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kyxino-LethalUtilities-1.2.8 icon


Unleash the CHAOS with LethalUtilities or keep things very vanilla, the choice is yours. This is a VERY handy mod for modpacks as it can change many variables in the game and can replace/complement many small mods.

By kyxino
Date uploaded 7 months ago
Version 1.2.8
Download link
Downloads 43857
Dependency string kyxino-LethalUtilities-1.2.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



So much stuff that I don't know what ISN'T included here. You can reach me on Discord @kyxino for help or the Lethal Company Modding community Discord in the top left.


This is a mod that can do what a bunch of smaller mods can do, all changes are disabled, but can be selectively enabled, which makes it VERY ideal for modpacks. I got very annoyed with having over 20 individual mods doing 1 or 2 changes, so I decided to make a mod that can do a lot more than what those 20 mods can do, but keeping everything VERY vanilla, no actual revamping of any systems, which means it is unlikely for anything to break after the game updates.

Manual Installation

  1. Setup BepInEx (If not done already, video by TheViperian provided.)
  2. Download and extract the latest version.
  3. Place the folder kyxino-LethalUtilities in the BepInEx/plugins directory.
  4. From the kyxino-LethalUtilities folder, take the folder named LethalUtilities out of folder config and place it in the BepInEx/config directory, you can delete the now empty config folder within kyxino-LethalUtilities.
  5. In the config files, you can edit many different parameters of the game, but for them to apply/execute, you will have to enable each one using the ConfigEnabled value.
  6. You can now launch the game. (Note: If playing with friends, they will need to install this mod and have the same settings as you for most of it to work properly.)


NOTHING IS CHANGED FROM THE BASE GAME, YOU MUST DO THE CHANGES IN THE CONFIGS YOURSELF, ANY CHANGES MAY INTERFERE WITH SIMILAR TASKED MODS. I will be adding many new features and allowing syncing between the host and players very soon, so just know everyone needs the exact same settings for now until I add syncing if you want it to work properly. Config files are bound to change, but I have it in such a structure where it shouldn't undo any changes made by you for a while, so the config files will remain compatible until version 2.0.0 comes out later this month. I may also make a Discord for this if enough people have downloaded this.


All are base game defaults, enable/change in configs. (THESE ARE DISABLED BY DEFAULT, SET ConfigEnabled TO APPLY CHANGES FOR EACH FILE AND _ModifiersEnabled FOR EACH SECTION TO APPLY.)

  • GeneralSettings (SaveItemCount- Allows you to raise the item count for saving.)
  • CharacterSettings (Can enable/disable stamina and fall damage, along with different movement settings like walking, sprinting, climbing, and fast climbing.)
  • GearSettings (Customize Spray Paint, Boombox, Key, Flashlights (normal and pro), and Walkie Talkies for inf use. Allow boombox to work when pocketed or disable when dropped. Allow key to lock doors.)
  • CompanySettings (Can change the Company shopkeeper's hostility and make it always a full buying rate. Can change bell cooldown and selling wait time.)
  • MapSettings (Customize scrap and monster spawning per map and globally along with map scale, day time scale, and time speed scale.)
  • WeatherSettings (Customize scrap and monster spawning per weather type along with map scale, day time scale, and time speed scale.)
  • HUDSettings (Change the clock to be or not to be viewed in the ship, outside, or the building, and in 24 hours.)
  • RoundSettings (LoseScrapUponDeath, when everybody dies, you can choose to lose your scrap or not.)
  • LobbySettings (Allow usernames with numbers and underscores or just any character in general. Have not tested since I use letters like a cool person. 😎)
  • ShipSettings (CanOpenDoorInSpace, funny way to freak your friends out, cannot leave ship.)
  • TeleportSettings (Allow keeping all items or just gear, along with cooldowns for each the regular and inverse teleporter.)

Upcoming Features

  • Server Host and Player Config Syncing
  • In-game Customization Menu (Can save changes from in-game.)
  • More specific item customization rather than the few inf settings.
  • Menu skipping settings
  • Quota settings, ship time, interaction time... pretty much anything that can be easily changed, I will be adding customization for, especially the ship door when landed.

Known Issues

  • Mod gets pretty funky if other players do not have the mod.
  • Teleporting is a little funky with your items if you have keeping items on. Switching your slots seem to readjust/fix it.
  • Climbing will not have a scaled animation for faster speeds because of a lag issue until I fix it.


1.2.x (LATEST)

1.2.21 (Latest and FINAL until v2.0.0's rewrite!)

  • Fixed some spawn weights not being adjusted when changed. (Naming was off from in-game and my code. Likely happened sometime after I was simplifying code post-v1.2.0.)


  • In HUDSettings.cfg, fixed/changed my HideModListLC_API setting (under Clock Settings) to BlockPlayerModListLC_API (under HUD Settings). I was testing with LC_API v2.1.4, so I didn't realize that behavior was changed and that it didn't work, but now it is mostly fixed. It just shows the very first prompt when joining and that is it.
  • I should hopefully be done breaking tiny features right away. I am setting things up for v2.0.0's rewrite, which will be better in every way.

