Giant between two values
  • Can change the Rolling Giant's movement speed, wait durations, move durations, and more
  • Rolling Giants have the option to rotate to face the player if they have been still for some time
  • Can change the AI type of all Rolling Giants on the fly:
    • A hot key to reload the entire config file
    • Hotkeys to cycle between AI types

There should be the picture... Something went wrong.


Put the /BepInEx/ folder inside your /steamapps/common/Lethal Company/ folder after installing all the dependencies.


Generated after launching the game for the first time.


  • GiantScaleInsideMin - The minimum scale of the Rolling Giant's model inside
    • This changes how small the Giant can be
  • GiantScaleInsideMax - The maximum scale of the Rolling Giant's model inside
    • This changes how big the Giant can be
  • GiantScaleOutsideMin - The minimum scale of the Rolling Giant's model outside
    • This changes how small the Giant can be
  • GiantScaleOutsideMax - The maximum scale of the Rolling Giant's model outside
    • This changes how big the Giant can be

Spawn Conditions

These do not update when reloading the config in-game!

  • SpawnIn - Levels that the Rolling Giant can spawn in, separated by their chances of spawning
    • Vanilla caps at 100, but you can go farther.
    • This chance is also a weight, not a percentage
    • Higher chance = higher chance to get picked
    • The names are what you see in the terminal
    • Vow:45,March:45,Rend:54,Dine:65,Offense:45,Titan:65
  • SpawnInOutsideChance - The chance for the Rolling Giant to spawn outside in the levels from SpawnIn
  • SpawnInAny - If the Rolling Giant can spawn on any level
  • SpawnInAnyChance - The chance for the Rolling Giant to spawn in any level
  • SpawnInAnyOutsideChance - The chance for the Rolling Giant to spawn outside in any level
  • CanSpawnInside - If the Rolling Giant should spawn inside the dungeon
  • CanSpawnOutside - If the Rolling Giant should spawn outside
  • DisableOutsideAtNight - If the Rolling Giant will turn off if it is outside at night.
  • MaxPerLevel - The maximum amount of Rolling Giant's that can spawn in a level
  • SpawnPosterIn - Where the Rolling Giant poster scrap can spawn, separated by their chances of spawning
    • Vanilla caps at 100, but you can go farther.
    • This chance is also a weight, not a percentage
    • Higher chance = higher chance to get picked
    • The names are what you see in the terminal
    • Vow:12,March:12,Rend:12,Dine:12,Offense:12,Titan:12


  • AiType - Type of AI the Rolling Giant uses
    • Putting multiple will randomly choose between them each time you land on a moon
    • Coilhead - Move when the player is not looking at it
    • InverseCoilhead - Move when the player is looking at it
    • RandomlyMoveWhileLooking - Randomly move while the player is looking at it
      • WaitTimeMin - The minimum duration in seconds that the Rolling Giant waits before moving again
      • WaitTimeMax - The maximum duration in seconds that the Rolling Giant waits before moving again
      • RandomMoveTimeMin - The minimum duration in seconds that the Rolling Giant moves toward the player
      • RandomMoveTimeMax - The maximum duration in seconds that the Rolling Giant moves toward the player
    • LookingTooLongKeepsAgro - If the player looks at it for too long it doesn't stop chasing
      • LookTimeBeforeAgro - How long the player can look at the Rolling Giant before it starts chasing.
    • FollowOnceAgro - Once the player is noticed, the Rolling Giant will follow the player constantly
    • OnceSeenAgroAfterTimer - Once the player sees the Rolling Giant, it will agro after a timer
      • WaitTimeMin - The minimum duration in seconds that the Rolling Giant waits before chasing the player
      • WaitTimeMax - The minimum duration in seconds that the Rolling Giant waits before chasing the player
    • All - Will select all of the ai types
  • AiTypeChangeOnHourInterval - If the AI type should change every X hours. Set to 0 to disable
  • MoveSpeed - Speed of the Rolling Giant's movement in m/s²
  • MoveAcceleration - How long it takes the Rolling Giant to get to its movement speed in seconds
  • MoveDeceleration - How long it takes the Rolling Giant to stop moving in seconds
  • RotateToLookAtPlayer - If the Rolling Giant should rotate to face the player if it has been still for some time
  • DelayBeforeLookingAtPlayer - The delay before the Rolling Giant looks at the player
  • LookAtPlayerDuration - The duration the Rolling Giant takes to look at the player


These do not update when reloading the config in-game!

