bcs4313-Legend_of_The_Moai icon

Legend of The Moai

Adds a moai enemy with variants, a new moon, unique items, and many hidden secrets.

By bcs4313
Last updated 6 days ago
Total downloads 62423
Total rating 11 
Categories Mods Items Monsters Moons
Dependency string bcs4313-Legend_of_The_Moai-1.6.4
Dependants 34 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.0 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.0
AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.4.2 icon

Provides an in-game config menu for players to edit their configs, and an API for other mods to use and customize their entries.

Preferred version: 1.4.2
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.2.4 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.2.4
bcs4313-Moai_Enemy-2.5.4 icon

Adds a funny little easter man to your game. Spawns outside with variants.

Preferred version: 2.5.4
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.7.7 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.7.7


Legend of The Moai

Adds a new moon, Easter Island, an item, and moai enemies to help kill your entire squad :)

Click the image below to watch the Easter Island showcase and see all Moai variants in action!

LegendOfTheMoai Showcase


Moai Enemy and Variants
This enemy spawns outside on any planet, and has elemental variants to keep you on your toes.

The Newest Variant! Check down below for more information:     



  • Your average Moai. Chases down the player to give them a big hug. *
  • Spawn Time: Day, Rarity: Common



  • Summons lightning in a range that gets more and more violent the closer he is.
  • Do NOT mess with him.
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Rare



  • An Angel moai will patrol around players, looking for enemies.
  • These moai are identified by their shiny halo on their heads.
  • Spawn Time: Any, Rarity: ???



  • A relentless, explosive psychopath.
  • Rushes down players at extreme speeds.
  • Likes to keep weak and lonely players organized (this is a warning)
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Uncommon



  • A picky yet messy carpenter.
  • Capable of constructing various hazards (and rituals???)
  • Wields ionizing plasma. Not sure how exactly but he won't tell me his secrets.
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Rare



  • A legendary Treasure Hunter.
  • Very friendly (for a moai).
  • Can be commanded to retrieve scrap with his keen sense of smell.
  • Spawn Time: Day, Rarity: Epic



  • A master of quantum energy
  • Captures and throws enemies at the player to quickly silence them
  • Can capture and throw players as well.
  • Somehow can teleport too? Oh god.
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Uncommon



  • Moai have a 20% chance to be larger/smaller than usual.
  • Could be minor, or so severe that you can see him from a mile away.
  • Affects sfx pitch.

Special Behaviors

Vroom Vroom

  • Normal moai have a special interaction when they are angels.
  • If you have a key, you can "unlock" the moai and drive him.



  • Moai need a lot of energy dragging their heavy bodies around, so they tend to get hungry.
  • Moai may seek out very questionable items and devour them without a second thought.
  • Devouring an object will turn the moai into an angel variant, for some time.

Guardian Mode

  • Angel Moais charge and murder any threat it sees in order to protect the player.
  • Angel Moais are sophisticated, refusing to eat any disgusting scrap/player.

There is no escape

  • Moais may enter/exit the facility at any time.
  • The closer a moai is to an entrance/exit, the more likely they will enter it.


Easter Island

Rapa Nui:

More commonly known as the Easter Island.

Hazard Level: S. If under weather conditions, S++

The island was originally a special territory of Chile in the South Eastern Pacific Ocean. However, the island's most infamous art pieces, the moai, accumulated a magic so great that the island shot straight out of the ocean. Now it is a meteorite currently orbiting around 20-Adamance.

Unstable energy radiating from this island has caused its weather to be highly unstable. Storms attract much more thunder than what should be mathmatically possible. An eclipse is even worse, bringing absolute chaos to the landscape.

Many other employees of the company chose to explore here due to the islands promise of power and riches.

You are free to gather what is left of them.

Note that this island is all about SECRETS. So be on the lookout for them, they are plentiful.

Secrets and Items

Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic eruptions are commonplace on easter island, causing massive destruction. However, there is a way to figure out exactly WHEN the volcano will erupt (found on the island itself)

Eruption Showcase: Volcanic Eruption Showcase

The Golden Head

Valuable item that goes Heugh??? Guaranteed spawn outside on easter island. May be found inside the factory on Easter Island.

