v50 configured modpack with an infected/imposter mechanic and more ways to unalive your crewmates. prepare to be betrayed!
!remove openbodycams? - not actually sure if this is doing anything useful while the body cams themselves are disabled !bugfixing - item desync issue persists
Some changes needed after testing in multiplayer
- removed TooManyEmotes - i don't actually know how or when this ended up in the manifest in the first place
- removed ReverbOnDeath - due to exception error
- reconfigured LethalUtilities - ViewClockInShip to True why wasn't this set already
- reconfigured batteries - made them a bit more common with no sell value
- reconfigured HotbarPlus - disabled many features which could be causing item desync issues; will have to do more multiplayer testing to see if this helped.
- removed MeleeFixes as being able to hit multiple times with a single shovel swing is preferred.
Hallelujah! It worked! Now I sure hope this doesn't break everything again. If all is well, I will probably only make minor updates going forward because compatibility will be a problem with most newly updated mods.
- merged manifest and configs with basicmods 1.8 to simplify installation and maintenance
- rearranged manifest list to provide more useful information about the pack first
- adjusted preferred version of laserpointerdetonator to ensure compatibility, pretty sure this is the last thing that needed fixing.
- updated readme and manifest description
- adjusted versioning in an effort to get back to v50 compatibility, I hope I got everything this time
- updated installation instructions to refer to correct basicmods version
- updated readme to remove old information
- fixed changelog formatting issue
Decided to keep this pack ready for use with previous version (v50).
- reconfigured GeneralImprovements - adjusted hotbar scrolling speed, enable reticle
- reconfigured PiggyVarietyMod - RevolverMaxMonsterDamage to 5. It appears that revolver damage drops off the further away your target is.
- reconfigured abandonedcompanyassets - disable lighter due to overlapping item name (bulletlighter) interfering with testing
- reconfigured balanced_items - adjusted weight of revolver and other tools
- reconfigured lethalutilities - increase saveitemcount; enable teleportsettings
- added InfectedCompany - works in v50
- added DoorBreach - works in v50
- updated readme with new install instructions
This pack is playable in v56 now, but InfectedCompany is currently broken and unusable until it gets an update (breaks the game at the end of round). So the basic premise of this modpack is now gone... regardless, I decided to make an update for testing purposes.
- removed InfectedCompany until it gets an update
- removed DoorBreach until it gets an update (broken by shovel updates)
A few other mods were removed as they're now included in Basicmods.
- removed slashKill
- removed TurretWhacker
- removed GetItOffMe
- removed NameplateTweaks
Other changes
- merged GeneralImprovements config with new config from Basicmods
- added OuterDoorButtons - as counterplay for ship camping. might work with malfunctions too, not sure yet.
- added LethalRegeneration - as an indirect way to equalize fights a bit more. you regenerate 2hp roughly every 4 seconds.
- added LaserPointerDetonator - you wouldn't use this for mischief right?
*Note: PiggysVarietyMod appears to be completely incompatible with BetterEmotes, so I'll look for an alternative emote mod to bundle into basicmods. Until then meantime, it's necessary to disable BetterEmotes.
- !reconfigure lethalthings - disable fatalities sign due to errors
- !reconfigured piggyvarietymod - reduced tesla gate spawn rate a bit because people keep getting telefragged. reduced volume a bit too.
- !reconfigured infectedcompany - reduced min_round_quota_for_survivor_win to 170 (from 200)
- !add getlootforkills or mobdrops - to reward defeating monsters
- reconfigured generalimprovements - StartingMoneyPerPlayer to 0 (from -1)
- reconfigured piggyvarietymod - more revolver dammit!!! like flashlights, revolvers are nearly free in the store now. you won't find them as scrap any more. but bullets aren't in the shop any more so you'll have to scavenge for ammo - which is a little more common. claim some bullets and put them to good use! balance tweaking will be required so this doesn't turn into counterstrike, but for now i'm giving this a go.
