Updated 11 months agoContribution
Contributing to the mod
- This mod is open-sourced, meaning that anyone can contribute to the mod's implementation, either by adding an feature (like an upgrade or item) or refactoring old code to a more optimized or maintanable way for future implementations.
- After being done with your implementation and wish to merge it with the mod, you can make a pull request which then I would review it and either see it's all good to merge it with the mod or make questions/suggestions about it to understand better what are you trying to include to the mod.
- The mod's MIT licensed, meaning that you can use the mod's implementation for whatever purpose you need, so long you follow the bare requirements of the license.
- I am not that good at making a decent model for items so having people that don't mind making models to be used in this mod is always welcome.
- If your model is indeed used, credit will be given in the mod's README.