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Zigzag-PremiumScraps-1.7.3 icon


Adds several scrap items to the game, some with custom effect!

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 1.7.3
Download link
Downloads 6982
Dependency string Zigzag-PremiumScraps-1.7.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1
xilophor-LethalNetworkAPI-3.2.0 icon

A library/API to allow developers to easily add networking to their mods.

Preferred version: 3.2.0
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



This mod currently adds 20 scrap items to the game ! 😎

These items can be cute, funny or stylish. They all have been cleaned to have no impact on performance.

Compatible with v55/v56 of Lethal Company.

The friendship ender

  • Can be used to do a special effect...
  • Use it near your friends, I swear it's just for shits and giggles.


Custom effect items

  • Scroll of Town Portal, a rare consumable item, teleports its user to the ship.
  • Basics of architecture, a book filled with forbidden knowledge, you can read it to learn how to use those screws you borrowed from your aunt.


Fake airhorn

  • Can be used to make loud annoying sounds, just like a real airhorn would.
  • Sometimes it will trigger a custom bad effect, are you sure that this is the real one?



  • Comically Large Spoon, a classic, does a little more damage than the shovel.
  • The legendary Stick, a non-lethal weapon, but you should not use it on your friends...


Noisy items

  • The King and Puppy Shark can both be used to make some funny sounds !
  • The little orange square is called crouton, it's an obscure internet refererence that can be heard anywhere on the map when droped.


Classic items

  • Scraps with no special effects, but they come with custom audio. Some can even glow in dark places.



Want to see some more images? (click to reveal)




Each item has a low/medium spawn chance on all moons, you will not find them easily. This is to keep the game as vanilla as possible while adding some rare scraps to find if you are lucky !

You can modify any spawn chance in the config file if you want to.


You can post some suggestions or issues in the github.


  • More scraps
  • More custom effects
  • Improve and clean custom effects code

Item list (click to reveal)
  • Frieren
  • Chocobo
  • Ainz Ooal Gown
  • Helm of Domination
  • The King
  • Harry Mason
  • Mystic Cristal
  • Puppy Shark
  • Rupee
  • Ea-Nasir Statue
  • HearthStone Card
  • SODA
  • Comically Large Spoon
  • crouton
  • Fake Airhorn
  • Balan Statue
  • The friendship ender
  • Scroll of Town Portal
  • Stick
  • Basics of architecture




  • Updated
    • Updated Frieren, Ainz Ooal Gown, Mystic Cristal and The friendship ender grab animation
    • All scraps will now drop ahead of players (not directly below them) when not in the ship
    • Added some cause of deaths for certain items and camera shake for The friendship ender
  • Fixed
    • Fixed Fake airhorn and The friendship ender killing the host player by sending the dead body in the void


  • Updated
    • Added an additional bad effect for the Fake airhorn, it will be randomnly triggered when used
    • Increased Fake airhorn explosion non-lethal damage to 50
    • Reduced Basics of architecture scrap value
  • Fixed
    • Fixed Basics of architecture bug where it could spawn on the ship after beeing used despite vanishing, it will now never disapear even if used
    • Fixed Fake airhorn sometimes not working for other players


  • Updated
    • Changed the Chocobo audio to be the one from FF7
  • Fixed
    • Fixed the new colors of SODA not beeing metalic


  • Updated
    • Added 3 color variations to SODA and 3 new colors for the Rupee (9 in total)
    • Added a custom grab tooltip to Ea-Nasir Statue
    • Increased Fake airhorn explosion range but it will deal 30 damage instead of killing players if they are a little bit far from the origin
    • Updated some spawn chance
    • Reduced The friendship ender audio
  • Fixed
    • Temporarily disabled the Stick special effect since it's a little unstable, you can still find the item but it will not have any special effect for now
    • Fixed Galvanized square steel material

1.8.0 Improvements

  • Added
    • Added Galvanized square steel
  • Updated
    • Updated to v60/v61
    • Basics of architecture update: something special will happen when you have finished reading the book
    • Increased Fake airhorn spawn chance
    • Updated dependencies
  • Fixed
    • Fixed issues with LethalNetworkAPI new versions 3.0.0+ (I'm still using the old structure but it's working as intended)

