- Many mod updates
- Some mod updates
- Some mod updates
- Added rebalanced moons
- Added Lethal Casino
- Improved monster AI to allow more creatures with less lag
- Some mod updates
- Mod updates
- Removed dimming flashlights to fix some issues with the old flashlight
- Removed the ability to sleep on the bunkbed since it didn't seam to work with everyone
- Some mod updates
- Fixed another outside visual bug
- Adjusted scrap spawns
- Added Rats
- Changed the page icon (my bad)
- Fixed a problem with dropping items
- Fixed Barber
- Fixed Bunker Spider
- Reduced spawn speed of the Ghost Girl
- Less issues between mods on start up
- Tweaked Quota for added difficulty
- Reduced scrap spawns to force u deeper into the map
- Made it easier to type in the terminal
- Come back as ghosts to haunt crewmates if u die
- Improved dungeon Generation
- Better spray paint
- Jesters slam open doors now instead of just opening them
- Reworked insanity fixing some small issues and adding new ways to go insane
- 8 new vanilla like scrap
- Use zapgun to revive crewmates
- Use the bed as what it's used for
- Improved FPS cap setting
- Re-enabled ghost girl (I forgot)
- Improved visuals
- Improved start up performance
- Changed loading into new moon after pulling lever
- Hydrodere won't camp main or fire exits anymore
- Changed looks of some vanilla moons for added exploration
- Flashlights dim when battery gets low
- Changed how dropping items work
- Fixed Hyper Hydrodere when the baby Cave Crawler touch a Hydrodere
- Fixed apparatus getting stuck in hands and not letting u interact with anything
- Increased horror
- Reverted to release version to fix multiplayer
- Increased difficulty for more scary events
- Fixed everything else from log below
1.0.4 (Broken)
- Some Audio Fixes
1.0.3 (Broken)
- Fix some issues with ship
- Fix some possible issues with ghost girl
- Fix some issues with insanity
- Fix an issues with the backrooms
1.0.2 (Broken)
- Fixed visual bug when outside
- Slightly improved performance on start up
1.0.1 (Broken)
- Decreased file size by removing some old config files
- Initial release