Nales-LycansNewRoles icon


Ajoute de nouveaux rôles et diverses mécaniques (tout est configurable) / Adds many new roles and a few other features (all configurable)

Last updated 13 hours ago
Total downloads 2729
Total rating 1 
Categories Mods
Dependency string Nales-LycansNewRoles-0.98.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



--- Le mod est compatible avec la version 0.15.3 du jeu ---





  • Tous les rôles sont expliqués dans le jeu en maintenant la touche pour s'accroupir - pas besoin de les mémoriser
  • Presque tout est configurable : vous pouvez ajouter les nouveautés progressivement ou retirer ce qui ne vous plait pas
  • 17 rôles secondaires qui peuvent apparaître en plus du rôle principal : vous pouvez être le "Villageois - Hurleur" qui peut augmenter la portée de sa voix, le "Loup - Alcoolique" qui peut boire les potions en forme de loup pour se soigner...
  • 7 rôles "solo" qui ne sont ni avec les villageois ni avec les loups : ils gagnent seuls et ont un objectif spécifique
  • Un rôle de Traître : humain mais allié avec les Loups
  • 10 pouvoirs de Loups qu'ils peuvent obtenir en plus du rôle secondaire
  • 9 métiers de Villageois qui leur donnent un avantage supplémentaire
  • 9 nouveaux effets de potions : Midas, Assassin, Puant, Minuscule, Vampire, Hanté, Surdité, Myopie, Muet
  • 2 nouveaux objets : le Parchemin et le Diamant
  • Augmentation du maximum de joueurs à 15, possibilité de mettre 3 loups et jusqu'à 3000 de récolte à atteindre...
  • Une mécanique de Sabotage qui permet aux Loups de se renforcer ou d'affaiblir les Villageois, mais attention de ne pas se faire prendre !
  • Une option de brouillard de nuit pour limiter la vision pendant la nuit
  • Une option pour pouvoir désarmer les pièges et leur donner un petit délai de pose
  • Une option de vote aléatoire
  • Une option pour choisir les effets de potions possibles et les gadgets disponibles
  • Une option pour pouvoir poser son objet au sol (ne fonctionne pas avec les balles pour des raisons d'équilibrage)
  • Et quelques améliorations diverses : les gens qui passent le vote s'accroupissent, la voix des loups est modifiée aléatoirement, il est possible de choisir sa couleur...
  • Des bugs sont toujours possibles mais le mod est régulièrement testé sur le Discord officiel

Merci à Timaki pour les images avec les descriptions !

Rôles secondaires

Les rôles secondaires sont donnés en plus du rôle principal, par exemple "Villageois - Hurleur". La plupart de leurs pouvoirs actifs ont un temps de recharge.

Ils ne sont pas spécifiques aux villageois ni aux loups : sauf exception, n'importe quel rôle secondaire peut être attribué à n'importe qui.

Rôles secondaires

Rôles solo et Traître

Les rôles solo ne sont ni dans le camp des villageois, ni dans le camp des loups : ils gagnent seuls et ont un objectif spécifique.

Les traîtres sont humains et ne peuvent donc pas se transformer, mais ils sont du côté des loups ! Ils peuvent aussi recevoir un pouvoir de loup.

Rôles solo

Pouvoirs de loups

En plus du rôle secondaire, les loups et le traître peuvent recevoir un pouvoir de loup. Un loup peut ainsi être "Loup Sorcier - Téléporteur" : Sorcier est son pouvoir, et Téléporteur est son rôle secondaire.


Métiers de villageois

Les villageois (hors Chasseur et Alchimiste) peuvent recevoir un métier. Un villageois peut ainsi être "Villageois Paysan - Pisteur" : Paysan est son métier, et Pisteur est son rôle secondaire. Notez que, contrairement aux rôles secondaires et aux pouvoirs de loups, plusieurs villageois peuvent avoir le même métier. De plus, certains métiers sont plus communs que d'autres.


Nouveaux effets de potions


Nouveaux objets



  • Les endroits sabotables indiquent leur nom quand vous les regardez. Si vous êtes Loup ou Traître vous verrez aussi un compteur, par exemple "1/3", qui indique la progression du sabotage.

  • Seuls les Loups et les Traîtres peuvent saboter. On peut saboter de jour comme de nuit, mais seulement en forme humaine.

  • Chaque sabotage est relié à plusieurs endroits du jeu, par exemple le sabotage "Puits empoisonnés" est lié aux puits de chaque village.

  • Si suffisamment d'endroits ont été sabotés, le sabotage lié se déclenche en début de nuit, et tout le monde est averti.

  • Les endroits sabotés restent sabotés d'un jour sur l'autre, sauf si leur sabotage lié s'est déclenché pendant la nuit.

  • Vous pouvez par exemple saboter 2 puits pendant la première journée, puis le troisième puits pendant la deuxième journée, pour déclencher le sabotage à la deuxième nuit.