Golden Head Showcase


An advanced artifact capable of seeking out riches and monsters. So how exactly did a living rock create this... thing?

[E-GHF Showcase

The lab

The lab is focused on infusing objects with quantum energy, but it is powered down somehow... There must be another way to create quantum objects.

[Lab Room

The Test Facility

Includes some 'interesting' tests on quantum objects. It also has a few buttons and gadgets to mess with. What does this big red button do? [Facility Room 1 [Facility Room 2

A hidden second interior?

Good luck finding this one. It requires you to connect many secrets together to find it.


Credits Credit to C4DNerd for the King Harkinian model (from that funny zelda meme).

Check out his YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@C4DNerd

Credit to Waxinator on SketchFab for the morshu model. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/morshu-96a3c57dabc8472fbe7cff96822ac395

Credit to Batzorig Vanachig for his amazing mongolian throat music performance (used now as Item Ship music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_5yt5IX38I

The mod is configurable. You can set a moai's rarity, size, speed, and sound volume in the main menu.

Currently Planned Features:

  • Many island secrets, effects, and mechanics.
  • More island weather types (fog, flood, quantum storm coming back)
  • Angel interactions for remaining variants (blue, red, green)
  • Improving island visual aesthetics.
  • A more sophisticated secret involving a crashing ship and the company.

I am open to any feedback and/or requests for new features.

or message me through my email at [email protected]. you can also find me on the Lethal Company modding discord: https://discord.com/channels/1168655651455639582/1231401205234667571

Also I would love to watch your friends be slaughtered by moais (yes I am a sadist)!

Changelog (POST 2.0)


  • Added Moon: Easter island Properties: Risk: S/S++ Cost: 650 Guaranteed moai spawns (unless disabled) For now supports 3 weather types (Stormy, Eclipsed, Rainy) Unique Features: Volcanic Eruptions
  • There is a 50% chance for the volcano to erupt on a day (1h duration).
  • Eruption sends volcanic rocks flying all over the map, causing explosions on colliding with terrain. Cabin:
  • has tools and a secret to help survive on the island. Golden Moai Item:
  • Chance to spawn indoors. Guaranteed outdoor spawn on easter island.
  • Red Moais get angrier faster, making them more likely to attack/kidnap.


  • Critical bugfix where players would crash if they loaded the island while near the ship entrance.
  • For some reason this had to do with a bush object not properly implementing shadow casting.


  • Version bump for moai enemy (2.2.3)


  • Fix for the volcano not interrupting past day one on Easter Island.


  • Update for v55 compatibility.


  • Added Quantum Items.
  • Acquiring them is a secret in Easter Island.
  • They have special teleportation properties that make them useful for fast looting.
  • Added a secret laboratory.
  • Added a quantum teleporter that spawns in a random location.
  • Golden Head additions:
  • Golden Head Item is now a guaranteed outside spawn.
  • Reduced max value of item (500->200).
  • Golden head sound effect can be manually pitched (0-9 keys)
  • Golden head now has the ability to spawn a single gold moai assistant.
  • Fixed a platform hole that players sometimes got stuck in.
  • Fixed weird bug where the water in Easter Island turned white (cursed).
  • Reduced Easter Island's turret spawn rate (35->10)


  • Fixed bug where it would rain inside the factory if you teleported inside via quantum item.
  • Added setting to change Easter Island's travel price.


  • Easter Island loot pool buffed.
  • Increased interior weight to make modded interiors less common.
  • Added tree patches to certain parts of the map.
  • Increased render distance of details and allowed for more total foilage to be rendered altogether.
  • Lighting improvements + darker night.
  • Bug fix where dropship wouldn't deliver items.
  • Bug fix where sun on map would glitch through the volcano / map.


  • Rewrote quantum item code to be much more user-friendly (+ better client sync).
  • Added a painting in the lab for people to test the quantum item.


