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Faeryn-RestAndLearn-0.1.0 icon


Allows the player to use the 'Learn' action during rest to have a chance to automatically learn recipes based on the items in their inventory. WARNING: Experimental mod, see readme

By Faeryn
Date uploaded a year ago
Version 0.1.0
Download link
Downloads 2069
Dependency string Faeryn-RestAndLearn-0.1.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_Outward-5.4.18 icon

BepInEx pack for Outward.

Preferred version: 5.4.18



Allows the player to use the 'Learn' action during rest to have a chance to automatically learn recipes based on the items in their inventory. The chance is higher if:

  • You have more ingredients of the recipe
  • You have the end product of the recipe

The chances are "rolled" on every rest hour, so for example if you use the Learn action for 5 hours, you have 5 times the chance to learn a recipe. Each hour can yield you at most one recipe.


The per-recipe discovery chances are calculated using the following logistic function:

1/(1+e^(-1(k*x-3))) * 0.3

where x is owned ingredients / ingr. count and k is the max possible ingredient count.
Note: The end result item "counts" as 2 ingredients.
The 0.3 multiplier caps the discovery chance at 30% (when all the ingredients and end result is present).

Warning: Experimental mod

This mod is experimental and might:

  • Not work
  • Teach you more recipes than intended - the exact chances are still being tweaked
  • Teach you recipes that are not supposed to be learned by the player (if any)
  • Teach you useless recipes (like salvaging weapons into metal)
  • Not work for the co-op partner, only the host
  • Break in unexpected ways, even soft lock your game on rest

Unlike my fully released mods, this mod comes with no support. Please do not report any bugs, as they are possibly numerous, and I'm most likely aware of them. If the mod does not work for you, just uninstall it and wait for a more stable version.



  • Initial release