- inital release, pretty functional and ive been playing with it for months, finally uploading it for convenience
changes from the original soundpack by PixelHQ in v1.0.0
- completely redid file structure to find files easier, similar structure to base game- added TerminalTypoError with sound "NO_NOO"
- added signal translator character text sounds with sound "bleep_high"
- added TerminalLoadImage with sound "PM_MPRINTER_MKH8060_10 Printer Printing Individual Cycle Servo Motor Toner" (trimmed down)
- added Carpet footsteps with sound "SGNLS_PLR_Footsteps_Land_Carpet"
- added Concrete footsteps with sound "SGNLS_PLR_Footsteps_Land_Concrete"
- added Metal footsteps with sound "SGNLS_PLR_Footsteps_Land_Metal"
- added SignalTranslatorBegin with sound "tcp_d1_12_three_note_odditiy_irdial"
- added PaperTurn1 and PaperTurn2 with sound "136778__davidbain__page-turn2"
- added Aluminum footsteps using the Metal footstep a bit quieter and pitched down
- added DeadlineAlarm with the song "Cigarette Wife" (fades in and fades out, not the whole song)
- added ship lightswitch sounds with sound "Switch1"
- added HangarDoorOpen1 with sound "SGNLS_OBJ_Doors_Excavation_Open_Metal_A_01"
- added HangarDoorOpening with sound "SGNLS_OBJ_DET_Elevator_Door_Long_Open"
- added HangarDoorShut with sound "SGNLS_OBJ_Doors_Excavation_Close_Metal_A_01"
- added StartGameLever with sound "SGNLS_OBJ_MED_Incinerator_Lever_Down"
- added PullLever2 with sound "SGNLS_OBJ_MED_Incinerator_Lever_Up"
- added AlertHUD with sound "3-31_Spruchnummer_1_Stinger"
- added ClimbLadderLoosenGrip sounds with sound "SGNLS_PLR_LadderClimb_Down_NX02"
- added ClimbLadderStep sounds with sound "SGNLS_PLR_LadderClimb_Up_NX02"
- applied pitch/speed variance to anything with multiple sounds
- replaced Scan with "SGNLS_OBJ_MED_ElementalDoor_InsertKeycard_Confirm"
- replaced DieFromFallDamageSFX1 with "SGNLS_PLR_Footsteps_Land_Flesh"
- replaced Key2 Key5 Key8 (all the same sound) with the Key4 sound from the original pack
- fully extended company music to the full "Die Toteninsel" song, might trim it down for file size in the future though..
- lowered volume of LargeFanRoom from the original pack
- removed vanilla "fired" speech