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bcs4313-Moai_Enemy-2.3.7 icon

Moai Enemy

Adds a funny little easter man to your game. Spawns outside with variants.

By bcs4313
Date uploaded 3 days ago
Version 2.3.7
Download link
Downloads 6030
Dependency string bcs4313-Moai_Enemy-2.3.7

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.0 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.0
AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.4.2 icon

Provides an in-game config menu for players to edit their configs, and an API for other mods to use and customize their entries.

Preferred version: 1.4.2
xilophor-LethalNetworkAPI-2.1.7 icon

A library/API to allow developers to easily add networking to their mods.

Preferred version: 2.1.7


This mod only adds a moai enemy and its variants. If you want Easter Island with its secrets and items, check out the mod Legend of the Moai.

Moai Enemy

Adds a Moai Enemy with Variants to help kill your entire squad :)

This enemy spawns outside on any planet, and has elemental variants to keep you on your toes.

Click on the funny man for an example (red variant): Red Variant Showcase



  • Your average Moai. Chases down the player to give them a big hug. *
  • Spawn Time: Day, Rarity: Common



  • Summons lightning in a range that gets more and more violent the closer he is.
  • Do NOT mess with him.
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Rare



  • An Angel moai will patrol around players, looking for enemies.
  • These moai are identified by their shiny halo on their heads.
  • Spawn Time: Any, Rarity: ???



  • A relentless, explosive psychopath.
  • Rushes down players at extreme speeds.
  • Likes to keep weak and lonely players organized (this is a warning)
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Uncommon



  • A picky yet messy carpenter.
  • Capable of constructing various hazards (and rituals???)
  • Wields ionizing plasma. Not sure how exactly but he won't tell me his secrets.
  • Spawn Time: Evening, Rarity: Rare



  • A legendary Treasure Hunter.
  • Very friendly (for a moai).
  • Can be commanded to retrieve scrap with his keen sense of smell.
  • Spawn Time: Day, Rarity: Epic



  • Moai have a 20% chance to be larger/smaller than usual.
  • Could be minor, or so severe that you can see him from a mile away.
  • Affects sfx pitch.

Special Behaviors

Vroom Vroom

  • Normal moai have a special interaction when they are angels.
  • If you have a key, you can "unlock" the moai and drive him.



  • Moai need a lot of energy dragging their heavy bodies around, so they tend to get hungry.
  • Moai may seek out very questionable items and devour them without a second thought.
  • Devouring an object will turn the moai into an angel variant, for some time.

Guardian Mode

  • Angel Moais charge and murder any threat it sees in order to protect the player.
  • Angel Moais are sophisticated, refusing to eat any disgusting scrap/player.

There is no escape

  • Moais may enter/exit the facility at any time.
  • The closer a moai is to an entrance/exit, the more likely they will enter it.


The mod is configurable. You can set a moai's rarity, size, speed, and sound volume in the main menu.

Currently Planned Features:

  • Angel interactions for remaining variants (blue, red, green)
  • Purple/Pink moai variant (theorizing some telekenesis stuff?).
  • Compressing mod size.
  • Removing LethalNetworkAPI as a dependency.
  • Optimizing AI performance.

I am open to any feedback and/or requests for new features. Check my thread on the lethal company modding discord:

or message me through my email at [email protected].

Also I would love to watch your friends be slaughtered by moais (yes I am a sadist)!

Changelog (PRE 2.0)


  • Mod Release


  • Manifest.json fix.


  • Increased sight range. Made them much less common.


  • Added configuration options for the mod, including:
  • Enemy Rarity
  • Enemy Size
  • Enemy Speed
  • Chase Volume
  • Idle Volume Lowered the default volume of moai chase sound fx.


  • Sound distance adjustments and AI bugfix.\


  • Increased mod compatibility with other enemy mods.


  • Added strict spawn control params, cutting moai spawn rates by 1/6.
  • Added group spawn chance, (18% per spawn success, adding 1-5 extra moai).


