Adult Wanderers

Updated 5 months ago

Adult Wanderers

The Adult Wanderers is a custom monster added by Welcome to Ooblterra, that appears outdoors on 523 Ooblterra.


Adult Wanderers are large, orange beasts with 4 big legs, two arms, and a lengthy pink eyestalk. They groan loudly and dryly, and walk with clicky footsteps.

Adult Wanderers have a very large, red map dot on the ship radar.

Bestiary Entry

Adult Wanderer

Danger level: 90%

Wanderers are, strictly speaking, evolutionary dead ends. Small, helpless creatures who travel far out of their natural habitat and are curious about anything they see, including potential predators. But every once in a while the conditions are right for a Wanderer to make it to adulthood. Adult Wanderers will often end up "settling down", choosing a spot to make their habitat, digging a few feet underground and building nests. At this point, they mostly spend time tending to and raising their young, at least before that young Wanderer begins the cycle anew by leaving its homestead.

When reaching maturity, Wanderers become extremely large, durable, and powerful. This enables them to better defend or avenge their young. It is not recommended to get near one under any circumstances.


Adult Wanderers who are spawned naturally will not immediately attack any player. Instead, they will idly roam the planet. Stay as far away from them as possible; they will only notice a player when they spot them, and they have a very short vision cone and vision distance.

If an Adult Wanderer is spawned after the death of a Wanderer, it will be aggroed onto the killer of the Wanderer, but will not actually attack until that killer either turns around or leaves range. For this reason, it's advised that the player does not turn around; instead, immediately begin running, making sure to drop both the Wanderer Corpse and the weapon you brought to kill it. Run immediately to either the ship or the facility, whichever is more convenient.

Once the player enters the facility, the Adult Wanderer will lose aggro and return to its idle roaming. If the player enters the ship, they must immediately close the door, or else it will follow them in and continue attacking.

It is not generally advised to fight Adult Wanderers with shovels, or even 56 Shovels; unless a large group works together, you will only likely immediately gain its ire, and it can do a lot more damage to you than you can do to it.