1.2.19 (Even More Even More Bug Fixes Again Again Again Again!)

  • Corrected JumpForce's default to 13 in CharacterSettings.cfg, forgot to test it, and Zeekerss loves changing defaults from what is shown.

1.2.18 (Even More Even More Bug Fixes Again Again Again!)

  • Forgot to uncomment out some code for the spraypaint's volume setting, so I did that.
  • Added an option to hide LC_API's mod list popup. (HUDSettings.cfg's ConfigEnabled + HideModListLC_API)
  • Added an option to remove the game's jump delay. (CharacterSettings.cfg's ConfigEnabled + ApplyMovementModifiers + NoJumpDelay)
  • Added JumpStaminaUse and JumpForce.

1.2.17 (Even More Even More Bug Fixes Again Again!)

  • Fixed WeatherSetting's ScrapModifiersEnabled (if MapSetting's ScrapModifiersEnabled was off), I think I broke it in the previous update or so.

1.2.16 (Even More Even More Bug Fixes Again!)

  • Added an option for skipping the boot animation, but not a full-on skip to online yet.
  • Corrected SpawnModifiersEnabled/TimeModifiersEnabled.
  • Fixed my "IT'S A BRAND NEW DAYYYYYYY." spam with TimeModifiersEnabled.

1.2.15 (More Even More Bug Fixes Again!)

  • Actually fixed the funky teleporting issue when holding an item with the setting on.
  • Fixed a bug in the game that uses my TimeSpeedScalar setting that basically caused the game to go out of sync with time.
  • Fixed spraypaint no longer requiring to be shaked when GearSettings was in use.
  • Prevented it from automatically changing settings if settings weren't changed. (For spraypaint.)
  • Added a setting for the spray paint volume.
  • Deprecated DayScalar in MapSettings. (Still works, just not recommended for supposed desync reasons?)
  • Added LengthOfHours to MapSettings.
  • Added NumberOfHours to MapSettings.
  • Added StartingGlobalTime to MapSettings. (Not enough time for testing.) (Not used at all in the code, and can't be modified.)
  • Separated some code and made more not run AT ALL if not enabled.

1.2.14 (Even More Bug Fixes Again!)

  • Fixed FallDamage when set to false, now you won't take fall damage as said. It was funny finding out this was broken firsthand. (It no longer worked once v45 came out.)
  • ACTUALLY fixed compatibility with Lategame Upgrades's Locksmith feature if you have KeysCanLockDoors on. (Previous update made things worse. You must lockpick every unlocked door. >:P)

1.2.13 (More Bug Fixes Again!)

  • Fixed compatibility with Lategame Upgrades's Locksmith feature if you have KeysCanLockDoors on.
  • Fixed time starting at 8:40ish when you had TimeModifiersEnabled on. (I accidentally switched the TimeSpeedScalar and DayScalar around probably back in v1.2.5.)

1.2.12 (Bug Fixes Again!)

  • Fixed Lockpickers not being able to unlock doors when KeysCanLockDoors was enabled.
  • Fixed Apparatus having additional multiplier applied when ScrapModifiersEnabled was on.
  • Likely fixed items having their weight negated when teleporting with KeepItems.
  • Likely fixed an issue with HotbarPlus.
  • Likely fixed having to re-equip items after teleporting.
  • Added my custom forked BepInEx.Configuration system to help with multiple things such as ordering. (May turn into an API soon.)
  • MapSettings is now properly organized.
  • Added my plugin metadata to every config because it is just good to do. (... and it can help with some things in the future.)
  • Mod has been on a bit of a hiatus due to CodeJoel, LethalEditor, and LethalModManager, but I will be getting back to it big time again after I fully release LethalModManager.

1.2.11 (Added Discord Link)

  • Added my new Discord to the Thunderstore page! (Haha, you thought this was a bug fix, it was actually a human fix because I forgot to do this in the previous version.)

1.2.10 (Last Bug Fix!)

  • Fixed the global ScrapValueScalar's default not being the TRUE vanilla value of 0.4x.
  • Fixed the global TimeSpeedScalar's default not being the TRUE vanilla value of 1.4x.
  • You may need to adjust the above variables as they both used to be 1x.
  • No more known bugs, LethalUtilities is now bug free! (I probably jinxed it!)

1.2.9 (More Bug Fixes!)

  • Removed Min/MaxTotalScrapValue properties due to the game no longer using it.
  • Fixed other interaction times being modified as well instead of just the Company bell.

1.2.8 (Teleporter Setting Fix)

  • Fixed teleporting settings. Teleporters may behavior slightly different if it was misused.

1.2.7 (Bug Fixes)

  • Did some small bug fixes, things shouldn't be too crazy now.

1.2.6 (New Format)

  • Made the README section look a lot nicer (after breaking it in 1.2.5, whoops.)

