Quick Note

Updated 3 weeks ago

This mod is currently only for my single-player entertainment, may contain many useless stuffs, unbalanced loadouts or unintentional bugs at multi-player... Feel free to use/modify this mod, hope it could help you in any means( or maybe not, this mod is lack of commentaries and code style isn't formatted at all... )

For those scripts from other's repo/mods, please ask for permission from their original owner before re-uploading!

If you are interested in some contents and do wants full feature on client-side, there's a GruntModeOverhaul_Client mod in extra folder, which fixes desync issues when using heavily modified weapons. Still, it is a whole mod pack so it's not compatible with most other client-side mods(includes other mods at same folder) and makes you unable to enter private match lobby... it's better to use their original mods, those are credited at special thanks page