
V 1.1.0

Added the following mods

V 2.0.0

  • Total revamp of the entire modpack
  • Divided all mods into 4 packs for easier management
  • Removed some mods and added a lot more

V 2.1.0

  • Destroyed some things again and had to remove a lot of mods.
  • Reduced from a fascinating 98 mods to a very nice 60ish mods.
  • Also removed unnecesary "misc" mod. Idk why I even created it in the first place.
  • Im too lazy to put a list of all the mods I added so just check em yourself

V 2.1.1

  • Removed advanced company and replaced it with MoreCompany, Reserved Flashlight Slot and more.
  • Added emotes

V 2.1.2

  • Added Goku bracken

V 2.1.3

  • Added Diversity

v 3.0.0

  • Overhauled all mods and masively reduced mods.

V 3.0.1

  • Added a funny bracken mod