- amended some config changes that weren't intended
It seems that GeneralImprovements is interfering with teleporters and this can't be disabled. Unfortunately its handling of teleporters is extremely imprecise so I have to make a lot of concessions if I want to keep using this mod for all the other stuff it does. GeneralImprovements is the only mod handling teleporters now, so hopefully this will prevent item desync issues. Unfortunately it's heavy-handed in that you're only able to inverse teleport in with all the modded gear if all teleporters allow all items. Obviously being able to just get beamed out completely undermines the infected gamemode, so until this gets fixed I recommend just not using the Teleporter ever. I've also complained on GitHub, hopefully I can implement a better solution later.
- reconfigured LethalUtilities - to no longer touch teleportation
- reconfigured GeneralImprovements - teleport with all items. no longer scales starting money per player; instead set it at 150 flat starting credits.
- reconfigured LethalThings - disabled Item Charger Electrocution Balance tweaks
- reconfigured PiggyVarietyMod - made revolvers a little bit less rare and a bit more powerful vs. players
- reconfigured InfectedCompany - some nerfs for the infected seem warranted
- reduced infected transformation time (down to 60 seconds from 75)
- reduced damage absorption for transformed infected (down to 50% from 66%). A 2v1 shovel slugfest might be winnable for survivors now, assuming neither of them get instantly decapitated.
- survivors can now leave earlier (set to 1800 from 1900). It seems that infected can transform outside from 1700, so this should make a smaller window for the infected to clean up survivors. But note that this configured time is not exactly accurate and you may still be stuck leaving later than specified.
- reconfigured LethalPhones - reduced background noise volume. update claims to have fixed hoarding bug issues as well so i enabled that too, lol.
- reconfigured LethalUtilities - disabled opening the ship door because of a ship door bug that cropped up
- reconfigured piggyvarietymod - you can now buy bullets, in case you happen to find a revolver. they'll become a big money sink if everyone wants them...
- reconfigured LethalThings and Balanced_Items - made the hacking tool, handheld radar, incendiary grenades, stun grenades, spray paint, and TZP more affordable
- added reservedflashlightslot, reservedwalkieslot, and configs from basicmods - mainly to make testing less tedious,
- added reservedutilityslot - a new extra slot for various items that will replace the spraypaint/polaroid slot. also adds a key slot.
- reconfigured various reserved item slots to accept abandoned equipment and other modded items. tested some, but not 100% sure this has worked for everything.
- removed controllableexplosiveegg - didn't work the way i expected. decided to just add eastereggfixes to basicmods
- removed locker - there appears to be some incompatibility as it was throwing errors instead of being able to kill players.
- added slashKill - as a workaround for players who get stuck in walls... i'd like a better alternative that doesn't involve dying though.
- added GetItOffMe - encountering snare fleas when alone should no longer a death sentence
Been troubleshooting infectedcompany's scoreboard not resetting... looks like scoreboard data is stored locally alongside save files (at AppData\LocalLow\ZeekerssRBLX\Lethal Company), but these files are not being deleted when you delete their corresponding save. So to reset a scoreboard, you have to go in manually and delete the InfectedCompany files that correspond to the right save file.
- added Locker - beware!
- added controllableexplosiveegg - new murder weapon just dropped
- removed Strange_Objects - spams console with errors after leaving a moon, there may be some incompatibility and it's easiest to just remove it.
- reconfigured PiggyVarietyMod - reduced tesla gate spawnrate quite a bit because I discovered you can teleport into them and just die instantly. This doesn't make such a fate impossible, just less likely.
- reconfigured abandonedcompanyassets - reduced scrap spawn weights significantly
- reconfigured BalancedItems - adjusted sell values for various scrap. abandoned company assets have had their values set to 0 to make it clear these are mostly only useful as utilities, as they do not count toward round quota for some reason even with value.
- reconfigured PushCompany - Buffed push force (15) but nerfed range (2), stamina cost (0.15), and cooldown (1). Shove should be more effective if landed well, but you won't be able to spam shove so easily. Should also be a bit easier to notice if someone's being pushy.
- cleanup - another stray config file (glowstick)
- Updated Readme
Forgot to update the manifest file lol
Working on loot and gear. Added a few relatively passive monsters with interesting gameplay.
