Owen3H-MovementCompany_Enhanced icon

MovementCompany Enhanced

A configurable version of the original MovementCompany. Allows bhopping, host syncing, crouch hold and more.



  • Specified a BepInEx hard dependency on LC_API.
  • Bumped CSync to version v1.0.7 to fix a syncing issue.


  • MCE now relies on CSync to synchronize the host's config file with other clients.
  • Changed bPluginEnabled and bDisplayDebugInfo to be ConfigEntry's instead of primitives.
  • Fixed security issue by migrating from BinaryFormatter to DataContractSerializer.
  • Fixed a null reference error that would spam the console.


  • The host can now allow clients to use their own config with bSyncToClients.
  • Fixed issue where the client's config was not reverted upon leaving a game.
  • Jump delays are now configurable. Both removed (true) by default.
  • Implemented crouch holding. Can be turned off by setting bHoldToCrouch to false.


  • Hardcoded values were replaced with a synced config file - all clients now receive the host's config.
  • Current coords + velocity now displayed. To turn it off, set bDisplayDebugInfo to false.
  • Able to adjust how much fall damage is received.
  • Bhopping can now be toggled for both the factory and ship.
  • Both jump delays removed.

Code optimizations

  • Removed 'MovementAdder'. Movement script is now given on player spawn instead of each frame.


  • Fixed player spawning mid-air which caused them to fly around the ship.
  • Base player speed slightly increased. 4f -> 4.2f