  • Added the secret artifact E-GHF
  • Added a guard door for the secret artifact + some guides to other secrets.
  • Red, green, and blue moai spawn times have been moved.
  • They start spawning at 12PM and peak at 2PM, with a moderate spawn rate through the night.
  • Normal moai spawnrate reduced moderately to compensate for the change.
  • Removed some ugly fog and improved Easter Island's lighting.
  • Fixed a rampant bug preventing the golden moai head from spawning outside every day.
  • Moai no longer eat the golden head item.
  • Gold moai are now more rare.
  • The configuration to set Easter Island's price works now (although it still has a visual bug for the price)


  • Added day/night cycle system, with a starry sky and a much more realistic sky simulation.
  • Revamped looks for Stormy and Eclipsed, although Eclipsed still needs visual improvements.
  • Fixed E-GHF bug causing it to break when anyone but the host drops the item.
  • Improved some visual asethetics / shadows of objects / terrain on moon.


  • Mod size halved: 296MB->148MB
  • Added Morshu and The King item easter eggs, hidden at specific locations.


  • Added NightFall as a weather type (total darkness)
  • Added Sunny as a weather type (placeholder, used to reduce how common Stormy is)


  • Added a large puzzle / easter egg for a powerful item.
  • Added two easter egg related books, which can be read individually.
  • Added a secret interior (receiving more updates soon!)
  • Added a special secret zone to be j u d g e d.
  • Made spreading quantum energy to objects easier.
  • Many bug fixes.
  • Reduced the mod's size: 147MB->90.3 MB


  • Moais now roam the secret interior.
  • Mines now spawn in the secret interior.
  • Improved the consistency of secret interior generation (sometimes it didn't spawn critical structures)
  • Fixed the issue where some secret interior pieces would persist into other planets.
  • Removed Quantum storm as a weather (for now)


  • Added event for flicking the lever at the volcanic lab (provides a puzzle hint).



  • Jetpacks are permanently fixed if anyone installs this mod (they were very buggy and not my moon's fault). This even applies if you have a belt bag on.
  • light draw distance issues on Easter Island fixed.
  • fixed the buggy lighting when Easter Island is eclipsed. Made it look much better too.
  • Changed lab message so the hint is less vague, and to direct people away from the lab.
  • Morshu and The King now save properly.
  • quantum painting now saves properly
  • all quantum items/modifiers save properly
  • quantum portals now destroy themselves properly when leaving easter island.
  • Removed two softlock points (lab and near the main entrance).


  • Added a secret library area
  • not too hard to discover, but hard to enter.
  • has a hint to its entrance in a few spots (including an item)
  • has two button controls, a replicator machine and a big red button (that totally is helpful)
  • Has another, much more direct hint to the quantum puzzle.
  • Hint to a property of the volcano.
  • Added easter eggs as an item on the moon.
  • Added extra plant foilage patches for visual improvements.
  • Critical Lore items now weight themselves based on all added modded items on Easter Island.


  • LethalLevelLoader Hotfix for item weights.


  • Bugfix where eclipsed would break the DayNightCycle of Easter island and some volumes on subsequent landings.


  • Mod compatibility fix with MattyFixes that prevented the Seeker from spawning correctly.


  • Heavy optimizations across the board, should greatly improve average fps.
  • Added Mongolian Item Ship Music.
  • Fixed a synchronization bug with the door guard near the front entrance.
  • Changed a particle effect to avoid some confusion with an easter egg.
  • Another minor jetpack fix.


  • Mod size heavily reduced 113 MB->68.8MB
  • Added extra method to solving the quantum item transfer easter egg.
  • Changed some hitboxes for teleporters so they handle lag better.
  • Added a warning to the teleporters that take you outside of the secret interior.
  • Minor fix on the item value increasing machine.


  • Readme update.


  • Fixed a bug that hid some easter egg information.
  • The guard door easter egg now has extra protections for heavy desyncs and item duplication issues.


  • Added a somewhat rare item: Gum Gum! Left click to consume your gum gum, granting you temporary stats.

Right click to "inspect" the gum gum, showing its rarity, duration, and stats.

Rarities: Common 35%

Uncommon 25%

Rare 18%

Epic 12%

Legendary 7%

Mythical 3%

It also has a purity stat which affects how drunk it makes you.


  • Updated Trailer.


  • Drastically reduced RAM usage and load times.
  • Improved FPS.
  • General Bug Fixes.


  • Fixed gum gum causing you to drop your items.