- updated lethalutilities config for parity with basicmods where needed
- added batteries - you can only find them as scrap
- added abandonedcompanyassets - includes glowsticks available in the store and some interesting scraps
- added strange_objects - valuable cursed loot with a reddish hue. is it worth it?
- added hallucinoceps - this is a perfect scenario for these silly shrooms. spawn rate should be pretty low but i'll tweak if needed
- added VileVendingMachine - a chance to trade for delicious company cola
- reconfigured LethalThings - disabled flare gun and tweaked prices
- reconfigured PiggyVarietyMod - adjusted revolver spawnrates and damage
- reconfigured BalancedItems - tweaked some shop prices
- added NameplateTweaks; to improve the infected name highlighting visibility
- added TurretWhacker - more configurable than Kill_It_With_Shovel, you're now basically rolling a d20 when you hit a turret to determine the level of success (or failure). it's possible to permanently disable a turret with a crit.
- added InverseOnly - you can only enter the dungeon via inverse teleporter, and you start with one
- added LethalUtilities - to upgrade teleporters. inverse teleporter has a shorter cooldown and you won't drop any stuff. for the teleporter, you'll still drop most things except for vanilla "gear" and your currently held item.
- removed Kill_It_With_Shovel - superseded by TurretWhacker
- removed We_Need_To_Go_Deeper - superseded by InverseOnly
- removed KeepScrap - as it turns out infected are teleported back to the ship when they're the only ones left. You should only really lose scrap if all survivors die and there are no infected left.
- reconfigured ghostCodes - disabled a few code types with either little relevance or no counterplay. enabled GGE mode as it seems like it'll still work on moons without ghost girls.
- reconfigured PiggyVarietyMod - reduced volume and spawnrate of tesla gates
- reconfigured InfectedCompany - changed keybind for Panic to [backslash] (above enter) to reduce the risk of dropping all your stuff when typing "p" in the terminal
- reconfigured Generalimprovements - keep non-scrap items during teleport & show HP
- reconfigured Malfunctions - adjusted event chances
- added config for Coroner - DeathReplaceNotes to false. This should probably fix the issue with Infected status not displaying reliably on the Performance Report
- added config for LethalFixes - inverse teleport without risk of instantly dying to spike traps
- added config for Majority Vote - decision to leave must be unanimous
- added KeepScrap - to prevent infected from penalizing themselves by killing everyone and then having an oopsie
- added NoPenaltyReimagined - no need to lose money from lost corpses IMO
We did some playtesting and had a blast, and of course I have lots of tweaks to polish this gamemode.
- added ReservedItemSlotCore
- added ReservedWeaponSlot
- added We_Need_To_Go_Deeper - forcing you to commit to delving deeply!
- added Piggys_Variety_Mod - adds tesla gate hazards, and you can now find a functioning revolver and ammo randomly as scrap. You'll only use it for good, right?
- added ConfigShovel - doubled the shovel's base damage
- added DoorBreach - for busting down locked doors with a shovel
- added Kill_It_With_Shovel - for disabling turrets temporarily
- added LethalThings - adds teleportation traps, boombas, some useful but expensive equipment, and more importantly Maxwell. the rocket launcher is disabled (for now)
- added Malfunctions - for more chaos
- added ghostCodes - for more chaos
- added crawlingmine - for more chaos
- reconfigured InfectedCompany - mainly enabled high tier moons to be free to visit.
- reconfigured GeneralImprovements - to optimize monitors for this gamemode, and increase starting credits per player
- reconfigured BalancedItems - shop price adjustments
- updated readme info. disabling MeleeFixes is now recommended!
Major changes, notably moved from SusCompany to LethalInfection for more features, added LethalPhones for low-tech comms, and adjusted the prices of some shop items. Added a lot of info to the readme as a primer for players.
- added LethalConfig
- added InfectedCompany
- added LethalPhones
- added Balanced_Items
- removed SusCompany
- removed Malfunctions
I still need to do some more testing to confirm this setup works well enough with the basicmods pack.
Initial release
- added SusCompany
- added PushCompany
- added Lethal_Doors_Fixed
- added Malfunctions
- added KeysLockDoors
- added Mirage
- and various prerequisites
- included configuration for openBodyCams to disable bodycams