SpiritWolf-Goofy_Sounds icon

Goofy Sounds

Replaces many sounds in the game to be silly. I made this mod mostly for friends and out of my own interest, but I hope you enjoy it too!


1.1.8 (2/21/24)

  • Edited audio source folders to hopefully make jester and eyeless dog sounds seperate
  • Created Goofy_Sounds_LITE

1.1.7 (1/24/24)

  • README Audited
  • Fixed the Forest Giant also asking what the fuck you said to it, you little shit, and is now exclusive to the Eyeless Dog
  • Fixed the Eyeless Dogs sometimes randomly using the jester ambience scream
  • More Ambience
  • Coil head steps changed
  • Hoarding bug walk/skitter changed

1.1.6 (1/24/24)

  • SlimeIdle.mp3 changed to .wav (again) vvv

1.1.5 (1/24/24)

  • IntroCompanySpeech.wav was the wrong file type (previously mp4)

1.1.4 (1/21/24)

  • Removed some audio source folders that literally did nothing other than make everything slightly more complicated

1.1.3 (1/20/24)

  • Modified the percent value of some files (metal pipe, ambience sounds) so they're less of a nuissance and more of a nuance [through testing I may further change these values]
  • Fixed the name of an ambience noise so it actually exists in CustomSounds
  • Added a sound for the terminal typo error (115 total sounds now)
  • Added a sound for jumping
  • Added sounds to starting the ship
  • Changelog now reads Latest->Earliest
  • Modified some nutcracker SFX to be louder

1.1.2 (1/20/24)

  • Now logging dates of changes in Changelog
  • Added audio sources to some thing so sounds do not overlap

1.1.1 (1/19/24)

  • Hopefully fixed the baldi's basics principle whistle ambience being the only one that plays
  • Added two more ambience sounds on top of that (106 total sounds now)
  • Increased the volume on flashbang related noises


  • Changed README due to current situation with CustomsSounds (1/19/24)
  • New icon!
  • More sounds! (104 total sounds now)
  • Changed the hoarding bug fly passive sound to the "cry" sound so there is ambient noise once the voiceline is finished
  • Added in the sound for ButtonPress1_0 so the game hopefully differentiates both and doesn't play "Oh my gawd" evertime a door is opened
  • Changed dropship music to a trap version
  • Changed "Great asset song"
  • Changed SlimeIdle
  • Added ShotgunReload sound variation for ShotgunReloadNutcracker
  • and more I most likely forgot about


  • Fixed changelog formatting for version 1.0.5
  • Fixed nutcracker alert sfx (19%) name so it was formatted correctly
  • Updated README so people can get the mod to work


  • More sounds! (94 total sounds now)
  • More nutcracker sounds
  • Manticoil (birds) scare noises
  • Hoarding/Loot bug completely changed
  • Added boombox songs (personal preferences, sorry if you dont like them)
  • and more I most likely forgot about
  • Including sound totals in changelog now!


  • Changelog formatting should be cleaner
  • Reuploaded to be more friendly to manual downloaders


  • added mechanical doors SFX


  • Added some Undertale SFX to spore lizard, space ejection, leveling up and down


  • Reupload, because I thought the mod was bugged (CustomSounds was just having a heart attack)


  • Replaced some ambient sounds
  • Replaced Deadline alarm sound
  • Replaced the sound for snare fleas dropping on your head
  • Nutcracker death sound replaced


  • Added the changelog!
  • Cleaned up the shovel bonk
  • increased volume of thumper alert
  • fixed file name with turret deactivation (previously "TurrectDeactivation")
  • Added boot menu sound ('oh my god')
  • Removed the mute terminal key sounds in a previous attempt to prevent dysfunctional audio (which didn't work)


  • Audio files were not seperate and made the mod moot. Fixed so mod actually works

1.0.0 Release! (1/17/24)

  • Read README