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ScienceBird-Wither-1.4.1 icon


A unique yet familiar lategame moon.

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 1.4.1
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Downloads 3790
Dependency string ScienceBird-Wither-1.4.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.4.11 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v69 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.4.11
Evaisa-FixPluginTypesSerialization-1.1.2 icon

Fix custom Serializable structs and such not properly getting deserialized by Unity.

Preferred version: 1.1.2
MaxWasUnavailable-LethalModDataLib-1.2.2 icon

A library for Lethal Company, providing a standardised way to save and load modded data.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.4 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.4
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
JacobG5-JLL-1.9.3 icon

Jacob's Lethal Libraries - For Jacob's Mods

Preferred version: 1.9.3
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



A new lategame moon featuring a variety of environments and light interactive elements.



Small regions of habitable forest surrounded by mountains and barren deserts. The moon's surface is dotted by bizarre architecture.


Neither the function nor the origin of the moon's strange structures is known. Some speculate they once served a religious or artistic purpose. It's also unclear how long the moon's environment has been in this strangely divided state. More recently, industrial efforts were set up in its forests, but now lie abandoned. Only The Company still has operations here.


The limited habitats on the moon make its forests densely populated by aggressive creatures.






Show images
Exterior areas

ExteriorPicture1 ExteriorPicture2 ExteriorPicture3 ExteriorPicture4 ExteriorPicture5 ExteriorPicture6 ExteriorPicture7

Main structure

StructurePicture1 StructurePicture2 StructurePicture3 StructurePicture4 StructurePicture5


MysteriousPicture1 MysteriousPicture2 MysteriousPicture3

Design Philosophy

My goal with this moon (other than making a fun map for Lethal Company sessions with my friends) was to:

  1. Create a moon which (relatively) fit in with the base game moons

  2. Fill the niche of a lategame moon (slightly post-Titan)

  3. Still introduce some new mechanics without making it feel too out of place

I have experience with programming and mapmaking in other mediums, but Unity is still new to me. So, especially given the new mechanics I've tried to implement, please forgive any issues and let me know about them so I can try to fix them!

Recommended Mods

If you don't have them already, try using Loadstone by AdiBTW to significantly speed up load times and LCMaxSoundsFix by Hardy if you encounter issues with sound effects being cut off.

Numbers for Nerds

I lament that moons don't often tell you their exact stats, so in case you want to know, here are the important values for Wither (beware of spoilers if you want to keep the moon's scrap and enemy spawns mysterious):

Show moon stats [SPOILERS]
Cost 800
Possible Weather Rainy, Stormy, Foggy, DustClouds, Eclipsed
Factory Size Multiplier 2.2
Interior Weights
Mineshaft 300 (60%)
Factory 175 (35%)
Mansion 25 (5%)
Map Hazard Spawns Many landmines, lower than average turrets, some spike traps
Minimum Scrap 33
Maximum Scrap 36
Minimum Scrap Value 300
Maximum Scrap Value 800
Maximum Indoor Power 19
Maximum Outdoor Power 15
Maximum Daytime Power 20
Indoor Spawn Curve Initially quite slow, with agressive late spikes
Outdoor Spawn Curve A quick bump early on, then slowly climbing for the remainder
Indoor Enemy Weights
Thumper 50 (12.5%)
Spider 50 (12.5%)
Bracken 45 (11.25%)
Hoarder Bug 40 (10%)
Nutcracker 35 (8.75%)
Centipede 30 (7.5%)
Coilhead 25 (6.25%)
Jester 25 (6.25%)
Mask 23 (5.75%)
Hygrodere 20 (5%)
Girl 20 (5%)
Spore Lizard 17 (4.25%)
Maneater 15 (3.75%)
Barber 5 (1.25%)
Outdoor Enemy Weights
Forest Keeper 60 (50%)
Eyeless Dog 30 (25%)
Baboon Hawk 20 (16.67%)
Earth Leviathan 9 (7.5%)
Old Bird 1 (0.83%)


All assets used are either from the basegame (thank you Zeekers), the Unity asset store, or made/altered by myself.

Tools used:

  • JLL by JacobG5
  • TerraMesh by v0xx
  • Water shader by dopadream

Special thanks:

  • Audio Knight/Starlancer for his fantastic tutorial
  • The moon Kast by Ceelery, a great example of a vanilla-style lategame moon
  • Magic Wesley for showing how far custom moons can go
  • IAmBatby, Evaisa, Nomnom, and the many others in the community who have contributed to Lethal Level Loader and the vast collection of modding tools


Let me know about any suggestions or issues with the map on the GitHub or the Discord forum thread.

I'm ScienceBird, I also do Twitter art sometimes and am part of the Minecraft modding team Rasa Novum. Check us out on CurseForge or Modrinth if you're interested in highly polished, balanced, yet simple Minecraft mods.


