Landing Corporation
You have been hired by the CEO of the Landing Corporation. Do not disappoint.
Under new management, rebranding coming soon. :3c
Minor bug fixes.
A couple things were reported as missing, but worry not. They are back and everything is as should be. Now, get back to work.
We express our gratitude for your unwavering dedication to attaining excellence within Landing Corporation. In recognition of your
commitment, we have elected to offer you additional enhancements. It is worth noting that, as we extend our generosity,
we anticipate commensurate advancements in performance, and we remain vigilant in monitoring your contributions.
These Mods? Hired.
These Songs? Hired.
- Gunjou
Some of our employees have been transferred to different positions, as we believe their skills are needed elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding.
The Company has experienced significant growth, facilitating further expansion and enabling us to equip our valued employees with
additional tools essential for their roles. We're expecting big things, don't let us down.
These Mods? Hired.
- ScalingStartCredits
- HideChat
- TooManySuits
- LateCompany
- LethalCompanyDRP
- FasterItemDropship
- QuotaRollover
These Mods? Fired.
These Songs? Hired.
- G6
- Shake
- Controversy
- Time
We received complaints about the boombox once more, but our dedicated music man was eaten by [O-05-30]. This issue will most likely be resolved within a few days. Weeks in the worst case. Do remember your boombox is outfitted with a volume function.
*You hear your coworkers voice coming from down the hall. They need your help to grab some loot that a hoarder bug is selfishly claiming
is theirs. You get ready to enter the room around the corner, but suddenly you hear a familiar voice over the walkie talkie.*
"Don't go in there... head back to the ship now! There is something in there."
*The voice sounds eerily like the one you just heard asking for help. Who do you trust?*
These Mods? Hired. But HR doesn't remember onboarding anyone new...
We have been informed a former employee has become quite good at handling pests. As such, we have decided to reinstate them.
Due to unknown circumstances, some employees went missing.
These Mods? Hired.
These Mods? Fired
These Songs? Hired.
- Phobic
- Cruel
- Ditto
- Trumpet
- Neutral
- Memory
- Funky
- Lavender
- Jodo
We have received complaints that the company-provided Boombox was too loud. As such, we have adjusted the volume for all music tracks.
Additionally, many more tracks have been added to the selection.
These Mods? Hired.
These Songs? Hired.
- Special
- C1
- Fellas
- Pastel
- Night
- Paradise
- Money
- Wild
These Songs? Promoted. (Adjusted Volumes)
- Fire
- Prayer
- Untie
- Star
These Suits? Dry Cleaned. (Credits)
- Purple
- Bong
We received complaints about bugs invading the premises. To reduce the chance of seeing these pests, we have hired new recruits to help
solve the problem.
Some employees were fired in the process.
These Mods? Fired.
- ReservedItemSlotCore
- ReservedWalkieSlot
- ReservedFlashlightSlot
- TerminalApi
- Terminal_Clock
- LateCompany
These Mods? Hired.
The Company Is Recruiting..