vodkacorn-altMoons icon


A small collection of moons.


Version 0.3.6

  • readme changes
  • dependency update (hotloooading)
  • fixed customStoryLogs not showing up. maybe
  • made the skies clear. mrovWeathers-pilled
Previous changelogs

Version 0.3.5

  • readme changes (typos)
  • removed blindPup soft dependency
  • slight interior weight tweaks


  • fixed some colliders layers so they dont show up during Lethal Elements snow weathers
  • disabled fire exit gimmick


  • fixed tree needles rendering over fog/weather

Version 0.3.4

  • readme changes
  • terraMeshed so vanilla shaders apply properly. looks super pretty now :3c
  • all 3 have had their spawn pools+weights, total item values+weights, and interior sizes fussed with.
  • bioD will be a soft dependency in the future, similar to blindPups!


  • removed facility from interior pool.
  • costs 150 to route to now.


  • moved some fire exits inward, added lights to each + main entrance.


  • complete rebalance and overhaul.

Version 0.3.3

  • readme changes.


  • fire exit detailing.
  • fixed broken navmesh near ship.
  • fixed broken rain.


  • smoothed out paths.
  • tweaked the water visuals.


  • bushes added to break LOS with giants.
  • humming volume lowered by 0.2~
  • bridges now allow mobs to path on them.

Version 0.3.2

  • readme changes.


  • visual touchups. fixed the eclipsed sun and hopefully the path back to ship is more obvious.
  • very small interior spawn tweaks.
  • fixed fire exit rotation.


  • visual touchups. sun is lorger. more plant.
  • fixed fire exit rotation.
  • removed kill planes for the ocean and dam, you'll just drown instead of being oneshot. (rip oxygen users)
  • side effect; ogo can now grab you more freely near the dam.


  • large outside rework. 2nd fire exit survived.
  • day/night spawns have been lowered.
  • scrap spawns are changed. mostly valuable 1h toys, 2h are rarer but weight/value is higher and on avg more worth it.
  • culling and LODs have been properly added to the swamp trees, i only set it up for one tree and 4got to do the others. smfh
  • just a friendly reminder; pelagia is balanced for toystore interior!

Version 0.3.1

  • Dirge:
  • Raised min-max scrap from 13-16 to 15-19.
  • Fixed graffiti. oopsie
  • Fixed stray navmesh under amethyst ridge to dog/fox pit. oopsie x2
  • Fixed skybox. Broke it making Pelagia.
  • tweaked some interior spawns. should help smooth out pup spawns by (properly) offsetting them with splizards/barbers/butlers.
  • made fire exit path less obvious and main path (including path back to ship) more obvious.
  • Phaedra:
  • Raised min-max scrap from 13-18 to 17-22.
  • Fixed skybox.
  • Fixed muddy house normals making the texture look horrible.
  • small visual landscape tweaks.
  • Pelagia:
  • Lowered min-max scrap from 25-30 to 24-27. that was arti tier, which is S++
  • tweaked interior/exterior spawns.
  • inside spawns are masked/coils/nutcrackers/hoarders/jester.
  • outside day/nighttime spawn caps have been shifted around, they are now 13/20 day/night. it should frontload babhawks (daytime is split 3-ways with manticoils and locusts) and still spawn more later in the day (mid tier weight, in between keepers and OBs).
  • added 2nd fire exit. might remove later.
  • roughly 30% more swampy.
  • turned on the kill fence, don't wander off now.

Version 0.3.0

  • Pelagia:
  • It's added! S+ Fog Swamp/Bayou moon. interior is SUPPOSED to be Toystore interior from Wesleys' (does this need a link?? most of yall have it)
  • its balanced for around rend/dine difficulty, with titan-ish spawns. itll be rebalanced, i spent a lot of time putting down the cypress knees, so i got a little lost in the sauce.
  • thanks to CoffeeCat for fixing my swamp.ogg loop. his audio wizardry saved me grief.
  • Dirge:
  • main entrance and fire exit have been swapped. I can change this back any time, this is mostly a lil test, as it's been suggested by a number of people (shoutouts to RadioHG and rye, ty for the suggestion and support <3)
  • added graffiti.
  • Phaedra:
  • had some visual touchups, nothing too major, the least changed with the new update. oh i nerfed tp spawns cause fuck toilet paper i HATE

Version 0.2.6

  • v64 :3c
  • dirge:
  • proper weather! added flooded and stormy. still trying to fix the eclipsed sun.
  • smoothed out the terrain, less edges, the usual.
  • added a lower-key rend/dine snowstorm here. its visually p similar to a white dustClouds effect.
  • phaedra:
  • fire exits moved around a lil, terrain messed with, some small decorations.
  • phaedra also has proper weather! flooded is a lot of fun. foggy and stormy are also in the pool.

i think these two are okay to leave and shift my focus back to rendine. had some neat ideas. ty for the support <3

Version 0.2.5

  • very small update. still messing with phaedra, less importance on water unless flooded happens.
  • fixed dirge, i forgor to turn on collision for the other plane. smfh.