1.2.5 (Scrap Multiplier Fix)

  • Fixed some scrap multipliers not undoing when switching maps/weather. + I'm working on a new mod/API that LU will use so that I'm not constantly accidentally messing things up as easily.

1.2.4 (Auto Offensive Value Fix)

  • Fixed the auto Offense fix, it was really stupid.

1.2.3 (The Auto Fix That Needed a Fix in 1.2.4)

  • Forgot that I should make it fix the old default values being set to 0 for Offense (along with some other things), so I did that, and now I have an excuse for 123.

1.2.2 (Fixed Offense Spawn Values)

  • Fixed the issue with Offense having a bunch of values set to 0. I accidentally had the Company Building settings overwrite it.
  • Changed when monster spawn weights apply, hopefully should apply any other mod so that they can overwrite my settings, if needed.
  • Getting ready to change more variable names and make descriptions more pronounced.

1.2.1 (MapScalar Crash Fix)

  • Added a cap to mapSizeMultiplier (aka MapScalar) to be capped at 1, otherwise crashes will likely happen.

1.2.0 (Major Map/Weather/Spawn Settings Update+More!)

  • Reformatted the to have the latest updates upwards rather than downwards.
  • Fixed the mod version within the DLL, forgot to change it ever since v1.0.1, doesn't really change anything anyway.
  • Automatically converting all other variables with part of their category names being prefixed into the individual variables. (Like the diff ConfigEnabled vars and map/weather settings.)
  • Fixed the key door locking feature that didn't work unless both types of reuseable keys were enabled. (I think this happened during v1.1.2.)
  • Got more than 5 hours of sleep 4 nights in a row.
  • Huge map values customization.
  • Added settings for monster spawn weights, INCLUDING MONSTERS FROM ANY MAP AND LASSO MAN.
  • Added settings for the weather to change monster spawn weights. (Ex: Giants on Experimentation when Eclipsed... the struggle is real.)
  • Added new items as gears for the TeleportSettings, along with new items coming out in LC soon.
  • Added new settings for the new spray can item. (I will be updating sooner after the game updates next time, just was working on v1.2.0 for a while and stablizing it.)
  • Adding proper time speed multipliers, DayScalar will remain around as it has a separate purpose, though confusing, I think it is just how far into the day you want to spawn along with actual time speed. TimeSpeedScalar will be the more obvious value for changing... well, the speed of time. Both can be paired together for better time results.
  • Working on a new settings format for v2.0.0 that will be completely different and a LOT bigger/more expansive, which will allow for more additions even after this mod is outdated. (This may come out at the end of the month unless it gets too big, then I will likely have to turn it into a new mod entirely.)
  • New teleporter setting for dropping everything but your held item and another for dropping everything that isn't gear and isn't your held item.
  • Will be condensing the code to be better and more flexible.
  • Rename planets, change descriptions, risk levels (Next update, needs more testing to see if it is even stable.) (I recommend LethalEditor for this in-depth customization.)

1.1.2 (The Light, I See the Light!)

  • Made the nicer looking to show all of my updates and idiocy.
  • Forgot to re-add the config folder with the new changes.
  • Also not entirely sure if the DLL properly applied in v1.1.1, so I confirmed it applied in this version.
  • Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen, I will finally get some sleep. (Updates will no longer be rushed since the mod is already fulfilling its purpose of being able to edit a bunch of the games variables.)

1.1.1 (DLL might not have been updated, do not download.)

  • Fixed again... (Reminder, I'm getting sleep now.)

1.1.0 (DayScalar Update)

  • Made things EXTREMELY compatible with other mods, so only if you have values changed from their default values will it actually apply ANY changes for that thing unless it is messes with another value that is modified that directly ties with it in the code.
  • Fixed DayScalar (It was originally supposed to be removed, but I accidentally left it in along with code that errors MapMultipliers (and WeatherMultipliers if enabled) because of some config values I also removed, it was because it needed more testing, but I will leave it as it is until 1.2.0.)
  • Readded my pre-release DayScalar values for each map.
  • Added DayScalar per weather type. (You could make Eclipses long and insufferable, great idea, yes yes.)
  • Fixed both and files to reflect recent changes.
  • I'm getting more than 5 hours of sleep! (Greatest feature... starting today.)

1.0.3 (Manual Instruction Fix)

  • Fixed the Manual Installation instructions for the fixed config file structure. No redownload/update required.

1.0.2 (Default Config Fix)

  • Fixed the default config files from being directly in the BepInEx/config folder, will now be in BepInEx/config/LethalUtilities upon download, I was sleep deprived and didn't see documentation, apologies for any inconveniences. Updates for v45 will be coming out soon.

1.0.1 (Config file discrepancy, do not download.)

  • Moved all ConfigEnabled from ConfigSettings to each individual config for simplicity. It still won't execute any code other than the settings, which won't interfere with any mods.
  • Also added the default config files so you don't have to load the game up first.

1.0.0 (Release)

Funnily enough, more stable than every version up to 1.1.1.

  • Initial release.