  • Added moai size variants (with pitch adjustments). Big moais are horrifying.
  • Adjusted Nav-mesh hitbox and hit collision to accurately represent moai size in navigation.
  • Moai should no longer be able to phase through doors (if experienced, please report).
  • Size Variant Chance Adjustable in settings.
  • Made moai give up chase from a significantly closer distance.
  • Moai give up chase closer if they do not see the player.


  • Moai sounds/actions/sizes/pitch are completely synchronized on client/server.
  • Gave the moai the ability to consume various things, with the desired objects being questionable sometimes.
  • Gave the ability to eat (spoiler)-> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> corpses, with a custom disgusting sound effect
  • Fixed bug when host dies from moai while inside ship/factory/etc, causing ship desync.

1.5.0 Added Angel Variant:

  • Angel moai have a glowing halo over their head
  • Angel Moai will follow the player, essentially guarding them and attack enemies that are nearby.
  • They also have additional health proportional to the scrap value of the eaten object.
  • Angel Moai don't try to eat scrap or players in this state.
  • Angel Moai heal the player if they collide with them,
  • Angel Moai stay as an angel for a fixed time, depending on how valuable the loot fed was.
  • Moais may spawn as an angel (15% chance).
  • moai can now be killed
  • added death animation
  • added death and hit sound effect
  • added ability for moai to become angels after eating scrap
  • some moai are not distracted by scrap during chase (33% chance)
  • moai follow distance nerfed when they can't see the player
  • moai synchronizes destruction of corpse after it is eaten


  • Added ability for moai to enter indoor areas. The closer they are to the entrance, the higher the chance.
  • Angel moai will follow players indoors to guard them.
  • Fixed v50 error that is caused from an updated HitEnemy method.
  • Fixed a really annoying navigation spam error.
  • Fixed an issue where moai would sometimes have a much larger follow range than they should.
  • Nerfed angel variant duration from eating scrap.
  • Nerfed blue moai rarity.


  • Completely fixed Blue Moai Lightning synchronization (fully tested).
  • Angel moai now will heal both clients and the host if they collide with them.


  • Migrated from out-of-date dependency LC_API to LethalNetworkAPI.
  • This should greatly increase mod compatibility and reduce synchronization issues.


  • Added walk animation.
  • Added scrap eating animation (fairly minor, may be improved later).
  • Reduced chance for moai to ignore scrap during chase.
  • Added transition smoothing to all animations.


  • CRITICAL BUGFIX: Moai are no longer invisible on client side due to spawn control parameters.
  • Moai vision area degrees boosted due to movement sway.


  • Spawnrate overhaul:
  • Normal moai have an exact 1/3 chance to be able to spawn AT ALL on each planet.
  • 13% chance for spawnrate multiplier to be 16%
  • 10% chance for spawnrate multiplier to be 50%
  • 10% chance for spawnrate multiplier to be 100% (moai hell).
  • Increased tendency for many normal moai to spawn in one day (if applicable).
  • Blue moais are unaffected by this change.


  • Changed moai and blue moai textures to be more detailed and fit properly in the game.
  • Made it so you can't hear all moai sounds as far away as before.
  • Nerfed moai hp to 6 (previously 8).
  • Nerfed moai dmg to enemies (2->1).
  • Fixed moai ai being buggy while inside a ship (camping) and getting confused when the player is at certain elevations.
  • Moais no longer go for food during chase (making it safe to drop items and run)
  • Added stamina mechanic.
  • Moai chase players/enemies for a limited time, before having to recover.
  • Moai may chase for a shorter period if their stamina isn't fully recovered.
  • Moai start with 0 stamina on spawn.
  • Moai attach corpses to their mouth now when eating them.
  • Fixed client animation bugs from client using an RPC it shouldn't.
  • Other general bugfixes.


  • Redesigned idle/search sounds.
  • Reduced chance for moai to be spawning on any day (33%->20%)
  • 8% chance for spawnrate multiplier to be 16%
  • 6% chance for spawnrate multiplier to be 50%
  • 6% chance for spawnrate multiplier to be 100% (moai hell).


