SoftSleeper-Grunt_Mode_Overhaul icon

Grunt Mode Overhaul

Updated original Grunt Mode


Full changelog can be seen in docs folder

Recent Changes


  • Add changelog and special thanks info to thunderstore page, update readme to make them more readable

  • Add GruntMode_ClientScriptFix mod in extra folder, which currently fixes localization and model text for PeaceKraber


  • Fix crash happen during npc executions


  • Balance lethality of 3 types of drones( plasma, rocket and beam ) to be consist

  • Increase reaper health from 4600 to 5300 and makes it harder for npc human units to knock them down


  • Decrease default modaitdm_reaper_spawn_score value from 720 to 600


  • Fix crash happen when npc interacts with player abilities


  • Optimize idle npc clean up logic to reduce server lag... hopefully! You could try max_players 12 on servers now

  • Decrease recommended scorelimit value from 1200 to 1000 due to improved npc cleaning


  • Deployables that won't deal any damage( such as jump pads, ziplines and portals ) no longer gets destroyed on owner death, while drones, ticks, turrets and arc traps still do. Jump pads no longer have infinite lifetime


  • Trying to make player weapons more reliable! I may had messed up some class's gameplay as I keep pushing balance changes...


  • Add new class:

    • Fortress -- High Power SMR and one Hard Cover usage
  • Balance npc turret weapon, add hitscan sentry turret variant


  • Fix crash caused by player abilities, should be more stable


  • Make abilities able to interactions with npcs( jump pads and gravity lifts )


  • Add new class:

    • Gravity Master -- PeaceKraber and Thunderbolt, one Gravity Lift usage
  • Resolve issues with player summoned entities


  • Rework specialist grunt and beast king class ability


  • Adjust npc brute titan and reaper damage, making it less frustrating against them

  • Give score to players who damaged the victim recently if a npc steals the kill


  • Add more cases to break respawn protection. Including aiming with weapon, charging up weapon, cooking grenades or preparing abilities

  • Fix desync issues when playing as mechanical grunts, should be a stable release?


  • Increase default modaitdm_reaper_spawn_score value from 600 to 720


  • Disable smoke and fire effects on vanguard chassis titan and gunship by default, to reduce server load and prevent crash. You can turn them on again with playlistvar bt_titan_server_effects 1 or gunship_server_effects 1. If server can't be optimized well with effects, there's also a mod called GruntMode_ClientModelEffects in extra folder, which allows your own client to have their smoke&fire effects and mostly won't conflict with other mods


  • Fix npc pilots not behaving well


  • Add new class:

    • Stalker -- TWIN-B Shotgun and Charge Rifle, two Holopilot Decoy usage
    • Beast King -- No guns, uses sword as melee weapon, with more powerful grenades and a prowler friend( respawn per 10s ). Able to double jump
    • Ninja -- No primary weapon, use a smoke launcher to block enemy sight, with throwing knife and mgl to combo-hit titans. Able to wallrun/wallhang
  • Add respawn protection, makes you invincible while inside respawn droppod. Leaving droppod or firing weapon will make you vulnerable again, also destroyes the droppod to allow you leave early if you accidentally get stuck( sorry I can't fix that case on every map... )