thisMicki-BrackenFavRoom icon


Changes the brackens favorite room to the Backrooms room, if it spawned


V 0,2,2

  • Fixed the Bracken only choosing the new favorite spot once

V 0.2.1

  • Fixed readme because links don't work

V 0.2.0

  • The Bracken now chooses a new favorite spot in case the current one is unreachable, but switches back to the Bracken Room as soon as a path is avalible

V 0.1.9

  • Fixed a bug where the distance calculation was broken, causing the favorite position to be set constantly

V 0.1.8

  • Fixed a bug causing the favorite position to be set constantly, causing log spam

V 0.1.7

  • The mod is now host only
  • Fixed log spam with info that the favorite spot was changed
  • Fixed log spam when no Backrooms were generated
  • Fixed an issue where the Bracken would be stuck when holding a player due to no path to its favorite room being avalible
  • Fixed Backrooms being moved instead of the favorite position of the bracken

V 0.1.6

  • Fixed minor code issues

V 0.1.5

  • Fixed the fav room position to be in the center of the room instead of in front of it

V 0.1.4

  • Hopefully I finally made this mod do the one thing it's supposed to
  • Copium

V 0.1.3

  • Added incompability flat with SnatchingBracken Mod
  • Possibly Fixed Favorite Room position not being set correctly

V 0.1.2

  • Removed log message I accidentally left in which spammed the console when a bracken spawned
  • Some performance improvements

V 0.1.1

  • Made it more clear when an Entry is made by this mod
  • Possible fix for log spam and other things not working

V 0.1.0

  • Initial Release