Black Mesa Half Life Moon Interior
The BIGGEST Interior mod which adds a Custom Moon + Interior based off of Black Mesa Research Facility with over 130+ tiles for room generation and full of unique mechanics!
Version 3.1.5
- Reduced the number of dead ends in the interior slightly
- Made fire exits prefer to spawn a bit farther down each path
- Fixed lockpickers not working on the glass sliding doors
Version 3.1.4
- Allowed enemies to get onto the reception desk in the entrance
- Added an error log to provide a solution when FixPluginTypesSerialization is not working
Version 3.1.3
- Fixed enemy pathing around the blast doors
Version 3.1.2
- Fixed thumpers not being able to crash through red doors properly
Version 3.1.1
- Fixed enemies not being able to pass through doors around the Resonance Chamber
- Second attempt at preventing VR spectators from triggering tripmines
- Moved a tripmine that could kill players instantly on entering a fire exit
Version 3.1.0
- Increased the scrap counts significantly to make finding loot more consistent
- Scaled down the interior size on moons other than Black Mesa
- Reduced the volume of the intro and elevator jingle audio
- Fixed lockpickers appearing very large on certain doors
- Fixed enemies being unable to open doors in Quarantine
- Fixed thumpers getting stuck on metal doors and spamming errors
Version 3.0.4
- Fixed an error that would cause some objects not to despawn when departing
Version 3.0.3
- Allowed the teleporter to cancel a barnacle grab
- Fixed the barnacle not grabbing correctly on clients
Version 3.0.2
- Fixed a conflict with Biodiversity in 3.0.1
Version 3.0.1
- Increased the time for the blast doors to close up to 4m30s
- Fixed some semi-inaccessible charging/healing stations
- Fixed the barnacle not being damageable by shotguns or explosions
- Fixed the barnacle death animation
- Hopefully fixed the barnacle softlocking VR spectators
- Fixed an error/freeze that could occur on the Lab path
Version 3.0.0
- Routing to the moon now costs 500 credits
- DungeonGenerationPlus dependency added for more advanced generation (Thank you Lady Raph!)
- 3 guaranteed themed main paths with dedicated doorways (Lab, Office/Military, Quarantine)
- Added an elevator as the entrance to the Office wing of the facility
- New rooms!
- Reworked lighting, now with more switchable lights
- Reduced file size to now under 200 MB (from almost 400MB before)
- General performance improvements
- Security camera room optimizations
- New doors/blockers
- Improved/reworked most props and their materials
- Added animated textures for many screens
- Newly animated main entrance door that slowly closes after 3 mins when apparatus is pulled
- Sewer entrance added to Start Room to tease new Sewer dungeon area coming later
- Adjusted hazard spawns to be more fair (no more turrets in long hallways with no cover)
- Removed G-Man
Version 2.0.0
- 20+ new rooms
- Added wall mounted laser Tripmines that can generate (Thanks Zaggy!)
- Added toxic waste barrels as parkour elements that can generate
- Added Healing Machine that is fully animated and can heal up to a certain amount that players can press and hold to use (Thanks Zaggy!)
- Added Lockers that players can hide from monsters in that randomly generate
- Updated Charging Station with proper animations and custom code (Thank you Zaggy!)
- Monsters can now use Doors and Vents correctly
- tweaked Item Charging Station Sounds
- Fully animated lighting in every tile (even main entrance)
- Fully relit every room
- Revamped all Quarantine Xen tiles to actually look nice and have props
- Lowered alarm sound when apparatus is pulled
- Facility front door will lock after 5 mins after Apparatus is pulled requiring players to use Fire Exits instead and play sounds w/ particles
- Added new Red Double Doors for office tiles
- Added new Red Double Door Blocker
- New Alarm sounds for when Apparatus is pulled and Main Door is closing and when fully closed
- Tweaked Emergency Lights and how they look visually
- Removed extra geometry in exterior
- Replaced all vertical vents with new ones that monsters can interact and open
- Added more scrap to the scrap pool
- Altered rates of certain scrap in the scrap pool
- Registered the Xen Crystal in LLL to prevent desync upon relogging
Version 1.1.6
- v64 Support!
- Fixed description
Version 1.1.5
- v64 Support!