Sabotages map 1

Sabotages map 2


--- The mod is compatible with version 0.15.3 of the game ---


  • All roles are explained by holding the Crouch key - no need to remember them!
  • Almost everything can be configured: you can add the feature one by one or remove those you don't like
  • 16 new secondary roles that can be assigned in addition to the main role: you can be a "Villager - Howler", able to raise your voice range once per day, or a "Wolf - Alcoholic", able to drink potions in Wolf form to heal yourself...
  • 7 "Solo" roles that side neither with the villagers nor the wolves - they have a specific win condition
  • A Traitor rôle: human, but siding with the Wolves
  • 10 Wolf powers that Wolves can get in addition to the secondary role
  • 9 Villager jobs that give them an additional advantage
  • 9 new potion effects: Midas, Assassin, Stinking, Tiny, Vampire, Haunted, Deaf, Nearsight, Mute
  • 2 new items: Scroll and Diamond
  • Players cap increased to 15, and option to have 3 Wolves and increase the looting objective to 3000
  • New Sabotage mechanic that allows the Wolves to gain the upper hand in a different wave, but make sure you don't get caught!
  • A night fog option to limit sight during the night
  • A trap option to make them disarmable and require a small time to set up
  • An option for anonymous votes
  • An option to choose which potion effects can be chosen and which gadgets can appear
  • An option to drop your current item (does not work with bullets for balancing reasons)
  • An option for alternate gamemode (codename "Amogus")
  • Various other improvements: players now crouch when passing their vote, wolf form voice is changed randomly, you can pick your color...
  • Bugs may still exist but the mod has been tested a lot

Secondary roles (given in addition to the main role)

  • Most active powers for secondary roles have a cooldown

Howler: He can increase the range of his voice and slow down nearby people while he's talking. If he's in Wolf form, he will instead stun ALL villagers and slow them down.

Alcoholic: Negative and neutral potion effects are replaced with random positive ones. He can use his power to change a gadget (such as traps) into a potion. In addition, an Alcoholic Wolf can take and drink potions while in Wolf form to heal himself!

Detective: He can Inspect someone to know whether they've killed since the latest night (or, if he's a Wolf, to know their roles). In addition, he knows who the Hunter is.

Sprinter: He can activate Sprint at will to become faster, but this rapidly drains his hunger bar. In addition, a Sprinter Wolf can, in wolf form, Chase to get really fast for a short moment.

Infected: If he's a Villager and is killed by a Wolf, he forces that Wolf to untransform after a while (the Wolf is notified of this). If he's a Wolf, in wolf form, he can Infect nearby villagers to make them fart and find them more easily!

Teleporter: He can set up an invisible beacon, then at any time he can teleport to it after a 3 seconds delay.

Engineer: He can create a random gadget. In addition, traps have less duration on him and he disarms them faster, he breaks locks faster, and smoke bombs have a lower radius for him.

Stealther: In human form, he can become Stealthed to be invisible and have silent footsteps, but he can't run in this state. In Wolf form he instead becomes undetectable (no scary effect).

Politician: During daytime, he can cause a player to be stunned during the next meeting, unable to talk or vote. In addition, if he's a Villager and would be voted out then someone else dies instead!

Metabolic: If he's a Villager, any food he loots will heal him for more health. If he's a Wolf, he can secretly mark someone during the day to make them starve during the next night!

Illusionist: If he's a Villager, he can blind all transformed Wolves for a short time. If he's a Wolf, he can shuffle the appearence of all players!

Sherif: Using a bullet, he can attempt to kill someone... but if their target is on the Villager side, then the Sherif dies instead! In addition, a Sherif Wolf is slightly resistant to bullets and can still run for a few seconds after being hit by one.

Trickster: He can switch his position with a random player's. In addition, if he dies, there's a chance that another random player also dies.

Medium: He's warned everytime a player dies, and he knows the specific Wolf roles. If he's a Wolf, he also knows everyone's secondary role.

Astral: His action range (opening doors, looting items) is increased, including his kill and sabotage range if he's a Wolf. He can also project his mind to analyze the situation from up, like a Giant potion's effect, but this consumes some health.

Ranger: He can see the footsteps left by Wolves. He can also spend a little time to look for the nearby footsteps of other players.

Scavenger: In human form, he can scavenge a player's corpse to heal a little and find an item. In wolf form, he can devour a player's corpse to heal.

Solo roles

Village Idiot: He wins if he get's voted out during a meeting. He gets hungry slower but staying inactive makes him very hungry.

Cannibal: He can eat corpses (even Wolf corpses) and he wins if he eats enough of them. They give him the Satiated effect, and he cannot eat while Satiated.

Agent: If this solo role is picked, there will be two agents. They can identify each other and also identify Wolves. Each Agent can eliminate the other. He wins by being amongst the last 2 or 3 survivors at the start or end of a meeting, provided the other Agent is dead.

Spy: He gets targets to spy on (red name in the player list) and wins if he manages to Spy enough times.

Scientist: He wins by attaining 100% Research. His Research increases by being close to a transformed Wolf, or by witnessing a Wolf kill or transformation. More effective if he's close and if the Wolf is visible and not starving.

Lovers: Actually a duo role. They win by surviving and killing most other players. One Lover is always a Villager and the other a Wolf. The Villager cannot heal naturally and only the Wolf's kills can heal him, but they can communicate directly and help each other through telepathy.