  • Added Red Moai (Berzerk Moai)

  • Red Moai pursue and stare at players, attacking when they get angry enough.

  • Red Moai will attack via a blitz attack, or kidnap a player.

  • Blitz:

  • Moai charges up and launches 4 times, causing explosions in its wake.

  • A blitz can be dodged effectively with good footwork.

  • Kidnap:

  • Steals the player, taking them somewhere inside the factory.

  • The kidnapping red moai may decide to lock you behind a door if it feels like it.

  • Conditions for stealing the player: Carry weight < 40 No defensive item in inventory Player is Alone Player is not standing on a rocky surface

  • Moai now retailiate when they are hit.

  • Made sliding fx louder.


  • Added daily spawn distribution settings (advanced)
  • Allows you to define a probability distribution for moai spawnrates on any given day.
  • (For example: 10%300%, 5%100% would be a 10% chance on a day to have 300% spawnrate, and a 5% chance for 100% spawnrate for ALL moai variants.
  • Added separate spawnrate multipliers for each variant.
  • Moai now only influence enemy spawnrates depending on their rarity (they used to reduce enemy spawnrates no matter what)
Changelog (POST 2.0)


  • Added Moon: Easter island Properties: Risk: S/S++ Cost: 650 Guaranteed moai spawns (unless disabled) For now supports 3 weather types (Stormy, Eclipsed, Rainy) Unique Features: Volcanic Eruptions
  • There is a 50% chance for the volcano to erupt on a day (1h duration).
  • Eruption sends volcanic rocks flying all over the map, causing explosions on colliding with terrain. Cabin:
  • has tools and a secret to help survive on the island. Golden Moai Item:
  • Chance to spawn indoors. Guaranteed outdoor spawn on easter island.
  • Red Moais get angrier faster, making them more likely to attack/kidnap.


  • Asset bundle loading bugfix.


  • Split moai enemy from easter island as separate dependencies
  • Legend of the Moai installs easter island and moai enemy.


  • Added Green Variant (Builder)
  • Green Moais have lasers built into their eyes that are capable of producing matter.
  • They can currently construct mines, turrets, and a consumption circle (evil ritual).
  • They also have a ranged attack, of which they fire bouncy plasma balls at players/enemies.
  • Angel moais are much more prone to attacking enemies (extremely passive last update)
  • Moais now react to being hit by the player regardless of what they are doing (eating, heading to entrance, angel, etc)
  • Moais now auto-prioritize the nearest and most expensive food scrap/corpses.
  • Heavily reduced lightning strike rate for blue moai when close.
  • Swapped rarities for variants (Blue->Rare) (Red->Uncommon)
  • Added Moai Size cap option.


  • Updated ReadMe.


  • Nerfed spawnrates for all variants (didn't account for green moai taking up more of the spawn pool)


  • Update for v55 compatibility.


  • AI performance optimizations. Removed around 92% of overhead.


  • Added Gold Moai variant.
  • Spawn Time: Day, Rarity: Epic
  • Golden Moais are ascended, making them almost always friendly to the player.
  • You can interact with a Gold Moai (E key) to make it hunt for factory scrap.
  • Gold moais bring back the scrap for the player to retrieve.
  • Moai no longer get stuck in place looking for an item, guarding, chasing, etc.
  • All moais can now be scanned (No real bestiary entry yet though).
  • Made entering/exiting factory behavior more reliable.
  • Angel moais have more variance in their travel locations, preventing them from clumping together.


  • Added ability for the normal moai variant to be "tamed" and driven as a vehicle.
  • To tame, the moai must be an angel and you need a key.
  • Moai vehicles automatically park, navigate ladders, gaps, etc.
  • Angel navigation radius reduced to more effectively guard the player.


  • Red, green, and blue moai spawn times have been moved.
  • They start spawning at 12PM and peak at 2PM, with a moderate spawn rate through the night.
  • Normal moai spawnrate reduced moderately to compensate for the change.
  • Moai no longer eat the golden head item (easter island compatability)
  • Made gold moai more rare.