Tchernobill-CalderaSamples icon


All 4 samples rotations are active at all time

Last updated a week ago
Total downloads 120
Total rating 1 
Categories Balancing Mechanics Quests
Dependency string Tchernobill-CalderaSamples-1.0.0
Dependants 1 other package depends on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_Outward-5.4.8 icon

BepInEx pack for Outward.

Preferred version: 5.4.8



All 4 samples rotations are active at all time.
So there is no rotation anymore.
It also means there is 4 more samples available at all time.
As a consequence, the rotation "bug" or "subjective UX flaw" that makes rotation being stuck forever will not occure.

Vanilla Quest Spoiler Warning As a consequence, all four Ancient Dwellers will be available instantly when freed, unlocking for everyone the Hidden quest described by Sheenshot in the linked video.


Description of the 4 rotations by Sheenshot (includes spoilers) on youtube.