The Beast: Few things are known about the Beast. It is said that it can Mark other players and then go on a rampage...

Wolf powers

Necromancer: Once only, during a night, he can resurrect a targeted corpse. This player becomes a Wolf who transforms immediately, but he's mute and dies when the night ends.

Shapeshifter: He can freely choose a player and disguise himself as them. His human form is changed until the next meeting.

Deceiver: If he's present, illusions of transformations will be created through the night, confusing the villagers.

Tracker: In Wolf form, he's a little slower than other Wolves, but his vision hints him on nearby player proximity: the redder, the closer.

Enraged: In Wolf form, he's faster than other Wolves, but he gets hungry at a faster rate and his health keeps decreasing even when low. If it reaches zero, he untransforms.

Warlock: Once per day during daytime, he can curse someone to transform them into Wolf form during the night. However their actual role does not change and they cannot kill.

Possessor: He can freely choose a player and see through their eyes. The target is warned of this, and they cannot run while Possessed.

Saboteur: He can see items (gadgets and potions) more easily, and he can secretly sabotage them while they're on the ground or held by someone. A player attempting to use a sabotaged item will have a nasty surprise!

Bomber: During the day, he can give a ticking bomb to a player. It starts ticking shortly after the night starts, but can be given to another player before it explodes!

Seer: He knows which sides his target is on (villagers, wolves, solo). During meeting he can try to guess a villager's job: if he succeeds the villager dies when the meeting ends, but if he fails he loses the Seer power!

Villager jobs

Peasant: The first time he hears a Wolf killing someone at night while not holding any item, he gets a random defensive gadget.

Guard: If the Hunter dies, he can take the rifle from his corpse and become a Hunter.

Priest: After collecting enough loot, he can protect a target until the end of the day. The first time the target is attacked by a Wolf, they will be protected and the Wolf will be knocked down and stunned.

Exorcist: Once per day, he can mark a player in human form. If that player is a Wolf and transforms during this night, their vision will be impaired and they will get hungry faster.

Forensics: Once per day, he can scan a corpse to learn the main role (villager, wolf, cannibal...) they had.

Avenger: If he starts a day with enough players already dead, he can kill a single player in human form.

Barkeep: On the second day, he learns that one of the surviving players is not a Wolf (but they could be a traitor or solo role). If that player dies, he will gain the info on another player on the next day.

Survivalist: The first time a Wolf attacks him, he doesn't die immediately but is temporarily Saveable. Nearby non-transformed players are alerted with a sound and a flash, and he has an icon above him. If he isn't saved in time or if the night ends, he dies.


  • Places that can be sabotaged show their name when you look at them. Si you're a Wolf or Traitor you also see a counter, such as "1/3"

  • Only Wolves and Traitors can sabotage. They can sabotage during the day or night, but only in human form.

  • Each sabotage is linked to several places in the game, for example the "Poisoned wells" sabotage is linked to the well of each village.

  • If enough places have been sabotaged, the linked sabotage is triggered when the night starts, and everyone is warned of it.

  • Sabotaged places stay sabotaged between each day, unless their sabotage has been triggered during the night.

  • For example you can sabotage 2 wells during the first day, then the third during the second day, and the sabotage will be triggered during the following night.

List of sabotages and their places and effects:

Map 1 (villages)

  • Poisoned wells: the well in each of the 3 villages. Slowly reduces health and slightly slows down all players.
  • Eternal night: the wood pile near the church, the 4 pillars at the ruins, and the cauldron near the fishermens' village. Increases night length and reduces Wolf hunger.
  • Portals: the 4 portals in the map (only need to sabotage 3 of them). Greatly reduces Portal cooldown and only allows transformed Wolves to use them.

Map 2 (castle)

  • Poisoned wells: the two wells in town, the well behind the castle, and the fountain in front of the castle. Slowly reduces health and slightly slows down all players.
  • Cursed night: the book in the town church, the notice board next to the spawn, and the book in the room at the top of the castle. Increases fog and casts negative effects on random non-transformed players.

New potion effects

  • Midas (positive): multiplies loot value by 4.

  • Assassin (positive): under this effect you can kill a player in human form or a wounded Wolf, or paralyze a non-wounded Wolf. The effect is then lost.

  • Stinking (positive): nearby players are slowed, and being eaten by a Wolf will poison him.

  • Tiny (neutral): you become tiny. Useful to escape a Wolf, but there's a certain logical risk involved...

  • Vampire (neutral): you gradually steal the health of all players in a large radius.

  • Haunted (neutral): random and unexpected effects!

  • Deaf (negative): you no longer hear anything, not even the presence of Wolves...

  • Nearsight (negative): your vision is heavily reduced by fog.

  • Mute (negative): other players cannot hear you.

New items

  • Scroll: it is linked to a random negative effect. Aim at a player and use it (with the usual key) to inflict them with that effect!
  • Diamond: using it transfers you to a parallel dimension for 3 seconds. You're faster, nobody can see or hear you and you can't see or hear anyone. Wolves can use it while transformed!