Version 0.2.4

  • this is a "post friend-crew runs over the weekend"-type balance patch.
  • phaedra:
  • p sizable rework to outside. trimmed some excess terrain, smoothed out bumps/hitches you could get stuck on, and found out how to successfully pen ogo in. its really jank.
  • ogo spawns at the dam, the watering hole next to ship, or in the ocean proper.
  • then, they just kinda wandered off into the ass end of the plane and made noise occasionally, sometimes just becoming a lump of used up daytime power. (though tbf what are you missing out on, tulips?)
  • now, they have designated pens in each section. it skirts the shore of whichever side, and thats where they will spawn for the day and shuffle around near. may possibly add tinier waterways they can access to hop between, making the plane one big one (vow) instead of small cut up ones (adamance, march), but thats for future consideration.
  • I DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANGING OGOS STATS AT ALL. KEEP THEM AS-IS. the devs may change them, and phaedra will need a rework if thats the case, but as of right now it is balanced for that 45m aggro-30m bite range with spawn weights of 90-100. AGAIN, ONLY CHANGE SPAWNS. NOTHING ELSE FOR OGO.
  • interior spawns have been slightly touched. slime is even with hoarders now and all bugs are down a lil further. (still less than 25, but greater than 15)
  • fixed the custom scrap so it properly registers and spawns now. forgor
  • flooded planes have been tweaked.
  • dirge:
  • optimization on textures, trying to lower overall size. shaved around 2mb off.
  • this is for a porpoise and i promise its worth it.
  • managed to finagle the amethyst terrain into its own separate piece. no longer will you step on rocks and hear snow! wowie!! like two people asked for this!!!
  • some weather tweaks, nothing major. added dustClouds, might break fog? ill work on it. dirge needs that oomph

this will all slow down a little until v64 is properly out and i can update my project for it. im focusing on doubling back and making sure everything is where i want it instead of on the next moon. tysm for nearly 300dls on the previous version, i hope it wasnt completely jank. <3

Version 0.2.3

  • ok you should probably download this version. i think phaedra is in an "ideal" spot. fleas+spiders+hoarders are lowered, so is bracken (ideally replace with aloe at 55-odd weight), coils and ghost girl equalized in spawn pool. it should spawn 1-2 heavy hitter 2-3 weight mobs then just sandbag you the rest of the spawns, unless you get unlucky. hence A-. solo is hell tho lol gl
  • 1 more bit of custom scrap. red fish toy.
  • outside spawns have been touched up. outside dogs are uncommon. super recommend spawning prototax at around 40 weight, ymmv. they dont seem to do much cause babhawks dont aggro on them like they do keepers, or dogs with leafboys.
  • daytime spawns are the meat of this. all across the board, lowered. set Ogopogo to 90-100 weight for BioD, and they'll be in one of 3 bodies of water (ocean, lake, dam)
  • also fixed water colours. turned the ocean into c*m thats fucked up.....
  • should be easier to spot ogo with this. lmk!
  • phae should be fine for a minute. shifting focus slowly to new moon. and like a 14hr nap lordy

Version 0.2.2

  • you Don't have to download this update! it doesn't change much. its just a tiny scrap balancing, a few visual changes, and a renaming to soothe my lizard brain enough that i can sleep tonight. but it Does show you care. thanks for following along so far <33 tysm
  • the dam and lake water are less wavy and dirtier than the ocean water. saltwater chads stay winning.
  • smoothed out more of the exterior.
  • custom scrap! Solved toy cube
  • "181 Gaius" has been renamed to "181 Phaedra". every mention of "Gaius" has been retroactively changed to "Phaedra", as to not cause confusion.