- Fixed some textures
Version 1.1.4
- Fixed issues with configs not generating from LLL
- Tweaked the brightness on the Surveillance Cameras in the Security Room
Version 1.1.3
- Added Barber and Maneater to Interior
- Cut filesize in half (from around 750Mb down to 320 Mb) but there is still more I want to trim in later updates
- Optimized the moon and interior more so FPS is better (still more to do in later updates) - thank you Batby for the help
- Fixed ZagCams not exploding when leaving the moon - thank you Zaggy for the help
- Fixed Fire Exits being too dark
- Fixed Charging Stations not charging, but made them infinitely charge for now
- Added new catwalk on moon to allow for two handed scrap to get brought up to the ship
- Tweaked the Toxic Pool on the moon to look better and be more optimized
- Added more lighting to the Moon
- Fixed some textures on the Moon
- Fixed various bugs that PureZac found and reported to me
Version 1.1.0
- Added Butler and Tulip Snakes to Interior and Exterior respectively
- Added 26 new tiles for room generation
- Added new emergency lights for when power gets pulled
- Added new Fire Exit model
- Fixed generation so two handed items aren't stopped from being brought back to front entrance
- Fixed main entrance syncing
- Fixed clipboard from spawning on other moons
- Fixed some doorways
- Tweaked some lighting
Version 1.0.1
- Tweaked Landing sound
Version 1.0.0
- Fixed all normal issues for textures so lighting looks great now
- Added nice lighting to each room (that syncs with the Apparatus Room)
- Added custom apparatus room + custom apparatus (Resonance Cascade Room + Xen Crystal)
- Added new single and double doors as well as blockers
- Added custom animations for new doors + custom sounds for them too
- Added 10 new tiles for generation
- Added new features to Handheld TVs (ZagCams) such as bodycameras, ground deployment, etc
- Tweaked nightvision of ZagCams
- Optimizations added to Security Terminals so cameras only render when the screens are being looked at
- Revamped entire security room (moved it, added it to be next to Start entrance)
- Added custom Clipboard to Security Room for lore and instructions to Security Room features
- Tweaked Scrap Spawns to help spread them better
- Tweaked Fire Exits to hopefully be synced for all players
- Tweaked monster spawns to be more intense and worth the risk of going in
- Tweaked vent ducts to try to prevent players from falling through them
- Tweaked dungeon size a bit
- Optimized exterior and interior to hopefully give more fps (still requires Cullfactory)
Version 0.9.14
- Added Nightvision to HandheldTVs in the Security Room
- Tweaked position and lighting of HandheldTVs
- Precautionary measures for pesky players trying to leave the planet with the HandheldTV >:)
- Optimized the cameras for the Handheld TV and Security Terminal
Version 0.9.13
- Re-added config/dll (You can now add this interior/moon to other moons/interiors)
- Re-added Security Terminal with surveilance camera system for front entrance
- Added Handheld TVs that broadcast to the security terminal (also they function as walkie talkies)
- Added items to find in unique rooms that have a chance to generate
- Fixed Door + Vent Door desyncing so all players can see doors now!
Version 0.9.12
- Removed Custom Terminal for now until mod conflicts are sorted
- Removed Security Room stuff and scripts until config is working and custom scripts are able to be used
- Added more collision to secret jump area on exterior moon
- fixed Scan Node for main entrance
- Removed the dll/config as it caused the whole mod to break and be unplayable :( (will be focusing on trying to fix that)
Version 0.9.11
- hotfix
Version 0.9.1
- added dll and config now so you can now simulate the interior chances on the moon by typing "simulate blackmesa" in the terminal as well as use this interior on other moons and vice versa
- Added doors for the single doorway sockets
- replaced single door blockers with similar doors but with red emissives to help identify blocked paths in the dark
- added WIP Security room with surveilance cameras to allow players to keep an eye on the main entrance of the facility (lots planned for this room)
- added WIP custom terminal which I will do some testing with but not sure if I will keep
- added secret jump area on exterior moon (Have fun jumping to and from it!)
- added custom scripts for toxic pool to damage over time and warn players of radiation when entering the area
Version 0.8.8
- Added "doors" to vent ducts
- replaced single door blockers with more appropriate doors with red emissives on them to better see blocked paths in the dark
- removed Quarantine tileset until Seed bug is figured out
- tweaked scrap spawns
Version 0.8.7
- Added some extra collision to Vent ducts (players were falling through somehow)
- Added HEV Charging stations to be generated around the levels (can be used to charge 1 item fully)
- Removed 1 tile that was bugged which was causing Random Seed screen to be stuck on player's screen
Version 0.8.6
- Fixed some vent rotations to better help AI enemy spawns
Version 0.8.5
- Cut Texture resolutions from 2042 to 512 instead to try to benefit performance