Version 1.4.2

  • Fixed reverb triggers having unintended effects on Dust Clouds weather
  • Added LobbyCompatibility
  • Added README and LICENSE to GitHub
  • Properly registered version in DLL

Version 1.4.1

  • Added default offsets for Distinct Moon Variety apparatuses
  • Cleaned up some leftover JLL stuff
  • Added some safety catches for fall rotation adjustments

Version 1.4.0

Major rework of all scripts to support config options and fix some issues:

  • Apparatus event now compatible with Facility Meltdown
  • Adjusted rotation scripting so hopefully apparatus rotation issues should be rare
  • Migrated config over from JLL to my dedicated assembly
  • Any detected modded apparatuses are added to a config section where their rotation and position in the slot can be adjusted if there's an issue (I'll add default offsets for any misaligned apparatuses that I know of, right now I only know of the Egyptian apparatus from Tolian's Tomb)
  • Various properties of the apparatus event are now adjustable (scaling values for reward scrap, maximums and minimums, etc.)
  • Added scaling factor for the reward based on the value of the apparatus
  • Added option to only allow the dying apparatus to be used in the map's event
  • Fragile catwalk hazard is now adjustable

Other changes:

  • Reduced turret spawns a bit
  • Reduced old bird spawns (from very low to extremely low)
  • Adjusted some content tags to work better with mods like Celestial Tint
  • Alarm horn is now a tiny bit louder and reaches a bit further away
  • Rumbling sounds and shaking can now be felt "inside"
  • Improved the red lighting during the alarm sequence
  • Changed footsteps sounds in the desert to something slightly softer
  • Fixed an issue where grab tooltip would remain even after inserting
  • Adjusted some parts of the lighting to work better with mrov's Blackout weather

Version 1.3.0

  • Added built-in RuntimeIcons support for event scrap items
  • Removed the "night vision" lighting from certain parts of the map, clearing up an irritating glow
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where players would incorrectly be transitioned to the interior while outside (which caused the sky to suddenly go dark)
  • Fixed some very minor incorrect footstep sounds
  • Fixed some light flickering at the small forest enclosure
  • Fixed an occasional (but seemingly harmless) network error on save load, replacing it with a warning log
  • Adjusted some baked lighting and mesh seams on the main structure
  • Made the withered phone sound effect audio slightly quieter

Rewrote event-related items to catch many potential issues:

  • Item RNG functions should now be initialized correctly, preventing an issue where picking them up would break your inventory permanently
  • Items can no longer be picked up until they've all finished falling
  • Items will no longer continue rotating even after hitting the ground
  • Randomized scrap values of the items are now based on seed and should be more resilient to desyncs

Improved the apparatus insertion process of the special event:

  • Apparatus insertion now animates (relatively) smoothly
  • After inserted, the apparatus now reflects the visual appearance of the apparatus used
  • Added a subtle ongoing sound effect after it's inserted

Version 1.2.5

  • Slightly adjusted some baked light on the cliffside
  • Rain sound effects are now properly muffled when in the desert-side enclosure

Version 1.2.4

  • Possibly fixed a networking issue

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed issues with apparatus insertion due to scrap radar icons
  • Fixed some assembly errors on script initialization

(thank you Lunxara)

  • Scrap values might be always consistent across clients now (🤞)

Version 1.2.2

  • Added basic compatibility for mrov's WeatherRegistry and related mods, so weather is accurately updated when exiting the interior (other issues with WeatherRegistry may still exist, though)
  • Fixed radar icon for apparatus not syncing across clients
  • Rewrote network code again to possibly reduce the occurrence of scrap value desyncs
  • Corrected brick texture

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed lightning occurring in unintended areas
  • Fixed some wall texture issues

(thank you narpeh and purpletheproto)

  • Adjusted some event sound effects
  • Added DustClouds to weather rotation

Version 1.2.0

  • Rewrote item handling code to fix a critical bug where event items from Wither would not save nor preserve when moving between moons (sorry this slipped past me for so long, and thank you to purpletheproto on Discord for reporting it)
  • Item is properly removed from inventory when inserting apparatus (HUD drop tip doesn't linger)
  • Adjusted and added more sound effects and visual effects around apparatus event
  • Added many custom assets for items related to the apparatus event (now considered special "Wither" items)
  • Made quicksand hazard signs less glaring
  • Slightly adjusted desert fog hue

Version 1.1.2

  • Updated README
  • Added exception for modded apparatuses

Version 1.1.1

  • Added support for modded apparatuses (e.g. Wesley's Interiors)

Version 1.1.0

  • Fixed main entrance facing you the wrong way
  • Fixed scrap sound effects related to the apparatus event not stopping on all clients when dropped
  • Adjusted apparatus event rewards to be more random and generally better
  • Rewrote some netcode related to the apparatus event (this has introduced an inconsistent bug where scrap values related to this event are set differently some clients, please report this if it happens)

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release