  • GotoPreviousAiTypeKey - The key to go to the previous AI type
    • This uses Unity's New Input System's key-bind names
    • Defaults to Keypad 7
  • GotoNextAiTypeKey - The key to go to the next AI type
    • This uses Unity's New Input System's key-bind names
    • Defaults to Keypad 8
  • ReloadConfigKey - The key to reload the config. Does not update spawn conditions
    • This uses Unity's New Input System's key-bind names
    • Defaults to Keypad 9

Building the project

Removing the local plugin package step

Remove the PreBuild step in the csproj, and replace the PostBuild step with

<Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
  <Exec Command="cd $(NetcodePatcherDir)&#xA;NetcodePatcher.dll $(TargetDir) deps/&#xA;xcopy /y /d &quot;$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).dll&quot; &quot;$(GameDir)\BepInEx\plugins\RollingGiant\&quot;&#xA;" />

Also remove:

  <Folder Include="plugin\BepInEx\plugins\RollingGiant\" />

Initial steps

  1. Open the .csproj
  2. Change <GameDir> to where your game is installed
  3. Change <NetcodePatcherDir> to where you have the Unity Netcode Patcher extracted

Can also remove the enter netcode patcher step if you want to use the nuget version instead, but I haven't updated to that yet, so I haven't looked into it

  1. Build

When built, it will patch the dll and then copy the dll to the game's plugin folder.

If you don't want the auto-copying to the game directory, then remove this from the PostBuild step:

xcopy /y /d &quot;$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).dll&quot; &quot;$(GameDir)\BepInEx\plugins\RollingGiant\&quot;&#xA;



  • Upgraded to v50
  • Fixed names of ai types in

Known issues:

  • The Rolling Giant can't get on the ship
  • The Rolling Giant stutters when getting on top of something


  • Fixed LLL spawning
  • Fixed daytime variant's shader being missing (somehow)
  • Fixed daytime variant, when disabled, not disabling audio


  • Fixed timers that didn't reset when ai types changed hourly
  • Fixed some ai types slowing down dramatically due to timers not resetting


  • Added AiTypeChangeOnHourInterval to the config so the ai type can change every X amount of hours
  • The InverseCoilhead ai type will now move towards a player if it can't see any of them, until it gets back into line of sight


  • Added@Headcraps to the acknowledgments for making the original Rolling Giant model
    • I was given this by a friend so I wasn't aware that Headcraps initially made it, sorry about that!


  • Fixes outside ai!


  • Clients properly get targetted during the roaming phase


  • Fixed an ownership issue that caused the Rolling Giant to spam errors
  • Fixed an ownership issue that caused the Rolling Giant to not untarget from someone
  • Fixed an ownership issue that caused the Rolling Giant to target people outside of the factory
  • Removed capsule collider and added a box collider as it was causing issues with the Rolling Giant's attack
  • Rolling Giants outside still don't work properly, but is getting worked on 🫡


  • Fixed the Rolling Giant's bestiary entry breaking when scanning the outside versions of it
  • Fixed the Rolling Giant not being able to get on the ship
  • Fixed the latency teleportation of the Rolling Giant on clients; now moves smoothly across all clients
  • Fixed ai path issues if the player jumped or got onto a high place. Now the Rolling Giant paths to the closest point to the player if they are inaccessable
  • Fixed the Rolling Giant damaging the player when clipping into the ship and the player is in the ship. Now it won't damage the player in this case
  • Fixed ai type syncing between clients
  • Fixed various ai types by syncing shared variables between clients
  • Fixed LookingTooLongKeepsAgro where the Rolling Giant wouldn't move while the timer is partially completed
  • Fixed LookingTooLongKeepsAgro where the time would restart when it switched players, or lost the player
  • Fixed OnceSeenAgroAfterTimer where the time would restart when it switched players, or lost the player
  • Fixed ai type timers resetting when the player jumped or went out of range
  • Fixed the Rolling Giant's audio stuttering if it makes quick small movements to reach a location
  • Improved the wandering speed so it will speed up to their max speed like their chasing state
  • Rolling Giants past 1.2 size can no longer get onto the ship
  • Rolling Giant scale now slightly affects their rolling audio pitch


  • Added a config option to change the max amount of Rolling Giant's that can spawn in a level
  • Changed the config option for AiType to accept multiple values
    • This allows for a random AI type to be picked at the start of each moon
    • AI type is now synced across clients with a NetworkVariable instead of with the config sync
  • Added a new Rolling Giant model that is more optimized than the previous one
    • Thanks to Krampus for the help on that!
  • The Rolling Giant now properly checks line of sight to start chasing the player
  • Fixed a client bug that would complain about an invalid navmesh agent