Version 0.2.1

  • readme pics
  • mostly a balance pass on Phaedra. still aiming for ogopogo :9
  • spawn weights for in/out are nebulous but general idea is there.
  • redid the lighting and flattened a lot of the exterior. added babygates and made the dam bigger. sun is red ITS RED AGAIN LETS GOOOO
  • interior weight is facility 175/mineshaft 150.

vversion 0.2.0

  • fancy new icon wowie + readme
  • Dirge changes:
  • Interior spawns tweaked. (nutcrackers lowered, splizards raised)
  • Louis X reverted to Old Bird (until I can fix his spawn nest not being networked and his love of gang signs. seriously whats up with that.)
  • Facility re-added at 70~, manor boosted to 250~, mineshaft lowered to 125~.
  • More baby gates, should be the last of them for sure this time. Also smoothed terrain and shuffled/trimmed AI nodes.
  • I'm confident in Dirge's balancing but there's still some small hiccups here and there. I hope you've enjoyed it anyway.
  • Phaedra added:
  • This moon will be balanced around having Ogopogo and Prototax from BioD spawn in it. (you can add Leafboys as well :3c) It is currently as close to March/Vow's water as I could manage, so FUNCTIONALLY, it should be fine to set Ogo to spawn here. YMMV. I have gotten it working, but it is NOT throughly tested. Be careful.
  • Currently, the scrap and in/out spawn curves are March's.

Version 0.1.4

  • I don't know why I wrote specifically "dogs will be optional", they obviously aren't, I'm a goober. StandaloneBlindPup is a "soft" dependency for the time being, you can swap it out for HarvestMoons and it should work. You can also just choose to not use it. So, "optional".
  • Added LLL tag, Wasteland, to spawn pups at 25~ weight instead of intended 57~. Should be at 57~ soon.
  • Put up baby gates to prevent explorers and attached telephone poles to ground. (thanks bbapepsi)
  • Trimmed AI nodes to prevent the same from the few mob spawns. Hopefully should prevent weird looking wandering.
  • ok now for real dirge is coasting along. should be fine to leave up and test this weekend. working on phaedra now, hope to have v0.2 out by next week!

Version 0.1.3

  • Fixed SmallDog/TinyPup spawns, compat (will be) added to the two respective mods, and the pups are (will be) completely optional!
  • Fixed Piranha solution.
  • Added 2 more pieces of custom scrap, Old toy robot and Warm gift.
  • Interior mob spawns have been futzed with. Would recommend disabling Bracken in LLL if you're using BioD and swapping him with Aloe, I prefer her gimmick to Bracken's with the current pool (slimes, dogs, maneaters, barbers) but that's up to you! Rec. weight is 17~35.
  • Added LLL tag, Tundra. If you use this for interiors or skins, I'd recommend LC_Office, Grand Armoury, or Toy Store. You can also just replace Manor with ScarletDevilMansion, if you're into that. Custom skins (like from EnemyVariety) I'd recommend are purples, grayscales (bnw) and browns.
  • Introducing the most beautiful baby boy, Louis X. He's not a fancy Old Bird, but he was bought on sale and he's got gusto. (He's a regular Old Bird but with a spawn cap and weight of 1. Wanted dogs to have a stronger presence here, so outside weight 7 (3dogs and 1 guaranteed OB) seemed like a nice fix.)
  • Should tide Dirge over until I do full crewed runs for testing.

Version 0.1.2

  • Fixed swapped daytime/nighttime outside spawns (swapped 7 for 10 and vice versa) mb. no more 3 OBs.
  • Disabled Piranha solution until I can get it working properly. dont upd8 mods at 4am jesus CHRIST

Version 0.1.1

  • Smoothed some paths in the terrain, and decorated it a lil nicer.
  • Added more ways to break LOS should an OB jump you.
  • Fixed LODs on rocks being culled at awkward distances, should be fine now.
  • Fences are fixed. yay.
  • Keepers and babhawks are nuked (something something snow moon) and instead, dogs and OBs are king.
  • Following that, outside power is lowered from 15->7, enough for 2 OBs or 1 OB+2 dogs, or 3 dogs.
  • Also in tow, interior spawns are revamped. Inside power has been raised 7->12. (might bunp it back down) Toys (jester, nutcracker, barber) have been raised, bugs (flea, spider, hoarder) have been lowered. Ghost girl is gone. Slime is very common.
  • Now featuring the new hotness of StandaloneBlindPup from HarvestMoons! If you have either of these installed, you'll see them waddling around.
  • Mineshaft is sitting at 250, with mansion behind at 69 (nice.)
  • Scrap weights are yet to be touched, but facility was removed due to being able to make it back to ship 3 times w over 300 scrap a day. Might revisit, but felt very broken for a free B+ moon.
  • Custom scrap! It's a 2h green chem jug (because i dislike using vows it should stay there) called Piranha solution. Should work fine.
  • Custom story log!

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial release. Gods help us all.