Old versions (click to reveal)


  • Updated
    • Updated to v55/v56
    • Reduced Stick audio
  • Fixed
    • Reverted Fake airhorn explosion range back to version 1.6.0


  • Updated
    • Updated to v55-beta


  • Fixed
    • Removed items left accidentaly in the shop

1.7.0 New scraps

  • Added
    • Added The friendship ender, Scroll of Town Portal, Stick and Basics of architecture
  • Updated
    • Fake airhorn will now play the real Airhorn sound when used (but it's a little different)
    • Removed the '?' from the Fake airhorn tooltip, use the sound to tell if it's the real one
    • Improved Fake airhorn explosion to be more dangerous and random
    • Updated some spawn chance
    • Updated dependencies
    • Updated README
  • Fixed
    • Reduced every audio imported quality
    • Reduced Chocobo and Puppy Shark texture quality
    • Fixed Ainz Ooal Gown grab animation
    • Optimized again Ainz Ooal Gown model (it's now extremely low poly)


  • Updated
    • Added a config file to set every spawn chance as you like
    • Increased Comically Large Spoon audio


  • Updated
    • All scraps can now be grabbed before game start
    • Reduced Balan Statue audio
  • Fixed
    • Optimized Ea-Nasir Statue model

1.6.0 Improvements

  • Updated
    • The King and Puppy Shark can now be used to make some funny sound
    • Added an emissive texture for Helm of Domination and HearthStone Card
    • Increased Comically Large Spoon damage and weight
    • Reduced Comically Large Spoon spawn chance
    • Increased The King audio
  • Fixed
    • Fixed Chocobo, The King and Puppy Shark grab animation
    • Reduced Fake airhorn explosion range
    • Reduced Mystic Cristal texture quality
    • Optimized Helm of Domination model

1.5.0 New scraps

  • Added
    • Added crouton, Fake airhorn and Balan Statue
  • Updated
    • Added a rare glowing color variation to Comically Large Spoon
    • HearthStone Card can now be inspected
    • Reduced Helm of Domination, Ea-Nasir Statue and Ainz Ooal Gown weight
    • Updated dependencies
    • Updated README (+github repo)
  • Fixed
    • Fixed Comically Large Spoon damage desync bug
    • Reduced HearthStone Card texture quality

1.4.0 Improvements

  • Added
    • Added Comically Large Spoon
  • Updated
    • Added 6 color variations to the Rupee
    • Added a tool tip to The King
    • Increased Helm of Domination scrap value
    • Reduced Ea-Nasir Statue weight
  • Fixed
    • Fixed Ea-Nasir Statue grab animation
    • Fixed Rupee texture beeing too dark
    • Optimized Mystic Cristal transparency and model


  • Updated
    • Reduced HearthStone Card, Rupee and The King scrap value
    • Reduced HearthStone Card and SODA audio

1.3.0 New scraps

  • Added
    • Added Rupee, Ea-Nasir Statue, HearthStone Card and SODA
  • Updated
    • Updated Helm of Domination grab animation
    • Increased Helm of Domination spawn chance and weight
    • Reduced Harry Mason scrap value
    • Reduced Frieren and Helm of Domination textures quality
    • Reduced Puppy Shark audio
  • Fixed
    • Optimized, fixed textures and reduced light intensity of Ainz Ooal Gown model


  • Updated
    • Updated README
  • Fixed
    • Optimized Puppy Shark model


  • Updated
    • Increased Ainz Ooal Gown scrap value
    • Reduced Mystic Cristal spawn chance

1.2.0 New scraps

  • Added
    • Added Harry Mason, Mystic Cristal and Puppy Shark
  • Updated
    • Increased The King spawn chance
    • Updated mod icon
  • Fixed
    • Fixed Helm of Domination displayed name
    • Fixed The King audio


  • Fixed
    • Fixed typo in README

1.1.0 New scraps

  • Added
    • Added Chocobo, Ainz Ooal Gown, Helm of Domination and The King
  • Updated
    • Increased Frieren scrap value
    • Updated mod icon

1.0.0 Initial release

  • Added
    • Added Frieren