Zehs-Supercharger icon


The ship's charging station has gotten an upgrade? You can now sometimes overcharge your equipment... but at a cost.




  • Improved supercharge visuals and animations.


  • Explosion damage is now accurate.
  • Charging a supercharged item will no longer set the battery to 100%
  • Fixed some items having the wrong hold animation after supercharging.

Config settings

  • Added EnableSuperchargerInOrbit config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, the ship's charging station will be able to supercharge while in orbit.
  • Added ItemChargeAmount config setting.
    • Description: The amount of charge an item will receive after being supercharged.
  • Added FlickerShipLights config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, the ship's lights will flicker during a supercharge.
  • Added ExplodeDamage config setting.
    • Description: The amount of damage you will receive from an explosion.
  • Added ExplosionTurnsOffShipLights config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, the ship's lights will turn off after an explosion.


  • Initial release.