  • Fixed dead body shader being applied to all dead bodies and not only to the Rolling Giant player death type


  • Added a config option to spawn the Rolling Giant on any level and a weight for that option


  • Fixed client audio not playing due to agent speed mismatch


  • Slightly increases the now too low default poster spawn weight


  • Removed a multipler that was applied to the poster rarity for some reason


  • Removed the soft dependency to LethalSettings, as it somehow broke through a try catch which broke the mod loading.
  • Increased the default spawn weights slightly.
  • Added a slight probability curve to the giant's spawning inside, outside, and outside during the day.
    • Inside will slightly more common at the start
    • Outside will be slightly more common at the start and a bit more common near the end
    • Outside during the day will be slightly more common at the start


  • Renamed SpawnInside to CanSpawnInside, and is now just a toggle
  • Renamed SpawnOutside to CanSpawnOutside, and is now just a toggle
  • Renamed SpawnDaytime to DisableOutsideAtNight as it was too confusing for many people, and is now just a toggle
  • Added extra notes to various config options to make them more clear
  • Added the Rolling Giant to the in-game dev enemy spawn list
  • Fixed the Rolling Giant's outside AI
  • Gave the Rolling Giant, when it is a daytime type, a disabled state


  • Removed logs from ai modes that spammed the console :(


  • Removed Terminal API dependency
  • Converted the Rolling Giant into a completely custom enemy that can be added to the spawn pools
  • Overhauled all AI behaviors
  • Fixed many audio and networking sync issues
  • All AI types will wander by default if all players get out of range
  • Added a new player death type for when the Rolling Giant kills the player
  • Removed wander settings
  • Added config options:
    • GotoPreviousAiTypeKey - The key to go to the previous AI type.
      • This uses Unity's New Input System's key-bind names
    • GotoNextAiTypeKey - The key to go to the next AI type.
      • This uses Unity's New Input System's key-bind names
    • ReloadConfigKey - The key to reload the config. Does not update spawn conditions.
      • This uses Unity's New Input System's key-bind names
    • SpawnIn - Levels that the Rolling Giant can spawn in, separated by their chances of spawning
    • SpawnInside - If the Rolling Giant should spawn inside the dungeon
    • SpawnDaytime - If the Rolling Giant should spawn during the day
    • SpawnOutside - If the Rolling Giant should spawn outside
    • MoveDeceleration - How long it takes the Rolling Giant to stop moving in seconds
    • SpawnPosterIn - Where the Rolling Giant poster scrap can spawn, separated by their chances of spawning


  • Removed unused LC_API dependency
  • Added a config option to tell the Rolling Giant to wander again if the player goes past a certain distance
  • Added a config option to change that distance between the player and the Rolling Giant
  • Added a config option to change how long it takes the Rolling Giant to get to its movement speed
  • Added a config option to change the Rolling Giant's visual scale between two values
  • Added a config option to change the duration the player has to look at the Rolling Giant before agro for the LookingTooLongKeepsAgro AI
  • Audio volume scales based on the Rolling Giant's speed up to a cap of 1.0
  • Added new AI types for the Rolling Giant:
    • FollowOnceAgro = Once provoked, the Rolling Giant will follow the player constantly
    • OnceSeenAgroAfterTimer = Once the player sees the Rolling Giant, it will agro after a timer
  • Fixed RandomlyMoveWhileLooking AI not taking into account player viewing for timers
  • Fixed movement speed not applying to AI tick loop
  • Overhauled all settings to allow for per-AI type settings
    • AI types are now grouped with the data they need
    • Previous settings are removed automatically


  • Made the Rolling Giant rng utilize the map seed to make results less samey


  • Multiple AI types for the Rolling Giant:
    • Coilhead = Coilhead AI
    • MoveWhenLooking = Move when player is looking at it
    • RandomlyMoveWhileLooking = Randomly move while the player is looking at it
    • LookingTooLongKeepsAgro = If the player looks at it for too long it doesn't stop chasing
  • Can change the scale of the Rolling Giant's model
  • Can change the Rolling Giant's movement speed and wait/move random durations
  • Rolling Giants have the option to rotate to face the player if they have been still for some time
  • Rolling Giant variant is now synced visually across clients


  • Initial release


  • Ayyobee for a bunch of online testing and suggestions.
  • Krampus for the help with the new Rolling Giant model.
  • @Headcraps for the original Rolling Giant model!
